New Forum Structure that is almost making sense

DosDawg posted 8th of January 2010 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

Guys, we have asked for this type of structure now for some number of years. it appears that they are finally getting what we have been asking. Now, get the moderation features provided, and we can be in business on the forum, to some degree anyhow. much more than we have been in the past. if its not going to be moderated, then no need to try to set organization.

Moderation features in the forum are a must. the structure is looking better, and keep up the good work, but still needs more branches and sub-branches.

a site as dynamic as dolphin/orca/ray does not get all of its answers from 3 topics.

As an example -

Dolphin 7 - administration

Navigation Menu


Set of sub topic


Set of sub topic


Set of sub topic


Set of sub topic


Set of sub topics

guys, yes this is tedious, but i can assure you, that answers will be found way more quickly, and users will be way more apt to use the forums for what they are meant to be used for. and this was only a small portion of the admin panel that is listed here, but these are the types of structure that i foresee being needed on this. then the other major factor is allowing those of us who will spend our valuable time, volunteering, to be able to moderate these forums in a proper and professional manner.



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