New Forums - Update 2

Andrew Boon posted 11th of August 2010 in . 22 comments.

So, we've just announced Forums update, and mentioned that a few more fixes are coming. Those are now live.

  • layout was slightly changed
  • IE js error fixed
  • "Post Reply" link added at the bottom
  • change signature during post edit
  • admin can change other user signatures upon edit too
  • maxlength for signature field
  • disappeared cursor problem fixed (known FF issue, but we found a workaround)
  • tinyMCE context menu is removed (it allows using browser build-in spellchecker)
  • tinyMCE editor updated to the latest version

Some notable fixes that are not included and are moved to the next update, which should come with Dolphin 7.0.4 or 7.1 (whichever comes first):

  • allow to post a new topic from anywhere (now you have to be in a target Forum) - ticket #2103
  • post pagination in the topics and "my posts" - ticket #2100
  • use HTMLPurifier for post filtering - ticket #2091

Larger things, like images insertion with uploads and sub-forums are not planned for any specific release yet, but will eventually be added, as soon as we have enough understanding on how it should be done.

Please login to post a comment.
Much Improved. Good Job.
Forum Index Search Updated Topics Spy

Forum - Forum Index and - Updated Topics - 3 links -

It would be nice to change a link for : Latest Posts
Thank you! My faith in Boonex is slowly being restored, I can't wait to get a hold of 7.0.3 to get these in place on my site.
When is someone going to fix the forums so that code can be posted? This has been broken for months, and no one seems to care.

Want an example? Go post the code below in the forums:

<script type="text/javascript">
$('body').scrollTo( '#scrollTo001' );
Nathan Paton
Selecting the code text style in the editor still doesn't work in Opera. Other than that, it's been a good job thus far.
Yeah? Well, it doesn't work in any other browser either.
Nathan Paton
@houstonlively: I've never had this issue in Firefox, only Opera.
Good. You may go post the above code in a thread I tried to finish in the Tips forum, but can't. There you will see what happened to the code.
Nathan Paton
@houstonlively: I'm referring to the text style (green text, border, etc.), not the actual posting of code. As for that, yeah, it's screwed up.
HTMLPurifier is used now, thank you for providing sample code (Ticket #2091)
LOL @ magnus backpeddle

RE: ' soon as we have enough understanding on how it should be done'


Nathan Paton
@DeeEmm: Um... What are you talking about, exactly?
@ AlexT

If I sent you some additional filters for HTMLPurifier, could you add them (Or some of them) to the configuration schema? This is what I have:

Google Video
Live Leak
Local Movie (Your own domain.. would need editing for D7)
Meta Cafe
Slide Share
Teacher Tube
Nathan Paton
@houstonlively: How about an interface in the administration panel that allows the adding of custom filters? I don't know how HTMLPurifier works, so I couldn't really say if that would be possible or not.
I won't say that's impossible, but it's close. Htmlpurifier reads a configuration schema that needs to be recompiled to add the new filters. This requires shell access because you need to be able to run php files from the command line. The way it needs to be done, is add all the filters to the configuration schema, then add an admin interface that allows the admin to choose from which sites embedded videos will be allowed.

It really is about time D7 started taking advantage of the whitelisting see more capabilities of HTMLPurifier. It would be nice to see new filters added with every new release, and now would be a good time to start

Please provide original link where you've downloaded them, if they are recent and still supported/updated I will add them.
The whole thing looks like hell in FF
When not logged into the site and you click reply at the bootom of the forums the page does not go to the top to show you access denied. so you dont have any idea whats going on... IE8 if that helps
If you are not logged in and you click reply it should show you a login form not a daft message - it just adds an extra click to the process of replying to the post.

The philosophy of two clicks to anywhere should always be considered when designing a site.

The fact that clicking "back" and other standard navigation works as expected despite the AJAX is a huge usability improvement in itself -- thumbs up for that! =)
@AlexT I sent you a link via PM to zip file with all the filters. These didn't come from any one source, and I don't even remember where they all came from. I just know that they were all in the public domain. There are no attributions in any of the source files, and I have not altered them in any way. If any of the files need to be altered, it shouldn't be anything major.
Hi Guys, question : is there a "'back"' button (backspace or arrow browser) allready on this new forum, because i can not find it and it sure don't work for me ?
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