Our prayers for those who are affected in Japan quake

tomakali posted 11th of March 2011 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

Keep yourself safe if you are in pacific zone

If you are in a Vehicle

  1. 1
    Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.[1]
  2. 2
    Stay seated where you are in your car, and wait until it is over.
    • Cars are made up of metal, and that metal cover will protect you and your family from most debris and falling objects.
    • The only exception to this is when you are in a garage or multilevel parking lot. When you are in a garage, get out of the car immediately, and crouch down next to it. The metal will not protect you from the concrete that will fall on it. If you are in a multilevel larking garage, survival mainly comes down to luck. They best way to maximize your chances of survival would be to do what you do in a garage - crouch next to the car.
    • Do not try to rush back to your home. Most major earthquakes have aftershocks, which should not be underestimated.
      • Aftershocks have the power to bring down buildings that were damaged in the main quake.
      • Aftershocks can range from being not felt to the power of the earthquake itself. These secondary waves can last for about 10 seconds, and are life-threatening. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing when they come, so there is no choice.
  3. 3
    Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.[1]
  4. 4
    Wait for relief efforts to come in. You shouldn't wait in your car very long for relief efforts to come in with food, water, and supplies.

If you are in a Building

  1. 1
    Steady yourself. Hold onto a solid object or get to the floor so that you do not fall.
  2. 2
    Drop, cover, and hold. This is the national standard for earthquake safety in the United States.[2] The alternate advice is to get next to a sturdy piece of furniture so that if a wall falls, it will create a crawl space in which you can survive. This "triangle of life" method, however, is inconsistent with earthquake research and not recommended by the American Red Cross, Structural Engineers Association of Northern California Response, and Earthquake Country Alliance.[2]
  3. 3
    If you are in a building that collapses while you are in it, you have to first make sure you and the people around you are alright. A common way to do this is to call their name and get in contact with them. Then find out which people in your group have injuries, and how extensive they are. If it is something you can treat inside the building, like a scratch, it can wait. If you can, call your local police department or 911 to tell them where you are. Also smell for gas, be it natural or the kind you put in your car. If you smell gas, try to find the location of the leak using your hearing and sight. Talk to the people in your group to see which one is closest to the leak, and have them tell you how bad it is. Do the same with any fires or if you see or smell smoke. If you can see light, try to go towards it. If there is any rubble standing vertically in some way that you think you'll need to move to get to the outside, test it first, to see if it's load-bearing. First, knock your knuckles against the object. If it doesn't move, push or gently nudge. If it doesn't move, It is probably load-bearing, and thereofor you shouldn't mess with it. If it DOES move, however, it is safe to proceed. When youget out of the building, help everyone else out as fast as possible, without injuring anybody any further. Count each person to see if everyone you were with inside has escaped with you. If not, don't go back into the building to get them. An aftershock may occur at anytime and trap you inside. It is better to wait for your local law enforcement or EMS to come and take care of the person still in the building. Once outside, go to a safe place away from tall buildings, trees, power lines, telephone poles, and semi truck trailers. In an aftershock a trailer such as one on the back of a semi truck could easily be tipped over onto anybody next to it. It is better to find a place on the top of a hill or flat area. If sinkholes are common in your location, watch for any signs of a sinkhole opening up around you.
  4. 4
    Cover your head and neck. Use your hands and arms.
    • Your upper body should also be covered because that is what is holding your neck which is holding your head.
    • If you have a disease, make sure that you cover your head so that nothing - not even air, can get through until all debris and dust has been removed. Inhaled air that is dirty is not good for your lungs, especially if you have a disease.
  5. 5
    Do not move. If it is safe to do so, stay where you are for a minute or two, until you are sure the shaking has stopped.
    • Remember, aftershocks are possible, and likely for a big quake. Aftershocks can range from making minimal damage to knocking down entire cities. They will collapse weakened buildings, especially mobile homes.
  6. 6
    Slowly get out of the house. See what is left, and meet your family outside. Like in fires, it is suggested that you meet in a specific place where your family examined that it would not be devastated by the earthquake in any direction. Government help should be on the way.
  7. 7
    Inspect your house for anything that is dangerous. Glass fragments, the smell of gas, or plugged electrical appliances are examples of hazards.
    • Do not turn electrical devices on or off. Simply switching a light switch could create a spark, which in turn could electrocute you and start a fire. These fires can be more deadly because they are near electrical cords.
  8. 8
    Check for any fires. You should check your house or the building your in for any fires. If you need water to put one out, get water from a water heater, but be careful, the water is hot.
    • Clean dangerous spills. Gasoline could be fatal if it explodes or touches something flammable. If you only have paper towels, use several layers of them because gasoline is poisonous and is very hard to wash off.
    • Stay away from damaged areas. Stay away until a police officer, a plumber, a firefighter, or relief system inspects it and cleans it up.
    • Do not drink any water from the sink since it may not be pure. The sewage will be damaged in major earthquakes, so do not flush the toilet. Instead, shut off the water system from the main valve (have a plumber do this job for you if you don't know where the main valve is). Make sure that you plug up drains from sinks and bathtubs to prevent any sewage backflow.
    • Inspect the chimneys for any damage before using your fireplace. Invisible damage in these places can lead to fire. Again, it is suggested that you should turn out your fire in the fireplace and any other thing that starts a fire.
    • Inspect utilities.
      • Check for gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear blowing or hissing noise, open a window and quickly leave the building. Turn off the gas at the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from a neighbor's home. Remember, if you turn off the gas for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional, so only turn off the gas if you believe that gas lines are damaged or gas is leaking.
      • Look for electrical system damage. If you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell hot insulation, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If you have to step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker, call an electrician first for advice.
      • Check for sewage and water lines damage. If you suspect sewage lines are damaged, avoid using the toilets and call a plumber. If water pipes are damaged, contact the water company and avoid using water from the tap. You can obtain safe water by melting ice cubes.
  9. 9
    Open your cabinets cautiously. The items may fall if you open them too quickly. Inspect the damage, especially the alcohol bottles, the acid bottles, and anything that is dangerous to the human body.

If you are Outdoors

  1. 1
    Stay there. Observe your surroundings, especially if you are in an urban area. Keep in mind that earthquake-proof buildings have a chance of falling too, so even if you are near them and not anywhere else, you are not safe near one. A sinkhole can appear in the ground due to the earthquake, so don't walk around too much.
  2. 2
    Move away from buildings, street lights, power lines, and anything else that could fall. Also make sure you are not near a fault. People have been claimed for falling into large ones.
  3. 3
    Seek shelter near a hill or somewhere where the debris is not going to rain down on you. If you can seek shelter in a place where you are protected from weather, that can be an option, but make sure that the rock and soil does not land on you when the shock occurs. Do NOT seek shelter under a bridge, even a sturdy one. No bridge design is earthquake-proof.
  4. 4
    Resist. Stay in your shelter, and do not move. The shock is there for hundreds of miles, so running around would be the worst thing to do while the earthquake is shocking.
  5. 5
    Observe the buildings, power lines, or anything that can fall on you if you were near it.
    • See how they would kill you if you stood near them? Also like in a blizzard, do not walk near power lines, fallen lamps, or building remnants.
    • Glass looks smooth and still, but when broken apart, a small piece can damage your foot. This is why you wear heavy shoes to protect your feet.
  6. 6
    Use caution, and come out of the shelter you have. It is likely that there are other people with you, if there are over two million people living in the vicinity. Things like a cell phone are handy for everyone, because if one person is injured, another can dial 911 for an ambulance.
  7. 7
    Wait a moment or two. It is best to do this, because aftershocks right after an earthquake is usually the strongest. You can also go out, but make sure that debris does not fall on you.
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Tradgedy, is never every planned on, prepared for, but the devastation that has engulfed Sendai, is even overwhelming to watch on TV. I seen where there was a report of an entire city being wiped away. A city of 71 thousand, there was no evidence of life during a military fly over.

Our hearts and prayers go out to all whom have been affected, those in Japan, and those who have family and friends in Japan.
These are some sad times, but they have just only begun. March 19th is a "Super Moon" and "Full Moon" and brings with it some very wild energy. Expect to hear and possibly see some sad devastation around the world.


Prayers go out to the country of Japan and to those affected that have left their country but still have families and friends see more there.

We on the West Coast have felt some effects on the tsunami From Hawaii to California up and down the coast range. But thank God is was only a small part of this disaster.
my prayers too..
I had a client named "Yasuhisa" from tokyo.

I hope he's well..
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