No classifieds sub categories

lrmzx636 posted 14th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.
Hello, I dont have an option to select a sub category for my classifieds therefore nobody can post any! Help!
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So, you should have and Main categories and subcategories to successfully post Ads, recheck subcats in admin
I cannot do anything in the admin cp for classifieds. I added the subcats through the myphpadmin, however I cannot select a subcategory when trying to post to the classifieds
In your Dolphin DashBoard, click on Content and select Classifieds. This is were you manage or construct Cats and SubCats. To Add a Cat select Add and type the name and description. To add SubCats to a Cat you need to select the Cat in the Drop Down which will activate the SubCat controls which are all below the Cat Field.

Remember everytime you create a new SubCat "MAKE SURE" you are in the proper Cat. Just adding SubCats puts them in the default Cat.

Hopes this helps
I cannot do anything in my admin CP for dolphin relating to the classifieds. The page simply refreshes itself.

AndreyP has narrowed down the issue to this file

Error 500 on that file.
"In your Dolphin DashBoard, click on Content and select Classifieds. This is were you manage or construct Cats and SubCats. To Add a Cat select Add" ... The problem is that nothing happens at that point. I think it may be a permissions problem somewhere, but can't figure out where.
Oh, have now just seen Irmzx636's comment! Has that led anywhere?
Check file permissions on
/inc/js/classes/ = 777
/inc/js/ = 755
/inc/ = 755
Ive used this before but now when i isnatlled it i cant get Classifieds to work.. When i try to access the Classifieds page i only get a 404 error.. Whats up with that ?? Using Dolphin-v.6.1.6
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