Permanent Dolphin License - $99

Andrew Boon posted 11th of January 2011 in Boonex News. 21 comments.

December special was an overwhelming success. It looks like $99 is a sweet spot for many people and we were able to maintain a healthy sales volume. Once we got back to $299 requests to sell at "special" price started to come in hoards and made us rethink our pricing.


And so it stands, we set the Dolphin Permanent License to $99 again. We'll be watching performance, and if it proves to support our operations, so be it. The ultimate goal is to get Dolphin into hands of more people, attract attention and thus fuel further improvements.


I am happy to add that we are close to completing Dolphin 7.0.5 and plan to share some info soon 7.1 later this week.

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I think this sounds like a really good strategy - you want market share in addition to profit.
EXCELLENT NEWS!! I was really bummed that I couldn't swing another permanent license over the holidays. I believe you will have greater success with this price. Good luck!
Agreed. More people means more exposure and ultimately more apps and mods for members.

I have always felt your pricing was an anchor tied to the tail of the dolphin : ) I think you will find you have made a wise decision.
May be $99 is a right price for current D7
and i would be happy to buy a Premium Dolphin for $499 with API(for social integrations, member based multiplayer gamings) and more social networking core features :)
Maybe you should consider a similar strategy for mobile app rebranding licenses.
Andrew Boon
We believe that those should instead become a more pricey item, since they require submission to Itunes/Android Market and rebranding procedure expenses anyway. We should somehow limit the volume or their sales to avoid flooding those stores and as a result - disapprovals. Mobile Licenses are planned to be offered within Prime package only.
Mobile apps should be provided for FREE...
Maybe you can get (Min fixed cost say $25)donations form unity members for the development and offer Free mobile apps for the donors and paid for other members.
this can be implied to all products.

Also you can distribute Free dolphin as adware
and remove the adware component after earning some base income from that client...
I agree to that... not sure about others...
I agree with houstonlively and tomakali. The mobile app is far from a complete package and will require a lot of modification for most legitimate Dolphin sites. I've been in contact with several developers regarding adding "core" Dolphin 7 features to the mobile app and it is very expensive. I think that the permanent license should include access to the iPhone app, but I'd be willing to pay $99 for it.

I'm hoping that Andrew's response is foreshadowing an upcoming update to the see more iPhone app. Otherwise, the "it should be a more pricey item since they require submission" response is absolutely irrelevant to a typical user that needs to rebrand the app. If you look at the current pricing of the app, here's what it costs for us (a typical end-user) to submit a rebranded version of the app:

License from Dolphin for the Mobile app: $299
iTunes member fee to submit app to the app store: $99

Base cost: $398

So, just to get access to the app and submit it to iTunes, we have to pay around $400. This doesn't include the time or money that it would take to rebrand the app, create a proper login screen, and add core functionality (simple messenger, groups) that our end-users expect.
Do you know when the Android App will be available?
Andrew Boon
Android app turned to be a lot more "complicated" to develop, mostly due to fragmentation of devices market. Still, we only have a couple of minor issues left to be addressed. Can't commit to an exact date, though.
Two things are very important:

1) something that makes upgrades easy and speedy... on a production site, dolphin will stopping to work (almost in part) ...

2) a set of API to share with other websites

without these listed above, other platforms may take advantage behind dolphin one.

Andrew Boon
1) Upgrades are easy and speedy, as long as the site is not modified. If it is modified, there's no way to avoid any problems, no matter how system is designed. We are gradually improving separation of components (modules, templates, DB) and that's as much as one can possibly do in web script.

2) What exactly do you mean by API? What kind of functionality?
a simple html5 mobilesite with maximum features is more than enough than complicated apps.
easy to develop,maintain
but apps will be an extra stress over existing site maintenance...

copy/paste facebook socialplugin features...
more than what anyone may need for now...
see moretomakali: yes those are my ideas... api like facebook

andrew: with cms like joomla we can upgrade and install modules without loosing functionality and a lot of problems.
why is not possible to install module without modify scripts like many cms around the web? this is very important thing!

a question to you: will 7.0.5, 7.0.x be complicated updates for a 7.0.4 upgrade?

the same question is for future dolphin 8... we expect that upgrade from 7.x to 8.x will be easy and almost possible!
What good will the new release do me if I cannot remove the Boonex Branding from my page after purchasing an unlimited License?

I think the decision to reduce pricing to $99 is a good one, however as a new customer to Boonex & Dolphin it seems that getting in touch with staff and dealing with issues - even getting a quote for certain things is a nightmare and puts off a lot of customers. One key thing for a customer is customer service and technical support, and these being top notch in comparison to other companies that offer a similar service.

Having an open ticket, with no reply from any1 in 15+ days see more when you were PROMISED before making the sale that customer service and support had significantly improved is a disgrace. Any future customers reading through your website and seeing many complain about this area and the lack of contact and support can only hinder sign ups to the software.

In my opinion it seems the impression I get as a customer is, you might pay less for the software than other companies such as SocialEngine but you also get poor service to match the low price - seems its the age old argument, you get what you pay for!
This is really excellent giving the economy. I would love to but dang the people are not buying from us so I can't now.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.