Orca css issues? This will help!

mrpowless posted 13th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

After a few minutes of playing with orca I noticed this puppy likes to hang on to say base/css/main.css...change this change that...nothing shows!! no need for a toot

just make your changes in base ...main.css file as admin.....click "en" and the saves will carry over.....wow how many of you have been hitting your head against the wall with this one?

hit me with a thumbs up if you found this the least bit entertaining. If one asks for a tutorial I will make it. and post it here.

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i dragged that dealio to the bookmarks, but not really knowing how to make it work out for me (xray). it is not downloadable from that site you directed me to, so i grabbed it from you, but this isnt working, mostly because i dont know how to make it work.

man, great job on the css gig, that has been a rough one for a ton of us. i am just out of the mood to give a go right now. but i am sure the weekend has plans for me and orca.

oh just go to site and drag the grey box to bookmark then click it...its pretty simple..clcik bookmark..popupopens click screen you need to know class
I would like to see a tutorial for the above mrpowless, cheers
Is this where you change the font default size?
I figured this one out the other night. I wish I would have read this first as it would have saved me a lot of time.
Thanks a million for this tip, you've rescued a wall from a certain demolishment lol :)
Extremely rude person…I recommend no one to work with this guy!
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