Hi, since i install the brand new dolphin 6.1.1 ad-free version... i make a fresh new install... and orca dont work at all...
check what im getting, all the style is messy and i cannot use it... when i create group into dolphin... the forum link is not working.... :(
Refresh the Orca page after that
the header and footer showin up on there is a conflict between php4 and php5 in my opinion. there have been other things said such as dom-xslt needin to be installed. i found in the orca directory handler type php4, i removed this and the header and footer parsed.
so removing the header and footer, compiling the language file, and you should be good as new.
let me take a look and see if you want me to help you at all.
when i go to admin/pluggin/orca to admin it.... the page is showing a lot of coding....
<div id="FloatDesc" style="position:absolute;display:none;z-index:100;"></div> <div id="login_div" class="login_ajax" onclick="var t = ( event.target || event.srcElement ); if ( t == this ) $('#login_div').hide();"></div> <div style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;width:1px;height:1px;"></div> see more
rewrite-engine module is enabled ...
I remember I had same issue 2 weeks ago
Im still getting problems in ORCA but Im working on it tonight
? :)
One answer to alls here:
you should enable xsl support at your server