Forums. By popular demand we have expanded Unity Forums - General section is now there for non-BoonEx talk, humor and social chat. Dolphin now has Tips and Tricks and Code Sharing forums. Thank you for those who suggested these.
Rules. Due to growing "tension" that we have among some members in Unity and some cases of "misconduct" we decided to start stricter enforcement of BoonEx Rules, as well as our own judgements based on common sense. This means that we will not tolerate personal attacks among members here anymore and will watch Market more closely. We'll discuss it with you along the way.
Niceties. Not to sound all too negative, I should add that Dolphin 7.0.1 is progressing very well and we expect to release it within March. it's almost 200 tickets closed now, so this version should really stabilise Dolphin. So, I encourage you to help us get Unity back to order with your short, structured reports to and then look at current state of things at Trac and raise your hand if you see alarmingly serious problems missed.
Let's get on with this.
Dolphin 7.0.1 is around the corner and I am excited to see it take hold.
Currently you are able to display the active status of a member but the membership type is not currently an option.
It would make it quite clear to upgraded members that the person they are trying to contact is also upgraded and that they are not wasting their time see more
and Andrew, why are we not having any polls in Unity?
* Tips and Tricks and Code Sharing forums *
There was a note earlier with a concern that code not be posted to such a forum without asking the original author.
Here's a categorical statement from myself that you are free to copy there whatever notes and code snippets I may be posting around This does not include things I link to, with the exception of screenshots, unless otherwise noted.
Perhaps others can post similar free-to-copy-me notes, so that those see more