Moving Dolphin to a New Host

Alternagay posted 21st of February 2008 in Community Voice. 15 comments.
A while back I saw a document around BoonEx or Expertzzz on how to move Dolphin from one server and/or directory to another. I'm switching providers and can't figure out how to move it over without loosing all the site's data/profiles/etc. I backuped from the current host (in tar.gz format) and transferred the files over using wget on the new server, untarred making sure to restore permissions. I've tried running install again but to no avail.

Anyone know how to do this or where that document is located? I've been searching Trac for hours & can't find it.

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Did u move your database either?
I have the database backed up & am going to restore it once I have the site moved. I know there's certain files that I need to edit for it to work but I don't know which ones
I need to transfer my site to another folder/server. What do I need to do? ¶

1) First of all, you need to back up your folders and files and your database tables. It usually results in creation of two archives (.tgz or .zip) which you will have to unpack on your new server/folder; besides, the database tables will have to be imported in your new database.

2) Dolphin 6 has several files which must be changed after transferring to another folder or server:

* inc/ see more change the values of the following variables according to your current settings:

$site['url'] and $dir['root']

and all the elements of $db array (it's not usually needed if you just move your site to another folder on the same server)

* cmd.php, notifies.php, tags.php files in periodic folder. All of them have lines as follows:

require_once( '[path_to]/inc/' );

where [path_to] must be changed according to the current path to Dolphin folder

* ray/modules/global/inc/

edit the line


the same way as described above

* ray/modules/global/js/integration.js

change the value of the variable sRayUrl according to your current URL.

thats from the FAQ's here
Thank you Sammie ur awesome!
not really, i just needed that page today myself so thought while i'm on it i'll post it here for you lol

sammie xXx
what about the folder permission.... you have to change it for every profil media folder... once at time???
I'm not 100% sure on this as I have yet to get my site working again but if you use tar -xpf <tarball filename> that should restore the permissions they were tarred with. You can always run the install script (JUST the first screen) to check permissions after you untar
Update: worked for me :-)
cool glad to have helped.

have fun, gay life is so much better than the straights :)
eh we do know how to party, I'll give ya that LOL
i got a problem on changing this [path_to]. It cannot include the main header inc in rey/modules/global...
if I change php "error_reporting" to E_ALL the include ([path_to]inc/ always gives errors (and a lot undefined vars too)

I didn't find any definition of [path_to]. Where does it come from?

I moved all the files "outside" the Dolphin folder so that now the web address is simply

I made all the changes mentioned above, and all seems to work fine, EXCEPT, I'm getting the following "Warning" across the top to the screen:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/blaine69/public_html/ in /home/blaine69/public_html/ see more on line 498

How do I fix?


I moved all the files "outside" the Dolphin folder so that now the web address is simply

I made all the changes mentioned above, and all seems to work fine, EXCEPT, I'm getting the following "Warning" across the top to the screen:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/blaine69/public_html/ in /home/blaine69/public_html/ see more on line 498

How do I fix?

Sorry, I refreshed the browser and it posted again! doh!
Hi guys I'm moving from cpanel to plesk and need some help. My hosting has moved the site to the new server on plesk but now the site is blank just wanted to know if it has some thing to do with the different operating system from cpanel to plesk.
I have some one from boonex support to have a look he said it was the head thing and he siad he fixed it but the site is still blank any help wold be great.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.