New List of Pundits (proposed)

Andrew Boon posted 26th of May 2009 in . 84 comments.

Here goes with a preliminary list of new Pundits. To actually become a pundit, the following account holders need to submit an NDA and ID scan to BoonEx. The reason is that Pundits may have access to certain proprietary information/data.

So, if you see your username in the list and do want to accept the new account status, please send us the required docs, either via email to or through the online form.

The list:

Dwain - confirmed

gkcgautam - confirmed

Simion - confirmed



Juker - confimed

MichelSwiss - confirmed

DosDawg - confirmed




houstonlively - confirmed


Kosmic - confirmed


Tallyplayer - confirmed

Dolphin_Jay - confirmed




killerhaai - confirmed

clubbeyourself - confirmed

mastermindsro - confirmed

RumpyBumpy - confirmed

WESWAYS - confirmed

Tyke - confirmed


praveenkv1988 - confirmed



Diddy - confirmed

If you feel that somebody else (or yourself) should be added, please say so.

Once again I remind you that being a Pundit is more of a burden than a privilege, and this assumes doing more than others. So, I invite the new pundits with high hopes for the invitations to be accepted.

Please login to post a comment.
I have a couple of questions

1.) What exactly is a pundit? I've looked but I haven't found a definition.

2.) Are these folks going to have access to accounts and information of other members here at Unity?

Maybe it's just me but I'm concerned after reading this post. It looks to me like a number of folks might be finding themselves in a subordinate relationship with some of the same people who have attacked them recently. That would include myself.

I find this very troubling.

Maybe see more I'm missing something, or reading too much into this but I think it begs discussion.
Andrew Boon
Neither pundits nor moderators would have access to hidden account info.

Pundits have mostly responsibilities, and sometimes early access to unreleased code. Pundits are those who volunteer to to extra quality control work and help us with documentation. Pundits can submit tickets to Trac and can edit Wiki.

Moderators would be able to hide posts and suspend profiles (without any effect on licenses). Admin would review all hides and suspends.
Thanks for the clarification.
i would wish that you would wipe the slate of the past and we are all trudging forward for a better more positive community. good question though.
Andrew Boon
The list is being extended now. I'd expect about 40 people or so. Once we add proposed candidates we remove proposal comments (just to keep this thread clean).
same to me
i cant see across the US, he has mentioned Deutsch so i presumed that was germany, maybe he wrote dutch, shoot i dont know, but he is an attribute.

Andrew Boon
we're deleting proposal comments if the member is added, so your discussion gets torn ;)

That's "Killerhaai" from Netherlands, so he must've mentioned Dutch.
Sending in my NDA an photo ID in the next few minutes.

Thanks, Jason
we need some females on this list, see if you can have a hunt round, if even if they haven't posted a lot/look very active... it will provide more balance and improve the karma here at unity
there are some females on the list. sammie and kosmic, there just arent that many who would be interested in the task. if you know of any, please by all means put some names up here for consideration.

think it would be better if boonex done this, they might feel a bit weird if I put their names forward. Needs to at least 1/3 female.
Also boonex can probably find them faster than me by gender...
Accepted and forms sent. Thanks for your consideration.
I would be really interested.
I will send the NDA and ID...
And DosDawg yes I'am Dutch :)
While i agree with the list, some i know of and some i dont. One question, which i meant to ask before, dont you think that its a bit complicated, having to be a pundit first to be a moderator. If i understand it right, pundits are more experienced in things like coding and the workings of the software (which is good to have) but moderators will have to have a different set of skills (people management skills if you like) So is that one of the criteria to being accepted as a pundit, having people see more skills. If not, then perhaps moderators or the people who want to be moderators should have their experience of people management taken into account, even if they arent pundits.
Hi Tyke,
you have right that moderators must have another skills then only a technical skill. But people can have both. :)
the system was build so BoonEx would end up with more staff, if you look at each step it leads to the next and the last step is to be offered employment either full or part time as boonex staff or a dev.
so each step was setup to lead to one end, BoonEx staff that have been tried and tested at each step.
you have asked a lot of questions in the last 3 months, and having thought about them, and having to reply to them, i am begining to see things i take for granted, and i think i am going to put see more you forward for pundit status as i think as a newbie, you have given me food for thought on what i take for granted so it would be nice to have someone new on the team that gives us oldies a heads up on what we are forgetting and taken for granted
Accepted thankyou, will send the form later today, as for the ID scan.. do you require a scan of my drivers licence?
yes baby, DL or passport
It would be better to send ID
If it's possible I would like very much to help the software testing, this would be the best way for me to repair what I've broken lately.. I'm really sorry for the last days..
i would like to propose Tyke because of his insight and input over the last 3 months giving me food for thought on what i took for granted. i believe he would see what us oldies are forgetting or taken for granted while we are working to improve things for all but make sure we dont forget the new members and what they need to know.
Well thank you for your kind proposal, gawd knows what good i would be though, my role as always been in handling of people,i know very little about what it takes to be a pundit. But if any of you think i could be of benefit, then i would only be too pleased to help.
you are up to the challenge tyke.

i am sorry but i dont think you should be allowed to be a pundit.
my reasons are not because i like or dislike you, but they are because in the last 4 weeks you have bullied more people here than i have in the last 12 months, and even after you were given $4,000 worth of free licenses, you ask for everyone to boycott BoonEx.

you have abused the voting system and used it to bully people with and there is a public apology thread, yet you choose to ignore it and head straight for see more the power tripping position to yet again gain you something you have not earned.

if you were sincer, you would at least post an apology before a give me power post
Sammie, (or anyone)

I feel like a noobee again but it seems these unanswered mysteries was a part of why I dropped out before.

I am certain I am not alone in wondering .....

What exactly is the "voting system" and where is the explanation of it?

While I'm at it the "points system" as well. (which I asked earlier in a different thread)

I may re-post this as a regular post instead of a reply as the replies don't seem to get seen as much

Can't believe that even i'm in the list. I never knew that i have some value!

Sending the required Docs soon!
maybe i see more value than you do in yourself? and there are a lot of people on that list i put forward that would be even more supprised, MichelSwiss for one, maybe people do take more notice of others than we think of ourselve?

you have a lot to offer.
gkc, you are a valuable person to us, and those of us that know your value, were there when you were not aware.

thanks for proposing me...

this gives me a lot of positive energy to work further in support of Boonex.

For the last few months i had been busy with my exams, but now as they are over, i would be back into action, as a pundit!
I would like to be a pundit. I may be fairly new here but I can contribute with testing, help, and a positive attitude.
Congratulations to the Pundits; both old and new!
i want to say thnk you for that lol, but i aint sure that the workload to come aint gonna put some people off, god work is a swear word aint it? lol
thank you jct, and wish us all luck that we are able to juggle this task and keep up with our daily lives and do not get the two confused.

Andrew, I accept, and have emailed the required forms. Please verify that you have received them... my email sending goes nuts once in a while because of some new antivirus SW that I installed, and today seems to be one of those days.

On another note, may I suggest that Boonex consolodate the NDA form into a single page so that the signature block is on the same page as what is being agreed to?
I accept and will send NDA and ID, thankyou.
yeah okweb i like your tuts ;)
I acceptt and am working on getting in the forms. I heard rumor that free Australian Beer and Scotch comes with the gig.

Looking forward to helping create a Unity with Unity!
i would like to propose mastermindsro is added to the pundit list, he made me proud of him today and is a very talented designer.
i would like to put my own name forword please
lots of experience with simular projects.
You are added to the list
I accept and will forward the documents asap. Thanks Boonex
For some reason my printer is on the blink so I apologise for the delay in getting my documents to you, will try and get this sorted tomorrow.
I suggest to add WESWAYS as well because of him i know boonex and another reason he has been helpful to help me out alot of questions regarding to dolphin...
RumpyBumpy she is back yay should be added
I have added her to the list, but actually I don't see her back. The profile is hidden. I could turn it visible but won't do that.
Let her turn it on by herself.
YIKES!?!?!? WOW!

I missed my name on the list above!

Thanks Sammie for the confidence and Victor but I have to admit ..... the "Pundit" is/was another mystery I didn't quite understand LOL!

Before I commit to anything, is there an explanation of the Pundit position somewhere and what is expected/required to fulfill it satisfactorily?

Also, I thought I had turned my profile on way back when, (but was wrong) and will do it shortly. (sorry)

Also, I thought the sex thing see more was settled long ago but it obviously wasn't LOL! I am a guy ..... although known to be a good looking devil LOL!

Does that change anything?

Also, the reply I made above in this post did NOT have the normal "edit" and "delete" buttons under it ..... yep I didn't need them since I'm still gun shy from my earlier blunders in the other post somewhere and double checking because I don't trust the edit feature. I'm using FIREFOX 3.0.10 if it matters .....

Thanks again .....

Just a suggestion. "praveenkv1988" one of valuable persons here.

I am using his services since when I was using dolphin v 5.6

He also has good knowledge in dolphin as I can see many posts by him.
Thank you for putting my name in front...
boonex is doing a tremendous amount of work here. good job andrew and staff.

congratulations to all who have been confirmed. and we look forward to the rest of the list being confirmed as soon as they can be.

please remove me from the pundit and expert positions, A.S.A.P
Andrew Boon
Techs will do this later today. Any specific reason?
constant attacks and unfounded accusations of power/influence the voting system is being abused by trolls, who are looking for replies i have made and then neg repping the person so they believe its me dishing them out.

nothin has change and i am just sick of it all. their is abuse and its still not being dealt with.

i have deleted the dolphin for dummies guide, i am in the proccess of deleting all 800 forums posts, i have 300 to go.

i want nothing to do with this shambles anymore, and i see more wont be abused systemaically as i have been for over 18 months now.
I accept Buddy as always, I am here to help. I sent an Email to

Great! - I have been quietly following your progress for a long time and you know how to milk this Dolphin package and make a profit and that's what we need.


Thank you for the support. My team and I do everything that we can in order to help the users of boonex software. We will continue to support this product and have made it our main focus. Yes, I do make a living doing this and have been doing for both My company and Boonex. I have many ideas that will help Boonex on the financial side of things as well. Anything that I can do to assist anyone with, I am more than happy to help.

We will continue working on making not only Boonex see more clients happy, but do it with very competitive pricing. Not all of our services are paid, we do give free support and bug repairs as well.

I will take the resposobilities as being a MOERATOR ONLY in the forums

I am willing to give it a try, and willing to help with all costs over at the forums!

I do not want to be Moderator here in the BLOGS, ONLY the forums and i will try to help at all costs over @ the forums.
If not, at least if you can offer me a Star or something around my name to be reconized as a Long Time Dolphin User!

A star around your name? Are you sure that will be enough? I'd go for a crown over your avatar if I were you. That way everyone would know what a privilege it is to be a member of the same website as uou.
wow, you all see this, this is who your voting to be a moderator ( thumbs down )

shame on you houstonlively
Someone is voting for me to be moderator? Where? I don't see that anywhere. Please stop them... I have no desire to be moderator.
I accept and I will do my part. Thanks for nominating me!
I would like to nominate ARAMIS to become a Pundit.

We need to nominate everyone with proven superior developmental skills, I.E.: Rayz, Scriptologist, Masterthemecom, etc, etc., and so forth!
Juker i think thats a great idea
Hi Bro,

Soooo True! Why don't you nominate your own Boonex Hero? - If Pundits are going to analyse the betas then we need feedback from the seasoned pros.

Thank you sammie, and thanks boonex for accepting me.. I'll send everything needed tomorrow.
Juker, why would you want to demote Aramis? lol
PUNDIT (expert)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A pundit is someone who offers to mass-media their opinion or commentary on a particular subject area on which they are knowledgeable. The term has been increasingly applied to popular media personalities.

Speculation exists that the term's contemporary use may have its origins in a Yale University society known as "The Pundits" which, founded in 1884, developed a reputation for including among its members the school's most incisive see more and humorous critics of contemporary society.

Internet authors trying to create a name for themselves by non-traditional means, may refer to themselves as pundits, and in fact can be considered experts of their particular life experiences or observations.

May be you should have a look here: then you will know that Aramis has the status BoonEx needs him for :-)
Sorry, my mistake :-)
but not a mistake :-)

he is a Dolphin developer and as you know what a developer does :-)
Up for the challenge . NDA and ID sent :-)
NDA and ID Sent With Thanks
you propose mscott

if this is the same as:

this person sells modules
but never replies to emails - it's really not a serious

I think you should delete are in - or delete this module
I have sent the signed NDA. Plz. check whether you have received it.
iam KITEVOX Points: 111
I'm not in the list :-(
iam KITEVOX Points: 111
I'm not in the list :-(
next time
I have sent the requirements :)
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