Licenses and selling...

Mike posted 21st of July 2010 in . 9 comments.

Some of you may have seen the recent blog post about selling a purchased license. This touches on an area that is hazy at best (and just my opinion - don't forget that when reading this), but I think it can be handled better than it is now. As was pointed out, it is against policy, to do this.

That said, here is how we have handled this in the past. If things were done "discreetly," Boonex pretty much looked the other way and depended on the parties involved to handle things honestly between themselves. That means allowing access to your account for license retrievals and other changes that may need to be done (resets etc).

Nothing is in place for transferring a license, email address and other changes that would need to take place. The username is unique and static and can only be killed, and only a few have DB access to do this. Accounts are $$ value there.

There are other factors involved that may not be immediately apparent (buyer protection chief among them), but I feel that it deserves an honest appraisal and should be investigated. No promises - but I have seen this crop up occasionally and haven't pursued it with Andrew as it gets forgotten in the "rush."

Clearly, licenses that are granted or otherwise free would not be considered, but I feel that a means can be found to accomplish this to make things smoother and more clear.

Maybe NOT! But it is worth a try and we'll see how the directors feel about this.

Now - you know my feelings on the subject... let's see how it flies!

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I think it would only benefit Boonex in the long run.

Anyone making an investment in a license is going to want to know that they have purchased something with ongoing value. Sellable value. It would be pretty hard to sell a website and then explain to them why they still have to go and buy a license from Boonex on top of it. Just my opinion.

I also think it could make people lean more to the more expensive package which would give them multiple licenses. Then they could resell full blown websites see more - complete with ad free licensing. Straight forward, no BS.

It's good to see that Boonex employees are thinking about this. It has been an ongoing issue with a lot of paying members. That wouldn't include me at this point - but something like this (and script updates) could change that.

If the as on date policy is changed and things are put proper in place like a system of transferring then it should be great.

This will definitely add a value addition for the software and as well as the licensing itself.

I don't about allowing the reselling of individual licenses from the multiple license package, That would create a scenario where people could compete with Boonex as far as selling licenses goes. I don't think people wanting to cash out on their license is a common enough occurrence to do anything too elaborate. Why not just allow people top transfer a license to a new different account, and charge them a transfer fee to do it.,,, enough of a transfer fee to make it worth your while.
that is a very good point, so if a lifetime license has a set value, and you are purchasing a license second hand, which there is not really much reason to do that unless it is for a lesser cost than what you can get it for from boonex. the other part of that and it may not matter in most cases, is the community status that goes along with a license purchase.

but i do think there should be some practice in place whereas a client may have purchased the $1k license, and then either realize see more they are not able to continue to pursue the project, or have opted for other avenues. this would definitely warrant a resell of the license. and if they really want to sell their license, go over to modmysite, that is a standard practice over there, that and just removing the boonex footers, so you dont need a license.

Hello, my situaction is that i bought a licence but i can not remove the boonex ads I am new in that so I want to know what happened
@Solcrist - you may want to ask for help in the forums. Boonex recently announced that they were working day and night - apparently to pack for vacation - so you aren't likely to get any help from them.

You probably just need to re-enter your license, but again...... ask in the forums. This isn't meant to be a support area.
Andrew Boon
There're some implications, as always. The price, as it is, factors in our expenses of different kinds, and if it's resold, those expenses inevitably raise, and lower our margin, which is thin. We do, however, consider a paid automated transfer tool, that would allow transferring a license for about $40-50 fee.
@Andrew Boon wrote: "There're some implications, as always. The price, as it is, factors in our expenses of different kinds, and if it's resold, those expenses inevitably raise, and lower our margin, which is thin. We do, however, consider a paid automated transfer tool, that would allow transferring a license for about $40-50 fee."

I don't think that is unreasonable.
Do you have an idea of when the automated transfer tool will be available. I want to sell websites and I am also a webhoster and if I could offer that with softaculous I know that I would definitely be able to sell quite a few . I would not mind paying the $150 to get that link removed and offer it as a bonus. I would love that and in the process if I decided to transfer my sites that I have to someone else it would be much better.
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