Karl from California

macjoom posted 23rd of February 2010 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

I would like to introduce myself my name is Karl from California, USA . I have run across your project and its looking good. I have been working with Joomla and Drupal for awhile. I also am the founder of the joomla users central coast. My website there is http://www.theplanetjoomla.com and also have another site about Open Source at http://macjoom.com but my main site http://myjoomlaspace.com is where I sell and support different content management systems and help mainstream bussiness clients to adopt open source products. I'm jumping in to the water and taking a swim with the dolphin. Does any out there have any experience with using Joomla and dolphin together to give people a community and a strong publishing platform and social community?

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I don't but anytime anyone wants to integrate Dolphin with one of the major content management systems - if done well, could be a good idea. There is a hosting company - Joombytes I think their name is, that specializes in both.
We have started a Dolphin Campaign

We have placed articles on all our web sites telling about Dolphin 7
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.