Mass Mailer, Subscription List Tutorial v6.1.4

posted 24th of February 2009 in . 1 comment.

Mass Mailer, Subscription List Tutorial

You can find the list of email addresses in your dolphin database. You can add to this list without someone becoming a member.

This list is created when someone uses the subscribe feature (usually on the index page of dolphin).

There are a couple of ways you can do this.
1. add the details manually to the database one by one - using phpMyAdmin from your cPanel or
2. import the list to your database - you will need to create an SQL query and execute that.

The database section you would add these emails to is called: NotifyEmails

You would need to create the SQL query in the following format:

INSERT INTO `database_name`.`NotifyEmails` (`ID`, `Name`, `Email`, `EmailFlag`, `EmailText`)
VALUES (NULL, '', '', 'NotifyMe', 'HTML'), (NULL, 'NAME', 'EMAIL ADDRESS', 'NotifyMe', 'HTML');

Remember to change `database_name` to the name of your database

The email list would need to be set up in the following way:

(NULL, 'NAME', 'EMAIL ADDRESS', 'NotifyMe', 'HTML');

NULL - leave this as is, it will allocate automatically the next number in the database, so there are no duplicates.
'NAME' - Persons Name as you wish for it to appear on the email.
'EMAIL ADDRESS' - this one pretty obvious, the persons email address.
'NotifyMe' - There are 2 options for this one, 'NotifyMe', 'NotNotifyMe' - again pretty obvious, choose notify or not notify.
'HTML' - There are 3 options for this one, 'HTML', 'Text', 'Not sure' - choose the format of the email you wish to be sent to the person.

So an example of how your SQL query should look is below:

INSERT INTO `database_name`.`NotifyEmails` (`ID`, `Name`, `Email`, `EmailFlag`, `EmailText`)
VALUES (NULL, '', '', 'NotifyMe', 'HTML'),(NULL, 'Test User', '', 'NotifyMe', 'HTML'), (NULL, '', '', 'NotifyMe', 'HTML'),

Ok, when you have got them all in the database and you want to send a mass email:

Admin Panel > Tools > Mass Mailer >

Enter your email details that you want sent out. Subject and HTML.

Add Message > or Preview the Add Message

Where it says Queue message

Select - Send to subscribers (to only send to this email list you created) or
Select - Both Send to Subscribers and Send to members (for both sets).

Select - the other options that are available where applicable, eg. country, membership, etc..

Click Queue Message and you are done.

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I did that but I git a my sql errore
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