DosDawgs, Nomination to become a Moderator

DosDawg posted 26th of May 2009 in Community Voice. 93 comments.

Hey all, as you have seen over the past few days, there have been some really positive directionals achieved here on Boonex. For those of you who know me, you realize that I will answer a question, and provide assistance when i have the time.

Humbly asking for all members to consider this bid as a Moderator of this site, and wish to be able to provide all a fair and unbiased assessment when considering all that is discussed on this community.

Qualifications: Dolphin User for more than 4 years. Unity member as detailed in my profile.

Dolphin Hosting Provider as well as full technical support for Dolphin here and for my beloved dedicated clients.

System Administration Qualities

PHP/MySql Qualities

CSS/Javascript/HTML/XML/XSLT/ scripting language qualities

FTP/SSH/HTTP/HTTPS/SFTP/ Protocol Qualities

Mission Statement:

John Miller A.K.A. DosDawg (nickname from the days of DOS) will strive to uphold all rules of the forums/blogs and all other related entities directly related to the Boonex Unity Community. Provide fair, equal, unbiased moderation, with decision making being based on morals and ethics, utilizing logic and common sense in all posts and addresses to all who are partof this community. Expect to be held to a higher standard and will provide fair and equitable decisions in all moderation.

I believe in Dolphin, and I believe in Boonex the developers. I see a great bright future for this community as well as this script.

We all know the site is in need of moderation, and i would like to be the choice of those who will give me a vote. If you are opposed to this nomination, we would of course like to have your expression as well. Where i know i cannot please everybody all the time, it will be my objective to please most of the people most of the time. Providing moderation through honesty, integrity, and unselfishness, for the greater good of the community.

Look forward to hearing from each and everyone of you.




For each day I live, I strive to learn something new.

For on the day I fail to learn,

I have failed to live, I have merely existed

Existence is not living.

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Would love to have you as a moderator DosDawg!! Good luck :)
No problem DosDawg! Swingrotica gives our full support. ~ Tom
Thank you for volunteering your time and energy!
i would like to see you as a moderator,good luck
Got my vote Dawg, but if you ever try to hug me for voting for you, I'll take it back.
My vote for the right men on the right position
couldent think of a better guy to fit the shoes my friend
thank you wesways, much appreciated.
uh, we might have to back up and punt on this one. i think i need the thumbs up or the thumbs down on this. hopefully it wont matter that much.
i see mr minus stopped by to grace us with his presense.
[Edited out as per clause 6.3 of the new Constitution. Defamation without proof.]
i think you are mistaken sir. i didnt rob you of anything. i have a record of our communications. but thank you for your post. also i didnt mass mail anybody.
thank you for the clarification on what you are actually accusing me of. most of the people on this site including the owner are well aware of the mishap with a former member and service provider, and that is where your accusation stems from, where you were demanding i provide you something that you hadnt paid me for, and i didnt like the tone in which you approached me. the fact that i told you i was terminating your services with me, and ceasing communications was my option. you see more never paid me for anything, and i never lied to you about anything. so you my friend are the liar, and because i didnt give you something for free, you have chosen to come in here and post something negative. that is fine, so please submit the same pdf file you sent me the link to, as i am sure that speaks volumes of the truth in itself.

Got my vote! Let the Dawg out!
DosDawg, you will be the perfect moderator - I could not think of a better guy for the job. Thanks for all you do!
thank you for your support.
You have my vote and then some. Good Luck
I'm supporting you, and you have all my thanks for all the help you always have given me whenever I've needed it. That's a guy who always walks the extra mile!
thank you day for your support.
If this isn't mass mailing for votes, then I don't know what is.
I've dealt with quite a few jokers in this industry... DosDawg is NOT one of them. I cannot think of a better candidate to moderate here at Boonex. Dawg is extremely knowledgeable in Dolphin and more importantly, loves to impart that knowledge in the assistance of others. As far as the complaints from ColtsDigital and Scooterguy... you get out what you put in. Judging by the tone of their responses I would guess there is nobody who would be willing to help them. I cannot count the times Dawg see more has been there for me, working endless hours for a puny and 'fixed' amount of money. Boonex would be lucky to have such an upstanding leader in our community working on behalf of it's members. You have my vote Dawg.
for the most part barry was not wrong, just bad choice in words. we have rectified that situation, and are moving forward. thank you for your post.
Thats not always the case RokNStok! Please do not judge others so quickly or someday like minded people may be judging you in the very same way you have just judged me! Read the posts below.
it would be great to see you as a mod here m8. couldn't think of a better bloke to take this kind of job on.
thank you very much tazz
I have read this entire page, both the original post and the replies. I completely understand that people will have varying experiences with service providers and all I can do is state my own experience with John Miller.

From the outset of my lipjive project at , that is hosted at terabyte hosting, John has provided both reliable hosting and professional support for the project. I have always found him to be available to me on the phone, via email, and have even had him see more visit LipJive himself during the initial installations and configurations. When John did not have an answer, he openly stated that he did not have the answer but that he would find it for me.

I support John's nomination for this position at boonex. My experience with John has shown me that he is knowledgeable, capable and reliable. I have nothing to gain or lose by supporting his desire to work in this capacity. I believe his commitment to the product will reflect positively on the boonex product line as a whole and he will be an asset to the community at large.

Robert A. Cristello
thank you robert for your support and your post.
From the time I had an account with John it has been great. I am a Internet Marketer and have worked with many different hosting companies over the past 14 years. There is no doubt in my mind that he has offered the best customer service yet and I have called him at 3:30am and he has picked up. But what is more outstanding is his expert help and knowledge of not only Boonex but a wide variety of scripts.

John is truly knowledgeable about Boonex and has the personal service that a customer truly see more wants.
UPDATE! OK Guys and Gals, I want to report that since I posted my valid complaint in here John Miller did call me by phone to discuss the situation. We talked and he agreed to continue on to complete my website and then maybe add some more modules over and above our original agreement . Paid by me of course. I want nothing for free! I want to add that I feel that overall John is a nice guy with a great service. He did have some problems and neglected my website. However after talking with him at see more length tonight, I do trust and believe that John will make good and get my website operating as agreed on. I will post the outcome in detail and I feel that it will be positive! Thank you for allowing me to post in this wonderful forum.

Barry Cohen----- soon to be ready!
thank you barry, and yes i was guilty of leaving you to your own demise, that is my fault. i think the one thing we discussed that was posted is that i failed to provide something that was paid for, and we have both agreed, even though you were willing to pay for certain modifications, those were never done, and there was no monetary exchange. and you frustration with me was not from stealing from you, but from not giving you the attention you should have been afforded. my apologies, and yes we are see more going to move forward with all we discussed on the phone this evening.

You surely get my vote because you are a real helpful person and you gave me my first help here at the Unity on 22.06.2008 :-)
Coltsdigital, thank you for your kind words and consideration in all your support of my process of becoming a moderator of this great script. and for those who would like to read the actual history of this guy who says i stole something from him. he has kindly provided you all a link to the actual support tickets that he submitted and i responded to. note that he never says that he paid me for anything, and therefore i owe him nothing, nor have i stolen anything from him. he may well take this page see more down, and thats ok because i will save it for clarification.

I'm sorry coltsdigital, but what you are doing is wrong. I had RMS with the same company you did, but I would NEVER hold it against DosDawg for what the other company did.
The company closed and we all got cheated. That is that. To blame DosDawg for what CX did is just not right. He did what he could to keep people's RMS online and I (for one) appreciated his efforts.
I think it is sad that you will go to such lengths to destroy a good guys reputation over such a small amount of money that DosDawg see more did not receive to begin with.
As for mass mailing people to get support for his moderator bid - so what if he did? He said he didn't, but if he had, why would it matter to you? He's counting on people who can vouch for his character to support his bid.
You're just chewing on sour grapes. I understand that losing money on hosting sucks, but it happens. I had two hosts close on me last year. Consider yourself lucky if CX was the only one to cheat you. DosDawg didn't cheat you and I don't believe he would either.
100% with you on this and thanks for your help sorting the problems I had with CX.
You have my vote. Very helpful and knowledgeable man, Boonex could do with at least 4 of you Dos!
If this isn't mass mailing for votes, then I don't know what is.


Ok, so he asked ppl he has supported for help, whats wrong with that?? If you had technical issues and I helped you out with your site, won't it be fair to ask for your support when I need it?..DosDawg would like to be a Mod, is it wrong to notify those he has supported by sending an e-mail and see more notifying he needs their support now??...
Nothing at all wrong with a little campaigning. Besides, sending out emails shows that a person is confident that responses will be positive. But, some people would complain if you gave them a million dollars, and it was all ones.
You have my vote Dosdawg can't think of anybody more deserving.
You have our backing and we think that you would be an asset to the MOD team. As a helpful and skilled person with Dolphin and someone who cares about their customers.

Success with the application as we feel Boonex would be foolish not to accept you to the team
Most definately. Since I came to be a member of unity I thought Dos and Sammie both were already moderators, or more. No one has given more support and freely of their time. I defiantely think it would be a mistake for Dos not to be a moderator.
I dont belive anyone can do a better job then you John, Really hope you get the position.
/greetings from scandinavia &

DosDawg has proven through his actions to be Honest, Diplomatic, and Patient. He also possesses a great sense of humor and like the rest of us he has a lot riding on the future success of Boonex.

I am accepting the nomination to become a Unity Pundit today and as my first official act I wholeheartedly APPROVE of John Millers Nomination!
DosDawg you are fully qualified for this job, so my vote you have :)
John you are a perfect candidate for a moderator. The timeliness to your responses are great and you provide excellent hosting at with the knowledge and background to solve any problems that may come up. Good luck. joe
You have been a great help to me, fast, friendly and just as important are the results. By far an outstanding experience. You would be a great moderator, I try not to let the fact that your from South Carolina influence my opinion. Good luck John!
Seem level headed enough to me :)
perfect guy for the job
mrp, thank you and i am wondering why i dont see your name on the list for pundits. are you interested, as i know we are all interested in your contribution, also what is your interest in becomign a moderator?

DosDawg's the man! He has never let us down with our site setup and support. Honest, efficient and professional
You have my vote John.

Can't think of anyone more honest or deserving.

You have my sword.
Hell Yeah ! I fully support Dos Dawgs as Moderator You have my vote and my trust...thanks for being...
Definitely a good man to be a mod!
John is the Best Engineer/ Programmer for this Post. He has the highest set of standards and technical ability. Period End of Story!
He is the Best hands down !!!
DosDawg, You have my vote for sure.

There are very few people on here that i have so much confidence in for taking on this position, and DosDawg is most definately one of them.

We hark back to my first few days with this neat little piece of heaven they call Dolphin.
DosDawg is an unselfish source of knowledge and has helped me with any problems I've had.

I highly recommend his nomination to the post of moderator.

DosDawg is an unselfish source of knowledge and has helped me with any problems I've had.

I highly recommend his nomination to the post of moderator.

to all and everyone.

John and I started Terabyte hosting to address the problem of people not finding it easy to get full hosting for Dolphin that works, including RMS with the accounts.

Due to health i had to stop the 18-30 hour days, this left John a huge amount of work to take care of and it might be that that some work orders got lost in the pile. so for that i am sorry Scooterguy and ColtsDigital.

i gave John my share of the company and switched to a part time position and would only see more work 6 hour at most a day, and John would pay me a fixed monthly wage.
Due to health again, i have worked only 6 hours in 2 months, and John didnt have to pay me, but did, and kept his word and took care of me. for that i Thank you John.

John has worked hard and for free to rescue hacked sites from other recommended hosting providers, has a huge love for Dolphin and this community, and he is dedicated to giving everyone, and thats not just his customers, the best service and support for Dolphin that you can get.

Terabyte has proven popular because of the support and the personal care John gives everyone, and yes we are not perfect and have lost track of some jobs, and for that we are sorry.
John i love you and thank you for taking care of me, and i am sorry i have let you down and left you with the huge burden. i hope to be at work again next week.
your the perfect guy for this position. and i thank you all for your kind words about John and Terabyte.
I see nothing wrong with sending out an email in an attempt to rally possible supporters to vote for him.

That's just how elections work. You let others know what you stand for and show them your vision of the future. Then you leave it up to them to choose.

I choose John. You get my two thumbs up.
one vote from me.
Watchout folks! New Sheriff in town.
Got my vote. Does the hat come with the job then ;-)
Now that it's official, I think he needs a new name. How about 'DeputyDawg'?
To all who have shown the support, my gratitude to each and every one of you. I do offer this to you all, help keep me in check as well. If you feel i am being unfair, that is an open item for discussion. please moderate me as i assist in moderating this site that we have all come to love and enjoy.

I vote for.. we need the most experienced people on the field.. dosdawg will be a great moderator..
I think you are already a moderator if not Boonex is making a big mistake. DosDawg is the only person on unity who has helped me out many times. I would reccomend he be added to the list.
Dawg is da bomb..if anyone on here deserves being a moderator he sure does.
You Go Dawg! The most honest guy I have met around here. I appreciate you always shooting straight without any excuses. Good Luck, you have my vote!
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