Jabber Club and Dolphin7 Boonex

sarodeharshal posted 30th of September 2010 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Press release from Jabber Club say that "JabberClub announced the release of the second version of its innovative video comment and mail software with a plug-in for the popular open source social networking script, Dolphin, from BOONEX software. The plug-in is available through the website Expertzzz or through the website of Genesis Graphix, LLC.".

 I did'nt found any such plugin either on Boonex market or on Expertzzz website.

Would appreciate knowing more about this plugin :) 

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Nathan Paton
Where did you find this announcement? Seeing as how it mentions Expertzzz, it's most likely years old.

Edit: http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/FREE_template_with_Paid_Membership_to_www_JabberClub_com

This is interesting.
Hey there, we are nearly done with the integration into D7. I am the owner of JabberClub and will keep the community posted.
Shouldn't this tag team advertising be in the market?
Nathan Paton
@houstonlively: I'm actually wondering how this person (OP) managed to know about this extension, but not how to get it.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.