JavaScript Error

mohammad posted 3rd of June 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.


I am receiving this error at many of pages:

When I click on the error message, it shows me this window:


Ok, when I remove this line ( __extra_js__ ) from templates/base/_header.html error message dos not shows.

I don’t know how can I fix it? Please help me.

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which pages exactly? ..
just now I checked several pages in IE .. and can`t find any JS error

your address give error:

The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Unable to determine IP address from host name for
The dnsserver returned:

Name Error: see more The domain name does not exist.

Thanks for help.
The domain name is not
Correct domain name is like this:
Thank again.
Your main issue:

at tiny_mce_gzip.js (line 467)

tinyMCE.addToLang is not a function
eval("var tinymce={majorVersion:'3',minorVersion:'0.5',releaseDate:'2008-03-12',_init:function(){var t=thi...")tiny_mce_gzip.js (line 179)
loadScripts(1, "simple,advanced", "style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchre...", "en", undefined, undefined)tiny_mce_gzip.js (line 76)
init(Object themes=simple,advanced, see more undefined, undefined)tiny_mce_gzip.js (line 28)
[Break on this error] undefined
This is because now used Tiny v3 (old was v2)
in new version was fixed many errors and was changed API
.. so don`t worry - all Ok ;)
Ok, thanks for your help. But at this time how can I fix it?
Actually I don't khow, is it important or no?
Thank you very much...
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