Minuses Be Gone!

Andrew Boon posted 2nd of September 2010 in . 41 comments.

...because the world is better with a little less negativity.

Starting now, Unity Forums and later Dolphin Forums will no longer have "minus" button. Instead, there's only a "like" button (sounds familiar? ;) ) and "bury" link. The "bury" link hides the post for the viewer, but doesn't affect the post's total score. So, the idea is: don't like it? - skip it. Report link is still there of course, but it won't affect the total score either.

Oh, and the same is planned for every other piece of content around here. Like it or not, you'd have to either like it, or skip it.



Many social networking gorillas figured it out some time ago... Negative votes are useless - they either feed trolls or discourage good posters. They do no good. Facebook doesn't have "dislike", Digg doesn't have "undigg", and most of the commenting system now dropped minuses for good.

We clearly realised how evil minuses are when we found some "contestants" of our Birthday Competition voting-down their rivals. Sheer disgrace.



we nulled all "minuses" for Unity Forums. Something similar will soon happen with comments, and posts.


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Excellent. Needed to be done.
Nathan Paton
I don't think you should be using the new Digg as a template...
Andrew Boon
...and we don't. Digg, however, never had minuses.
Awesome idea............ Keep it up!!!
I'm glad we now have cutting edge, like button technology around here. Is there any chance this technology can be ported to the Boonex shout box module as a "Delete Shout" button? I know it's a pretty radical concept, but why not take a leap of faith and give it a try?
Andrew Boon
I haven't checked, but do we have a ticket for that? If not, please post one with your specific ideas, like how do you see it done, and we will add this in short order.

if this going to be add on the new forum for Dolphin 7.0.3
Excellent idea! Innovative is good :-)
Heck, I just gave myself a minus vote...
Andrew Boon
Fixed :)

See, how bad they are.
Nice the new forum is going to be rock
RE: "I haven't checked, but do we have a ticket for that? If not, please post one with your specific ideas, like how do you see it done, and we will add this in short order."

http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/ticket/1250 (Entered 11 months ago)
OMG! if i ask/talk about trident nobodys gona negate me... huh!!!
Nathan Paton
@tomakali: He said forums, not blogs. There's still time.
Awesome. Finally. This is how it should be.
positivity brings a smile on everyone's face :-)

Cool :-)
great. so we are heading towards positive things. great
Definitely a great idea !!
Nathan Paton
I'll be honest: I prefer allowing both positive and negative voting. I'd hope you at least make it a configurable option.
I would prefer to score a post or comment like /. does.

Off Topic

Oh, I have said this forever. So you have a minority opinion - 10 people love it, but 12 (or their stand ins) don't. So you get the "minus" 2 display on Boonex that makes it look like you have done something terrible. It seems like you listen to my opinions, and act on them, but you do so a year or so later :-)
Ok, this is getting just a bit silly now. I do not see why it would be bad to have a minus vote. What would be cool, is that you could see who made the minus and plus votes (just like FB with being able to see who likes something). Why is everyone trying to make FB features (like button) the norm for future products? There will be a point in the future that FB falls on its face and has no new users. Their user base is actually not correct in the first place. Most users have multiple accounts see more so that they have more players for their games. So the number of 500 million may actually only be 400 million. They will never know.

My point. Don't be sheep. Use innovation and come up with original ideas. I remember seeing the post by VictorT telling how to make your site look like FB. If my users wanted to have a site that looks like FB, wouldn't they just join FB?

Andrew Boon
1. We tried showing who voted - that only brought more problems and reasons for arguments - something nobody RALLY needs.

2. The "how to build a Facebook clone" is like a workshop. You're not supposed to build a Facebook clone, but you're offered a structured tutorial on how to transform your site and utilise Dolphin package and Unity extensions to reach your goal.
Nathan Paton
@fugum: You've won the game!
Nathan Paton
You're really starting to make my blood boil. It's either I give someone a minus, or start yelling at them with profanities.
What Boonex really needs is someone to handle their public relations. Then, they could actually sit down and do what they are good at. Programming...
Excellent idea as I am going through that problem of a evil troll obsessed with down starring my content. It's a shame these type of people have nothing else better to do with their time. Losers. Great idea.
Nathan Paton
I'll be looking into re-adding this feature after Dolphin 7.0.3 is released and will be making a tutorial for those who like this feature. It may be the redditor in me, but I prefer being able to downvote crap just as I upvote gold.
My concern is that too much Facebook terminology is placed in the Boonex product. For example, "Wall" is a trademark of Facebook. Facebook is aggressively hunting TM and R violators. Any site acting as a social network that uses the registered trademark "Wall" in the same or confusingly similar function as how Facebook applies "Wall" can be sued.

I haven't found any registered trademark for "Like" but that doesn't mean that Facebook hasn't listed it as see more an unregistered trademark (TM) instead of (R).

Facebook vs. Teachbook is an example on how aggressive they are getting suing Teachbook for the use of "book". They already claim "Face".

Another concern is their patents. Using "Like" as a method for voting.

Just a thought.
Nathan Paton
@PravoNetwork: I think you're going a bit too far with how much Facebook actually owns.
Hopefully you are right.

However, they list their trademarks on their terms of service. You can also find the scope of the trademark "Wall" at the www.uspto.gov.

My concern is that site owners have a lot invested in this product. The more anyone adds similar terminiology or functions the possibility that they can be pursued by Facebook as they become more and more aggressive in pursuit of intellectual property infringement.

I'm not sure if anyone here has the money to show a see more court that their use of the "Wall" in a social network setting is different then Facebook's use of "Wall".

I feel that it is better to be careful. It isn't like the old days when a person would just copy other websites and what they do.
Also, it isn't that Facebook currently owns the social networking world. They just have the funds to claim that they do and they are beginning to flex their financial muscle against other sites.
Nathan Paton
In my opinion, anyone trying to mimic Facebook or <Social Networking Site Name Here> deserves anything Mark and Co. can throw at them. I honestlly hope everyone with a Facebook theme on their site sees nothing but disaster for their site.
I've got beer who wants one?.... coding too hard lately.
i come from a different school. All internet users have the right to "like" or "dislike". the like button on fb is defunct! Oh just imagine ebay not having the ability to have a negative voting system! New people need the ability to quickly know the good commenter from the bad. Also when did boonex start following the SNS herd of sheep? To be truly unique, there needs to be a true differentiation strategy! Having a negative and positive voting system can be part of that strategy.

Rather see more than "PLUS" or "MINUS" why not try something more fun.... like "INTERESTING" and "BORING". It adds spice and humor to the system.

Anyway, I am hardly on here and this is all I can give for advice.
So when Facebook adds a "dislike" button will you bring the minuses back? Is "boonbook.com" taken? Or "facebookex.com"?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.