Little tweaks - Events Sort

goodguyndfw posted 8th of September 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.

$sOrderBySQL = "ORDER BY `SDatingEvents`.`EventStart` DESC";

Replace with:

$sOrderBySQL = "ORDER BY `SDatingEvents`.`EventStart` ASC";

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It's great that you want to share but you did it in the wrong venue .....

From Unity Rules .....
2) Forums are for discussions and collaboration. Post in Forums ONLY in case your issue needs group input.
3) Blogs are for opinions, news, ideas. Post in Blogs ONLY if you have something to tell about the topic.
4) Answers are for asking questions and answering them collaboratively. Post in Answers ONLY if you have a question to ask, or want to answer one.
Cool. This whole PHP is a learning experience for me and only intended to share my findings in a way easy for others to find. Seemed like a blog is a good place to share but alas, rules are rules.

I suppose I can pose my findings in the form of a question like on the gameshow Jeoporady and then answer them myself. That would meet the criteria for Answers.

But my paltry tips and tricks thus far may be better suited as a collaboration effort to help someone else get their site tuned a specific see more way. Hmmmm

Thanks for the heads-up. You bring a valid point and I will try to follow the rules a bit closer. Haha. I find although the format to search for help on a specific topic is not bad, I'm still having to jump around different spots to find similar information. I wonder if there was a way to add one more attribute to group a specific issue/fix/mod together?
Isn't that what he is doing on his blog here?

"3) Blogs are for opinions, news, ideas. Post in Blogs ONLY if you have something to tell about the topic.," says Rumpy.

MrPowless has tutorial videos on his Blog and it is a great way to have these tips on Dolphin right at your fingertips.

Keep 'em comin' GoandKnow!
any way to have that same order under the events on the home page so that it will show the events that are coming up soon and not show an event two years from now over an event coming up next week???
thanks for your time.
here´s a complete instruction for blocks and event page
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