Missing images in photo gallery

Profesize posted 2nd of November 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

Has anyone experienced the issue where your members' images in the photo gallery do not show up on the site because of a 2000 files limit on folders?


Originally could not see more than 2000 images if looking at folder media/images/sharingImages via ftp but that has now been remedied.


Unfortunately, it didn't make the images visible on the site. There are images from other members that are visble before and after the ones that are missing. The missing images have all the info that goes with it except the most important part.......the image itself.


It's unfortunate that the gallery is not divided into member folders like the profile images as there wouldn't be this problem.


Any suggestions?

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Did you check whether the path is correct.

Also whether the permissions are correct on the server?

Open your error log to see if there is any restriction.
I am experiencing the same problem, please help. The site has been running without any amendment to paths.
Problem resolved, there was a faulty line on the E1 gateway here in the Philippines that didn't allow rendering of my site photos. Sorry also, I think I've posted on to the wrong topic since my issue involved Dolphin 7.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.