Lack of Support

Xtlman posted 17th of December 2009 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

I am a try-BEFORE-you-buy type of individual and will not hesitate to pony up a bit of cash for a decent product. After downloading Dolphin 6.1 from my hosting service (whcih I must admit the intall went suprisingly smooth), it came time to do a bit of customization. First issue was field errors, which thanks to other users was able to get lined out and corrected. Now with a database module error I have done the requested post under the answers section. First I can say that my post stayed on for the field errors for well over 10 days with NO response from Boonex or Dolphin or anyone. Now the error in the pconnet module and again NO RESPONSE from the developers. To the Boonex or Unity or Dolphin or whichever team. If I am going to pay for a license I EXPECT some type of support service, NOT just posting a question and hoping someone will answer it. All in all the product appears to be acceptable but the lack of support will keep me from investing ANY MONEY. I would like to express my appreciation to the community in helping me where the developers have fallen down on the job.

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1. What pconnect module in Dolphin 6.1? I've been using Dolphin for awhile now and have never seen any type of support for a PConnect Module in dolphin. If you attempted to utilize the modules section of Dolphin to add PConnect, then that is an at your own risk issue, as a search would show you that in D6.1 Modules is considered an abandoned item and all add ons are done via hard-coding of the source files and not via the Modules section. Reason: Items like PConnect change/update/upgrade way see more to often to make it even remotely reasonable to consider providing support for thos.

2. There are over 1 Million downloads of Dolphin. How would you suggest that support for that be given? A Forum & Blog system have been instituted which have a great search functionality to them, a simple search would do a great job of showing you how these things work. A database error is not something all of us are going to jump all over. Only a few of us have an indepth knowledge of SQL & Dolphin DB's to be able to interpret your error and provide a solution, that fact that it's connected to PConnect makes it even more unlikely anywhere here has dealt with it.

3. Field Errors: A search would of saved you a lot of time on this. It's such a common thing that is asked so often that you should of had the answer within seconds of hitting the search button, filling out the requested fields and then clicking to do the search, all you had to do was read.

Now, I ask again what type of support would you like? If your ponying up $998 for the SmartPro license then Boonex will give you support via Skype no problem, just read the TOS. But that does not cover customizing your site, that is up to you to do or hire someone to do. And no other CMS is going to do that for you either, whether it's Joomla, ELGG, AbleDating, AEDating, PHPBB3, IPB, PConnect (if Pconnect did then you wouldn't be here complaining) and so on.

While those of us who participate in the community do welcome you with open arms and we're more than willing to provide you with help whereever we can, keep in mind that we are not getting paid for this so to even remotely identify us as if we owe it to you is a tad on the rude side, it actually sounds more like a sense of entitlement than anything.

Suggest you take the time to do a search before you post a question, as many will ignore questions that are asked repeatedly and it will get you a quicker solution to your problem. Use a polite (not brownnosing tone) when asking for help and remember to thank those who help you. Finally, if your not familiar with php/sql code then that is a good thing. Don't get overly frustrated in it, take a little time to experiment with the files and you'll learn how it all works incredibly fast.
First not giving up a grand until I am sure it is a good investment. Would you give up a grand in this economy without making sure that something suits your needs. Typically that means trying before buying. Secondly I did search and did not find any similar problems. I am slightly familiar with PHP but am quite familiar with the SQL structure (having used it in GIS applications for the last 7 years). Thirdly I do not use Skype. That is what my smartphone and global service is for. Field see more errors were fixed and it was a simple solution. But reading the other posts on my initial question about field errors, there are others out there that are having the same problem and are not finding the answers either. So if someone ( and I assume that would have to be the developers) would shed a bit of light on pconnect I might be able to figure it out. Until this gets worked out, they aint getting my money, even though I have a more than a few hours invested in customizing the free version.
1. Would I put up a grand in this economy? ROFLMAO. Tell ya what Mr.7 Years in the business you figure that one out. I'll give you a hint. I own a company that specializes in the Commercial aspects of Dolphin. This company was opened and initially funded out of my own pocket. I don't know if I'd put up a grand. All I know is I put up over $300K in costs to get Dolphin to be what clients wanted (that's real estate lease, building network wiring, payroll and so on. Granted, that's not a whole see more lot, but it is, once again, out of my own pocket.

2. Field Errors are all over the place, if you have a clue how to do a search. Of course, with your 7 years in SQL (since that's what this is written in as are many, many other DB's now) you should of known exactly how to phrase the search to get the result. Let me help ya out with that one. It means that you created a field on the Join Page and neglected to give it a name on the Edit, Profile, Account and Search Pages. All you have to do is just login to your Admin Panel, go to Field builders and open up the other pages (those with the alleged errors) and type in a name for that field/block.

3. As far as Skype goes, if you read the TOS on the SmartPro license it states very clearly to you that they will provide support via Skype. considering Skype has text & audio capabilities it seems like a great tool to help them keep costs down and still provide support. Oh yeah, you want them to spend hours and hours on the phone with you. Let me give you a little hint: For a grand (which is the licensing fee) no company (software) is going to provide you with free customization of the software via handholding.

Now, you posted your questions in a section called questions. For that, I'll say it's a minor oops as most of us who are well versed in dolphin do not even look at the questions sections when we provide help, instead we concentrate on the forums and utilize the Blogs for our own discussions of Boonex/Dolphin that are NOT support related.
I believe mydatery is as confused as i am.

What is this pconnect module your refering to? D6 has no module called pconnect. It has orca forums and ray under modules, but no pconnect.

How about posting some kind of error message that some of may have seen before. Then maybe we can provide a better answer.
I should also point out, all though i will most likely get stepped on for saying it, but.....

If you are expecting to get a personal response from Boonex themselves each time you ask for help, then forget it. It won't happen, and here is why.

Boonex consists of around a dozen or so people. It would be impossible for them to provide personal support for a free product.

Yes. The product is free, so boonex is not makeing as much money as you think thus hiring more staff to deal with support see more is not a option. That is why the community assisted forums are here.

What you pay for is a license that allows you to remove the boonex ads.

Boonex will do what they can in the forums, but there is no way they can answer all of the hundreds of questions posted every day.
Oh and use the forums to ask for help, not the answers section. You will have better luck.
Yeah, I was confused. Here's a link that explains it better for all who would like more information on what he's talking about.
your error message was not complete, please post the full error message for assistance from the community :D
I think as the stable version will be available soon, it will automatically erase most support issues. Support issues are easier handled once there is a stable release. That should also be easier for previous versions' upgrade issues.
I guess within a couple of hours we will get RC4.
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