Pacto de egoísmo

pedrox posted 28th of February 2010 in Community Voice. 13 comments.

Há tempos, quando me iniciei no Dolphin, comentei num fórum (em resposta a alguém que se dizia desesperado pela tradução do Dolphin) que ele não encontrava a tradução porque os usuários do Dolphin fazem "um pacto de egoísmo" que é "Jamais partilhar em circunstância alguma, ajuda nem a tradução em português". Na verdade tratava-se apenas de uma provocação, só que cada vez mais me convenço que eu estava certo. Se não vejamos:

Apesar de uma boa parte dos usuários do fórum falarem português, aparentemente, fazer perguntas em português no fórum não é bem vindo e ninguém responde.

A qualidade da ajuda (mesmo em inglês) é péssima, porque, aparentemente, quem (já) percebe do assunto não está interessado em ajudar principiantes, e, aparentemente, jamais em português.

Quem traduz não partilha nem vende as traduções para português no site. As unicas traduções que se encontram á venda são de português (br) e de qualidade duvidosa, e o pagamento é feito unicamente por PagSeguro da Uol, que só é aceite no Brasil.

Chega a ser assustador, há tempos vi um site em Dolphin chamado "Amigos Cristãos", traduzido para português (br), e pensei, "vou pedir-lhes que me vendam ou troquem a tradução por uma template que me custou 50 dólares, afinal, eles são "amigos cristãos", e não vão ter coragem de me ignorar. Ledo engano, meu caros, como eu sou ingênuo ás vezes! Também não me responderam.

Em resumo: Eu já participei em muito fóruns em inglês, apesar de ter que usar o tradutor do Google, sempre consigo desenrascar-me o suficiente para perceber o básico, só que aqui não. Aqui eu continuo com a estranha sensação de que as pessoas que por aqui populam fizeram algum tipo de pacto secreto de egoísmo e não estão nada interessadas em partilhar seja o que for. Se calhar, sou eu que não estou conseguindo ultrapassar uma barreira qualquer. Mas seja como for, esta comunidade não é como as outras, e de uma coisa eu estou certo, a generosidade, definitivamente, não mora aqui...

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There are times when I started the Dolphin, commented in a forum in response to someone who said she was desperate for the translation of the Dolphin was not the translation because users of Dolphin make "a pact of selfishness" which is "never in fact share any, help or a translation into Portuguese. In fact it was only a provocation, just that more and more I am convinced that I was right. If not see:

Although a good part of the forum users speak Portuguese, see more apparently, to ask questions in Portuguese on the forum is not welcome and no one answered.

The quality of aid (even in English) is bad, because, apparently, who (now) realizes the issue is not interested in helping beginners, and apparently never in Portuguese.

Who translates not share or sell your translations into Portuguese on the website. The only translations that are for sale are the Portuguese (br) and of dubious quality, and payment is made only via PayPal's RSS, which is only accepted in Brazil.

Is frightening, there are times I saw a Dolphin site called "Christian Friends", translated into Portuguese (br), and thought, "I ask them to exchange or sell me the translation of a template that cost me $ 50, after they are "Christian friends", and will not have the courage to ignore me. Ledo mistake, my dear, as I am naive sometimes! also not replied.

In short: I've participated in many forums in English, despite having to use the Google translator, I always fend me enough to understand the basics, not only here. Here I continue with the strange feeling that people here did populate some kind of secret pact of selfishness and are not interested in sharing anything whatever. Maybe it's me that I am not able to overcome any barrier. But anyway, this community is not like the others, and one thing I am certain, generosity definitely does not live here
I have translated some pieces of this text, But I have to tell you that this is a international site, where the we all use the english language.
You say that here are many Portugese people, but I don't think so.

So please If you have problems use the language we all speak and can read.

Thanks and regards.
Hi pedrox... Well you cant blame people if their first language is English, and really its the same for everybody wanting support, Most of us are in the dark to what to do anyway, so people cant give support when they dont know the solution to the problem, Where D7 is concerned most of us are in the same boat, but there certainly isnt a secret pact of selfishness here, Its more the blind leading the blind if anything....
Desculpem-me discordar, mas eu conheço muitas outras comunidades, como por exemplo a PHPBB, e nunca tinha tido este problema antes. Porque nessas comunidades há sempre muita gente disposta a ajudar e a partilhar o que aprenderam. Inclusive, há sempre traduções disponíveis. Eu não posso concordar com essa política que incentiva á venda das traduções, porque esse tipo de procedimento acaba por prejudicar tudo o resto. Se eu traduzisse o Dolphin, e talvez venha a faze-lo, embora não saiba see more falar inglês, não hesitarei em partilha-lo aqui.

Incentivar a venda das traduções incentiva também todo o tipo de desonestidades porque nos coloca nas mãos de pessoas sem escrúpulos. E algumas dessas pessoas estão vendendo a tradução do Dolphin 0.6 como se fosse a 0.7. E em alguns casos usam o tradutor Google para fazer as traduções... Se ao menos as traduções fossem vendidas aqui no site, por usuários identificados, talvez, houvesse mais honestidade...

Translated....... (Google)

Sorry to disagree, but I know many other communities, such as PHPBB, and never had this problem before. Because these communities there are always many people willing to help and share what they learned. In fact, there are always translations available. I can not agree with this policy which encourages the sale of translations, because this type of procedure tends to weaken all the rest. If I translate the Dolphin, and perhaps will do it, although not speak much English, do not hesitate to share it here.

Encourage the sale of translations also encourages all kinds of dishonesty because it places us in the hands of unscrupulous people. And some of these people are selling the translation of Dolphin 0.6 as if it was 0.7. And in some cases use the Google translator to do the translations ... If only translations are sold on the site, identified by users, perhaps there was more honesty
Não faz sentido vender a tradução de um produto gratuito.
Nem faz sentido traduzir algo que muitas outras pessoas já traduziram. Traduzir e não partilhar (e na maioria dos casos, nem vender) é um ato de puro egoísmo

It makes sense to sell the translation of a free product.
Neither makes sense to translate something that many others have translated.
Translate and not share (and in most cases, not sell) is an act of pure selfishness.
if you feel the translation should be free, then by all means provide the translation in your native language. but to slam somebody who has spent the time to do the translation you are out of line on that one. if i were to frequent a brazilian website do you think i would be in order if they had not translated it for me, or if the users who spoke primarily Portuguese didnt answer my call for support, would this be the same instance?

there is a method that i have used to satisfy the language see more barrier on dolphin really simple and it doesnt cost anything. google has an API for translation. you can create a block on your page, implement the google language API and you can realize 42+ languages on your site. no real need to translate dolphin.

the problem with translation is that if the person is not fluent in both languages, then the translation will be literal at best and the sentence structure will not make sense, because it will only use the translated word verbatim. the better translation would be for an individual who knows the language and knows the sentence structure to do the translation.

now i have never translated a language for an application, however, this would appear to be daunting and time consuming, and it is your position that this should be provided to you for free.

sir on the contrary, you should be on the forum and the blog with the statement that where you found the dolphin application most appealing, it was lacking the translation of the Portuguese language and you are here as a community member to provide that translation.

Nathan Paton
Pedrox, I am very sorry for the trouble you've been through when using this script. Unfortunately, we are not the ones to blame, as we are in the same, difficult situation as yourself. BoonEx is the one who has decided to ignore the calls for documentation, along with deciding that support should be done by the other users, reserving only three people to provide actual support for over a thousand people. Hell, they've even decided that as much as a feature list is too much for them to bother with, see more and are most likely expecting a fed-up Unity member to do it for them some time in the near future.

I personally try to provide as much support as I can, but I am in no way all-knowledgeable. Many of us are the same, some, like myself, even dedicating entire days to just providing support, creating testing environments and sometimes even breaking our own communities for the sake of the user in need of support. Unfortunately, if we do not know the solution to an issue, the most we can do is reply with a "sorry, don't know what to do here."

There are some unfavorable people here, but those people are not to blame. Quite a few of us know that the long-running joke that is support is stressful, and I honestly don't see it getting better anytime soon. If you've read some of my more recent blog posts and comments, you'll notice where I stand on this mess.

Apologies, but I only speak English, as it is my native language. I'll be sure to start learning Portuguese when the chance arises, though.
Nathan Paton
DosDawg, I must agree, that if a language translation isn't available for someone, they should give it a try and do it by their self. It's actually quite easy to do, and my translation of Dolphin into Klingon is proof of this.

I might even consider releasing it for free...
Thanks for commenting on my post. :-)

I'll test the Google translator. It seems a good option :-)
The biggest issue for a perosn who speaks Portugese but is not fluent in English with providing a translation is it's still not going to be a good translation. Simply put, English has so many different meanings for the same word:

Cup: Something you drink out of; A device used to support the testacles of male sports players; the little item that goes in the hole on the green of a golf course; wrapping your hand around a woman's breast (cup the breast with your left hand is an example); Should see more I keep going? So which definition of "cup" are you looking for?

Beyond that, translating a base Dolphin install will take approxiately 13 hours. I know, I've done it and I've paid others to do it. In the end, it comes down to the fact that no 2 sites are the same and what works to translate one site will not necessarily translate another site properly. Modifications to sites create additional language keys that will probably not be in the translated files you receive. This means you have to go translate those ones also by hunting them down.

The best way: Hire someone who fluently speaks English and the language wish to translate it to and have them do the translation for you after your done with all other parts of your site. Until the site is ready to go excluding the translation, you shouldn't even worry about it.
Caro amigo pedrox. Certamente, se você observar o site verá que a maioria dos membros estão trabalhando para melhorar alguma coisa no site, e mais, se você quiser anunciar um produto tem que pagar, e caro, para boonex. Por este motivo se torna inviável disponibilizar gratuitamente a tradução no site ou em qualquer outro lugar. Além do mais é muito trabalhoso fazer a tradução. Se ainda estiver interessado, tenho a tradução da versão 7.0.6 em meu site: Aproveite see more e veja a qualidade da tradução. Se quiser trocar por algum template, e isto serve para todos, eu troco e também uso paypal. Visite o site e tenha mais informações. Obrigado.
Tenho que concordar com você em parte, mas pense, traduzir o dolphin não é tão simples quanto parece. se você traduzir por engano uma string, acaba com o projeto inteiro. Então acho que se trata mais de valorização do trabalho que de egoísmo em si
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.