New email addresses of BoonEx Agents and other ways to contact them

VictorT posted 4th of January 2010 in . 5 comments.

Every BoonEx Agent has been provided with the new personal email address

This will highly improve our communication facilities overall. Email addresses are posted on the Agents page

As the time goes by we expect expansion of the ways to get in contact with Agents like Skype, Live Help, etc. More info will be posted later on this.

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Thanks Victor for this information. I wrote a few emails, still waiting for an answer. I don't want to be negative about the forum, but when you post a question in it and it isn't viewed by someone immediately, it disappears to the bottom and is being forgotten. Really frustrating because that way you never get a solution for your problem.
Thanks for your notice, Anabel. We will try to resolve this within in the nearest future.
I would recommend showing what GMT timezone an agent is located in, and when they are (normally) online. This way, if I am located in GMT -500 and am sending a message from someone in a GMT 500 timezone who is normally on from 8 am - 5pm (their timezone), I know that I probably won't get a response until the next day.....

It would also allow people to better know when to be able to catch an agent online via Skype or LiveHelp. (Additionally, it might be good to add a GMT timezone feature to every see more account for the same reason, so that Agents know when WE will most likely be online.)
Your suggestion is quite reasonable. We will add this information to the main Agents page or suggest for every Agent to post his/her own time availability at their personal page. So, you know when you can talk and resolve your issues in the timely manner.
I have to say that I have now sent an email to two of your agents and I have not had one response and this has been a few days now. What is the point of having agents if they cannot be bothered to reply.

I'm trying to migrate my site over to D7 and having great difficulty it just hangs. I don't know what to do or how to solve this and I cannot get any answers from your agents. This is not very good service, makes me wonder if I should perhaps leave Dolphin all together.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.