Managing membership Types

aliwin posted 13th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

There is no membership action for the admin to decide access to "Groups" and "Events" for membership types.

In 6.0.0004 I have created a membership type called "Free" and set the allowances to "search, view profile, view photo gallery, send greetings and view photos". Everything else is not allowed
Howwever, since there are no "membership actions" for "groups" and "event" in the admin part, my "free" membership type have full access to "Groups" and/or "Events".

As a temporarily solution, can that be changed/restricted somewhere in the database and if so where?

We wish a permanent solution a.s.a.p otherwise those two(Groups and Events) are rather useless.


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the membership level permissions are extremely buggy, and especially when you want to restrict the amount of uplaods per time period. as well.

if some one knows the variable for the different users groups you could create a seperate html/php page and put in the condition

if ($variable)

or that link could be just set to your home page. with a alert box as a notification
<script>alert'("Sorry you see more do not have enough permissions to view this feature")</script>

and put taht into the groups/even page on the server.
Yes. In admin go to SETTINGS

Thats where you will find your options for setting member levels.
Thanks for your reply, but I'm sure that you have not read my post or I'm a bad informer.
If You have a version of Dolphin 6.0. where you in Admin=>Settings=>Membership Levels=>Manage Membership Types/Membership Actions can control membership actions(what are allowed or not allowed) regarding "Groups" and "Events", then please advice, otherwise I advice you to read all sentences carefully before you leave a meaningful reply.
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