Everybody who worked with Dolphin 6 knows that this version of Dolphin has moderators as special members of the community. They have an access to some parts of Dolphin's administration area and can help administrator to check and approve a content submitted by community users.
Dolphin 7 doesn't have such special members by default, but the problem can be resolved by using default Membership Levels feature. It became possible because Dolphin 7 has a lot of membership actions which cover almost all member's activity on the site. The feature can be found in Dolphin 7 administration panel -> Settings menu item -> Membership Levels sub item. As you know you may create paid and free membership levels there.
So, you may create some membership level, for example 'Moderators'. Then you need to activate the level and configure its actions. You need to allow actions like 'edit', 'delete' and 'approve' to 'Moderators' membership level without any limitations. Now you may grant this membership level to active members who you want to act as moderators via Dolphin administration panel -> Members section. It's more comfortable for moderators because they don't need to have additional access info and go to moderation panel to do the work. They can simply browse the site and make necessary changes directly on the content's pages.
So could I then give Admin its own type of membership, say something like 'Admin Front' and then I should be able to modify, see more
i will test this.
For example - I have 2 kinds of the membership:
1) Moderators - free membership, only for moderators
2) Premium - paid membership, for everyone
What if moderator wants to have 'Premium' (sponsor) account?
The second thing is that in this situation 'Moderator' will have only access to materials which are available for him (privacy settings) - public or his friends materials.
In this case moderator doesn't want to be a 'Premium' member.
what you could do is set a price for the moderator membership level at $ 1.000.00 im sure no one will join :)
I found a way round from a posting i stumbled upon (but can no longer find lol) - and it seems to work...in phpMyAdmin go to the sys_acl_levels table then hit browse and go to edit the membership name you set up...in there set purchasable to "no" and it hides the membership level from general members, but you can still apply the membership via admin...hope that helps :)
I hope everybody knows how to work with phpMyAdmin. :)
Seems to me this will never end unless BOONEX starts from the bottom and begins to recreate all over again from scratch.
This is quite entertaining to be honest.
How do I give people the ability to moderate the chat see more
What I mean is, if I edit a users post, the edit box does not contain their original post content and if I type something it replaces their post content completely.
How can I fix this?