Moderators, Partners, Dolphin 7

Andrew Boon posted 26th of May 2009 in . 71 comments.


We're still working on the list of Pundits. Will update it in a few hours with new names and will add "confirmed" markings. Those who are confirmed can make a nomination.

The nomination is basically an announcement of intent, and we need it to see how the community responds to it to make a decision. There's no particular rule or benchmark.

So, we'll be announcing our first moderators as soon as tomorrow.


We are in negotiation with a handful of potential technology/service Partners, but we've been quite slow in this field. Today we'll start working on that actively. We'll be announcing partners this week and will keep on working on this list.

Partners are companies that provide some products and services that complement Dolphin. That can be design, installation, consultation, modification, development, plugins, etc. We're looking for some sort of compensation from Partners for referring customer to them, and that is discussed on a case-to-case basis. Generally it is something like a hosting referral commission.

Dolphin 7

Right now we're testing the latest deal with a redesigned admin system. We plan to make it public early next week, and this is when we'll add the source to Trac (so you'll be able to download/install it). It would be interesting for you to see the changes in the code/folders/modules structure.

All in all, things are going well and we're optimistic about our previously set deadline (20th of June for feature-final beta), but we might need an extra week or so, due to the urgent updates of 6.1.x and Unity.

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sounds good Andrew, and i hope the improvements continue
sounds great
i have some very interesting offers coming up in the near future but once testing has finnished it will be free and also il be contacting boonex fore there approval but fingers crossed and thanks mate Dolphin is on trac like never before.
Wes - It's great to see you getting involved! I hope you will still be free to do some installs for us. Thanks for the help in the past. - I befriended you today so please befriend me back!

ofcourse mate will do thanks its been a while and as always i try to keep everything i do free and if i cant i pass them to a professional like you and some of the other guys.
im keeping good thanks mate i have been busy starting my own security business now thats up and running i got more time to do what i love.
helping people on here and learning more and more by the day..
We are looking into the future.
Thank you.
Thanks for the info, Boonex is moving in the right direction. (Thumbs-up)
You still sold on the new D7 navigation menu.?! MichelS makes some great points on sizing in the various languages. I would agree with him.

And please don't force the language icon for a single language, although I am sure I'd be able to deactivate it.

Real curious to see what you did to the back-end...
You know _> This would be a great time to introduce sidebar navigation. To busy at top on D7 and for Unity and the Dolphin Admin sidebar navigation works well especially in expanding/collapsing navigation in/out of areas.

SIDE BAR NAV... "That's the ticket!"
thx for the update about the version 7 release
would this be different from any current affiliations? i am interested in what you have as a base foundation.

Thanks for great news :-)
Thanks for the updates, Andrew! Keep posting often!! It´s quite motivating to read news about something that has to do with one´s projects!
Hallo Andrew, do you plan to make a upgrade instruction from dolphin 1.6 to dolphin 7 , with a diff file so we can see the file changes ?
something like here:
Could I have the lang.php file so I can translate it in Italian?
Hi Adus,

You need to create the lang file through the admin area of your Dolphin site.
Log in to
Then follow these steps:

1. click on Settings
2. click on Language Settings
3. fill in the name "Italian", abbreviation of the language name "it" (lower case only), and select "Copy from" whichever language you have installed (most likely English only). DO NOT USE " ".
4. click on Create.
5. download the file lang-it.php from see more the Lang folder.
6. translate line by line.
7. upload it to the original folder.
That´s it!

Then you should download en.php from orca/xml/langs/en.php
And translate it to Italian.
Then you upload it and from the admin click on Plugins, Orca, and click on the 2 initials "it" beside the word compile.
Good luck!
Hi HernanL,
I would to translate Dolphin 7 to Italian, but it isn't disponible yet for downloading. So I I would like to get Dolphin 7 lang.en.php to start the translation.

I do not know if you have already done this but a custom PHP box like the custom HTML box in Admin would be nice.
I agree, we need to have this opportunity.
Will there be a migration tool? If someone wants to do a clean install of D7 and just migrate members to the new database.
What would happen with the Lang files?

Will there be a new one? One that holds all words, texts and expressions?

Will there be other languages available?


[edited out. defamation with no proof, personal attack]

note: current system doesn't show who voted you up or down, so your point can't be proved, but is clearly defaming.

Refer to clause 5 and 6.
would you care to say sorry now or later for the false accusation of giving you Neg rep?
just because 2 people replied to the same post you did, does not in any way shape or form, mean they are the people that gave you neg rep

as to running the show, the problem was, no-one was running anything, thats why it fell into kaos

as to my power, i still have no idea what power i have? can you please tell me?

if i have the skill and insight to see what is going wrong and post the solution, and see more Boonex see it and adopt the solution, to correct their errors, that does not mean i have any power, the power is with boonex for seeing and fixing their errors, no matter who points them out, this is neither power or influence. this is just common sense.

trying to buy influence with 50 phantom dolphin licenses is funny.
Andrew Boon
Once again... Pundits can't suspend anything. They help with QC.

Moderators can, until Admin review - they also help and can get booted if they get biased. Licenses are not affect in any scenario.

There's no POWER, there's a load of work to do.

I do NOT know you but may I ask you in a nice way, do not leave please!

I have to agree with you 100% and I have been saying the same thing in a different fashionable way.

We do not need more Moderators espeically the same ones who think they can Power trip and delete our posts or even BAN us, this aint going to happen cause if it does, there will be alot of users saying good bye to all of this.
I do not think they need any MODERATORS on here, I personally feel like I said before and I will say it again, we NEED TO TAKE DOWN THE BLOGS ALTOGETHER!

We need to be focusing on the forums 100% and getting rid of the BLOGS TOTALLY.

ANDREY has AGREED with me on this.

Once the BLOG SYSTEM is deleted and down and no longer in function, then we all can go and head over to the forums where everyone is asking questions and not enough people are helping over there.

One MODERATOR over in the see more forums should be suffiant and we wont need any other moderators what so ever on this site, since DOLPHIN has enough of there own STAFF that they have had for over 4 years now.

Just remember I have been with BOONEX longer then all of you on here, and we did not need Moderators 4 years ago so why do we need them now ?

Oh There are rules that have just been put in place and it is simple, you do not follow the rules you get dealt with from ANDREY and thats that, it is been like this from the begining 4 years ago and this is the reason i dont see any use to having moderators what so ever, ecxcept BOONEX MODERATORS that have been around with us for years.

It is 4 years now I been here and YES the Community is getting bigger but NOW there are RULES in affect we DONT need to have MODERATORS AT ALL,

[edited out. reason: all CAPS]
caps are not allowed. fo;;ow the rules please. and if kaos is running a smooth ship, how come this one has sunk so low?

I am glad you are voicing this as it would be an item for consideration when BoonEx believes the newly proposed moderator arrangement is not working out. I think will find out in the next few months.

As it had a very short run (with complications) the first go around, at this time, I am confident that BoonEx has learned from the experience and will apply the proper efforts to make this benefit the community.

For now, I am going to leave it with them and see if this new arrangement see more will work out. This is a different BoonEx compared to four years ago and trust things will improve even more.
Andrew Boon
Moderators HELP enforce rules. Blogs, forums and more content types will stay and come and we need more man power to keep things in order. I agreed with you that we need to give more attention to Forums as opposed to Blogs for community discussion and that we plan to do with the Unity update.
I use the blog for my video a reminder for me personally and others...yes I do watch my own toots from time to time.
thank you for update and the news about dolphin 7
and great development in boonex website :)

cool, I cant wait to play with Dolphin 7...
Its about everyone wanting to be a moderator on BOONEX and I personally know from experiance over four years that we never needed 1 nor will we need one.

It will not work and it is only on favour for yourselves so that you can run the show and if you do not like someone for what ever reason you can cut us off for good and have us banned cause you dislike our oppions or what not,
sorry that I disagree!

I am allowed to have my oppions on this matter as i have been a member longer then all of see more you here, do not forget this!

have a great day
peace out

thank you

Dolphin Geeks would like to become a partner. We have already established ourselves in the boonex community. We are more than happy to provide compensation for referrals. Please contact us at with details.


Dolphin Geeks

I know you are a very busy guy, certainly with everything going on with Unity. I did send you an Email last week regarding our partnership. If you did not get this Email please let me know.

My team and I are already handling alot of these things for you and we look forward to handling as much as you can send.

As always, My team and Myself is here to help you and Boonex.

Our mission is to provide webmasters with affordable, high quality built websites that will enbale see more their clients to better enjoy their investments.

Our vision is to carry out this purpose by having all our Employees, Developers, Designers, and Programmers provice a "NO EXCUSES" commitment to total and complete customer satisfaction.

Andrew Boon
got the email, will respond shortly. sorry for delay.
Ok bud, just wanted to make sure :)

Keep up your awsome work and us loyal boonex fans are here with you and support you. We are all in this together
Andrew, you are SO over correcting. The problems on the forums were caused by abuse of a few members. They probably need some restructuring but otherwise are fairly dynamic - a huge asset for Boonex. Now, some of the same people who caused the problems seem to be relishing a possible new role as "censor" - talking about how many threads they plan to delete, etc. It seem like this is going from being a virtually unmoderated forum to one that will have moderators looking in every crack. see more I was only half joking in my "vote for me" post when I said you needed a "lazy" moderator, but whoever you pick for moderator should have a VERY light hand.
I belive in the ORCA FORUMS we need 1 maybe 2 Moderators LIGHT HANDED ones to make sure there is no spam and that we can can respond more effiantly so that most questions are answered same day or roughly close enough, ONLY in the forums not here.

As for the BLOGS we do not need anyone, BOONEX has been doing a great job, and all this goes back 4 years from today and were still around here and sailing just fine.

just putting in my2 cents :)



I voted for you. I gave you my sympathy vote :D he he hee...

Anyway, a very light hand is important. There will be lazy moderators and those that may be over diligent. Let's try it out and see. For now, I do believe it would serve well to get a balance of moderators onboard. Both forums and blogs.


1 or 2 mods for the orca forums YES!
For the BLOGS nobody is needed!


The thing I'm most concerned about is the release of Dolphin 7. I'm drooling right now with anticipation. I'm also working overtime on SEO to get as many members as possible for when the new software is integrated.

I really hope it will be available before the end of June.
This is a bit off topic ... but I'm not sure who I'm supposed to send this message to. Since this blog is about "Moderator ...", I thought maybe this will do.

I had a post on this blog: But now the post is gone.

Can somebody explain to me why? Are posts supposed to disappear without any reason or trace?

My post did not have profanity in it. It did not defame anyone, did not attack anyone. see more It was on topic, and it was constructive.

This is the first time any of my posts has been deleted in any online forum I have participated in.

Can we have some transparency, please? Can you explain why my post has disappeared?
Can somebody tell me how I'm supposed to escalate this issue for resolution?

My comment remains "disappeared" three days after I raised it.

Two days ago UnoBoonex indicated that they're looking into it ... but so far there has been no movement.

I recently e-mailed a Moderator about this, but apparently Moderators have no magic power to un-disappear my comment.

Do I have to write a blog (the sure fire way to get attention here, it seems) in order to get this issue resolved? see more Attracting attention is not my style, but I will do it if that's the only way to get the answers I'm seeking.

Maybe I'll scream and be obnoxious, too, so I will DEFINITELY get attention.
Can I make a suggestion? I realise that things are getting a little hectic with updates being pushed out for the current version of Dolphin while work is being carried out in preparation for the release of Dolphin 7.

My suggestion relates to the selection process of pundits/moderators.

I have had to moderate other forums myself and a cool head is required at all times. I have seen others moderate the same forum I was working on who would start with the best intentions but would slowly get caught see more up in the politics and act irresponsibly due to emotions running hot. There was no system in place to deal with these slightly mis-aligned moderators and I ended up moving on because of that.

Unless a system is put in place here to combat this possibility, then all the cleaning up you are doing now will be futile and the better, more responsible and well balanced pundits will be pushed away.

I think it's a great idea that Boonex members can nominate others for the pundit position and so should this continue.

My suggestion is that Boonex holds a regular electoral system every 6 months, or at least annually to help keep pundits on their toes and to give those that are being bullied the chance to speak out and be heard. This will help keep the balance of power reasonably balanced in the center.

Just my 2 cents worth. Will now go back to lurking mode. Laterz!!!


(Living in London but just like Boonex, am proudly Australian too!)
I do not think regular electoral would work at all, it would be the same people voted constantly and the lurkers and reguluar users like myself who stand up for ourselves would never get that chance to get a position up there what so ever, so i say to hell with this whole thing.

Boonex should NOT be classified who gets voted to be presadant its a DOLPHIN COMMUNITY site for Heaven sake, not a ELECTIONS FORUM site.

i asked Andrew just now to hide all my blog posts, and that is one of them, and JamesT is now a mod and so is DosDawg
But your blog post is still there (have a look:

Your blog post is all intact, except my comment has disappeared.
I will not going for moderation simple because my english is not enouch for such function.... I will do my job as pundit yes and help where I can.
Thanks for the info
very good,i will try it
can't wait for it... thanks
I'm french, I installed a site I need accurate information in order to open the chat members can you tell me where I must ask

Thank you
looking forward to it great job
Are you going to add a script to where you can log into yahoo, aol, google, ect. to invite friends from our email?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.