Registration/License Problems

RumpyBumpy posted 1st of June 2009 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

NOTICE: This also applies to ANYTIME you edit anything on the the Admin > Settings > Advanced Settings page and want to save it.

If you enter your Dolphin license on the Admin > Settings > Advanced Settings page and the Boonex ads are still showing or the License does not show it as registered on the Unity "My Licenses" page make sure that you are clicking on the "Save Changes" button and NOT the "Save" button that is for watermarks which seems to be a common problem as shown below.

Enter your License in the "Dolphin License Code" field and click on the "Save Changes" button and then REFRESH the page and check that the License code is in fact there. If it is NOT there, it did NOT get saved so you have to do it again.

Once the License is properly saved on your site it is Registered at Boonex and shows on the "My Licenses" page almost IMMEDIATELY.

Boonex needs to change the Advanced Settings page and CLEARLY designate the different sections as this has ALWAYS led to confusion.


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Hi I have already done this but it still dose not work.
how do i register my domain
I also cannot remove the ads. My admin advanced settings show the number as saved.
this solution don't work in d7
Same issue. Mine is not registering.
I have the same problem. I have D7.3 and I had with the free licence. I now purchased a licence and added it to my admin-advanced settings and pressed save, it says saved successfully and then the boonex ads still show. How can I fix this?

Thank you
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.