It's close, but...

Andrew Boon posted 8th of January 2009 in . 188 comments.

... there's one bigger thing we need to discuss. The "green" thing...

Ok, I know that many of you are waiting for Dolphin 7, and I have to tell you - it really is worth the wait. We are running late, but it is a huge makeover - full code-cleaning, re-structuring, new design/layout, tons of new features, new admin, extra apps, real-deal integration with flash apps, etc, etc. Add to this that we're preparing a site makeover, license system upgrade and a few other surprises. We don't want to rush it out of the door this time, so PLEASE be patient. 

Today, however, I am calling you to ask for help with something else - our upcoming "Green" page at We want to launch it along with Dolphin 7 and will probably use Dolphin somehow to make the "Green" page a success. 

Basically, we think about an open blog, where our Unity members would be able to share ideas about saving the environment and share their own experiences and achievements. A motivation blog, if you will. Videos and photos posting, maybe a forum. What would you recommend? 

Additionally, we plan to "plant a tree" or even "adopt a dolphin" with every license sold. We're ready to provide incentives to activists, ready to change licensing policies and allow use of our sites - and to help… anything actually. 

That's all nice and dandy, but we really want to make a difference - a big difference. We need ideas and help. What do you think BoonEx could do to become a substantial force in environmental protection and conservation initiatives? Come up with specific suggestions, please.

Please login to post a comment.
Happy New Year to Boonex team!

Just one question on Dolphin 7: Will the underlying code be restructured? Because the developers I have found to adjust Dolphin 6 to my own needs all told me that they would prefer not to touch Dolphin but instead use something else like Community Engine or Insoshi because it is based on Rails, has clearer structure and provides testing routines. Although all the functions of Dolphin would need to be implemented in those alternatives by hand - let alone Ray!

However see more I like Dolphin much more and I am more a friend of Boonex but in the end I am dependent on my developers and if they do not want to work with Dolphin, I have to follow them.

So, what can I tell them to convince them to work with Dolphin 7?

And regarding the saviour of our planet it comes down to extending globalization also to laws and other legal things in order to avoid exploitation of nature in poorer countries.
Sweet nice to hear it. yup im redy to participate :) cant wait
Nice update

The blog idea sounds great... it will be great to have an rss feed so ppl can keep track of (or monitor) the blogs (generally) or individual unity member's blogs.

____Green issues____
"What do you think BoonEx could do to become a substantial force in environmental protection and conservation initiatives?"

That is a much more interesting topic as the world needs to seriously look at this. Rather than planting a tree, why doesn't boonex use its "human" resources see more (rather than "financial" resources) to become a substantial force in environmental protection and conservation initiatives? When I say human resources, I mean all developers at boonex... rather than donations or planting trees.

Look at "greenpeace" or

Boonex can use Dolphin 7 (or Shark etc) to launch a community site/portal (with a relevant domain name) that primarily focuses on discussing environmental/conservation issues... not just that, such community site/portal can also have an educational section for the younger generation. Boonex can use such portal to assist other organisations such as greenpeace in many initiatives. That is what I believe will make Boonex a real contributor as it will contribute proactively to change people's view of their world.
I totally agree with iced, which is why i used dolphin to set up last year. The trouble is trying to get people to join and maintain the momentum is really hard.
People think about "saving the planet" when the topic is in the news or "IN VOGUE" but time passes, and they forget and get on with their lives? I have already set up a global seed swap group within the site. Maybe boonex can have a GREEN SITE DIRECTORY so we can all list/join our favourite sites.?
Does this mean that you will not release a BETA source code? I ask this because you say you want to incorporate Dolphin 7 into the new site, or will you just be incorporating a BETA vr? I really an looking forward to seeing the site, truly can not wait lol. So I was just curious if there would be a BETA release.
in think the green idea alot and we will share our ideas there too for shure, i wish you and your team a great new year with many creativ ideas and the power to move on . all the best for you all
PS: dolphin 7 sounds great but dont hurry if you need time to dev.
kind regards
I think that it will a better idea to join your effort to Greenpeace, WWF, Amnesty International, ATTAC (+Independent Media Center)... which are already worldwide well organized rather than to disperse your efforts...

Such worries about our planet are not any more subject of discussion here in Switzerland but simple choices in the ordinary life (to buy, to use... this product or not, to change "bad" habits, etc... )
why not form a little organisation kind of thing to support ACTIVE NGOs....there are many people like me who r already working on several issues like Environment, Road Safety...n few others...people can help us...

How? Boonex can allow us to have a system in which we can post about our project progress, along with photographs and some stuff to show that its true and not fake....then if people wish, they can suppport us in what ever way...

I plan to launch a Project at my small town to inculcate see more Environment awareness among students....and would be extending it gradually to would be a complete youth participation roject...and wud not only target emvironment but also other related issues....
In case,,u want to learn a bit, try searching for town 'Fazilka'. You will find that our town has made many initiatives like Car free Zones, Enviironmental fests...and lot more...

i'm not trying to advertiese..or something lyk dat...its that i'm not getting words to post my ideas....i'm full confused n just writing watever is coming to ma mind :)
hope i wud back again with a serious note...
C'mon guys .. atleast add some time estimate to that post - 2,4, 6, 8 weeks or something .. some rough benchmark...

The 'green' thing sounds good. My suggestion would be

- how about setting up a sms campaign, so that every person who wants to support the campaign, sends a text message like 'green' to some shortcode or some number. This way the site will be able to earn from the 1000s of SMS messages received and then use it to plant some trees or some other way.

- start a 'pledge' based see more service like '' where ppl can pledge for environment related topics. Try to create widgets, which anybody can embed on their site and the users of that site can pledge as well.
Happy New Year to Boonex team!

Ok Well first of all thank you for this>

''We don't want to rush it out of the door this time, so PLEASE be patient. '''

i will but please shout out something Big man
honestly I think that everybody are tired of all updates and updates and updates

Booonex Clients Need Somethind Stable
Like Phpf and others

Guys, I agree with Michael and the others who have posted similar opinions - there are LOTS of good NGOs out there concentrating on environmental issues that could be supported instead, this sounds like a huge distraction. Boonex could contribute much more to society by concentrating on getting some good software out the door and their primary mission of "connecting people". This delay is now impacting our businesses. I took the November estimate of "a couple of weeks" to see more heart. Right now, I have a business customer who wants a Dolphin site, but I don't know whether to install the current version and go through the long process of modifying it for business, or if I should just wait for Dolphin 7, and then to an upgrade. Time estimates like "soon" don't help a bit. Could we at least know if it will be in January?
Good points. Is anyone at Boonex listening?
Who is accountable?

These are simple business questions.
I 'am in the same train as Caltrade, also I have two Clients for who a Dolphin site is planted. I know also that Boonex want a stable version on the market. But also I say give us some idea how long before we can experiment with version 7. Else I have to buy several mods...
Thanks for the update, can't wait :)
I like the idea on the "Green" and think that having a environmental blog is a good idea for sure.
Maybe have the blog entries as "Title", "Enviromental Experience", "Protect the green video" following their post.
Making things unique is by far what the dolphin/boonex team is good at...keep it unique and different.
Am i way out the poop shoot with this???
I would just like to point out that by providing a working, easy to install, administer and configure community software Boonex is already helping with the "green thing" and many other projects as well.

That software has the ability to be the glue that binds people together as a community, to provide the means to Unify people and allow them to congregate and communicate easily.

I have a plan to use Dolphin to create a community that plants seeds of hope in the hearts of people who see more are less fortunate than others, to share knowledge on such things as organic food production, microfinancing, low cost habitats and encourage people to help each other have the best life they can.

It's wonderful if we can all do our best for the poor, take care of the environment and build a more positive world and I encourage every one to give their best efforts any way they can.

For instance if you build software make it the most functional and easiest to use as you can. If you are a farmer, produce the best food you can grow, if you are a carpenter build structures you can be proud of.

If you are a web host be the best web host you can be, answer support tickets and keep your servers on line and trouble free.

Provide the services you agreed to and not just offer excuses or promises of what is coming soon.

Let's encourage each other, teach each other and all do our very best at what we are good at. That should be our main goal in life.

If we can plant trees, save dolphins or give to feed and educate the poor let's do that too, but what ever we do let's all do it in a positive, whole hearted manner.

Too many irons in the fire at one time tends to distract from the main chores we have to do and nothing gets done.

Just my opinions.
I agree with Caltrade and Killerhai. Lets get Dolphin 7 out of the door and allow those members who wish to get involved with the ecological efforts or not, a choice. Do not lose focus on your primary objectives.
Good points. Is anyone at Boonex listening?
Agree with Stuart038,

When Donald Trump encountered a negative net-worth of $900 million and was asked about learning from mistakes/failures, he summed his problems up in one point – losing focus.

Boonex group, asks yourselves this, are you a non-profit environmental orgainzation or a software company foremost?

We are your seeds, so nurture us first ;-)
I agree with boonhick....

It is good to have corporate social responsibility but, is this your main objective? Let's focus first on something great then everyone will follow you then.

Happy New Year!!
Andrew Boon
I'll try to answer all of the comments above in this post...

1. CODE.

Yes, the underlying code is being restructured. Dramatically.

- Most importantly, almost everything is moved to separated modules - great thing for developers - no need to mess with Dolphin code anymore - just write new modules and go. 99% of the code is moved to the modules now (finally a proper separation).

- Improved caches and database requests handling - better performance.

- Classes everywhere.

- All-new see more flash apps integration system for easy "one-click" installation/integration.

- Modules interoperability tools for easy integration of separate modules (ex: add "comments" to your new module easily)

- Orca and Ray Widgets are being integrated as parts of Dolphins rather than as standalone systems.

- The whole system is getting a layout and functionality makeover - we're trying to have a unified interface and UI patterns.

There's a lot more, and I hope we'll start showing it soon.

2. BETA.

We will definitely release a beta version. This time we plan to run beta development as long as it may be needed to release a REALLY stable version. moreover, starting from Dolphin 7 we're going 100% open-source, inclding Flash-apps, so we'll be looking for community help.


We do that already and we'll be doing that more, but our resources are limited, while our potential is not. I still believe that BoonEx can also contribute to the environment in it's special and very effective way. We're at a unique position, which should be leveraged somehow.


I absolutely agree that "sticking to your knitting" is the way to go. This is the idea behind Dolphin 7 actually. We decided to concentrate on one, single, most important product now - bring everything together, simplify, improve, polish, make it accessible, make it affordable, make it great.

Functional and reliable Dolphin is the most important and the most powerful step we can do to achieve the "green" goal and it will continue being the major focus for us.

When talking about "green" thing, I try to find ways to conveniently "USE" Dolphin as a tool for spreading awareness and achieving "green" goals; and we're looking for actions that can in return help us in the process of DOlphin development, improvement and popularization. For example...


Based on your suggestion, I can already think of a few changes...

- Free licenses for communities build for positive cause: NGOs, "green" communities, or even communities supporting other "green" organizations.

- We're developing a "hall of fame" directory of good Dolphin-based sites, and "green" sites could get a special featuring.

- Turning into a "green" community (?). We have Unity for discussing the software, and has no specific goal/meaning, so why not?

- Occasional newsletters with ideas sharing and BoonEx "green" pages promotion. I believe that a positive meaning can be a great uniting force for the community and could intensify collaboration. It's a great feeling when you know that you do something for money AND for the environment at the same time.

- Fill default Dolphin package with "green" content - articles, links, etc. Some default content gives good understanding of how the system works, but can be easily removed, if need be.

See, we can do something without loosing or changing focus. I'm sure you have even better ideas ;)
Please, tell us something about migration from 6.1.4 to 7

I am concerned that Boonex will use Dolphin as a platform to force there green views on the rest of us. I do not want to have to find another software platform as I think Dolphin is excellent.
Andrew Boon
Forcing anyone to do anything is just not the way "green" things have to be done. So, we'll make sure whatever we do in this respect is optional.
I have this strange feeling that free licenses, granted more than a year ago to contributors, are going to be deprecated if we do not include a 'green' idea in our sites.
If all coding is being restructured, what happens to existing websites ? Can we upgrade ? Can we import existing members and functionalities into the new database ?
And finally, all the effort and cost we put in mods ... can we still use them when we decide NOT to upgrade to 7 ?
I'm just a little bit sceptical about all this see more 'good' news :-)
Andrew Boon
Whatever is given should not be taken back. Free licenses have been well deserved and we won't be putting any new "conditions" for them.

As for upgrades and migration - that is a huge question and as you know current Dolphin structure has always been a problem when it comes to mods migration version-to-version. We're trying to put this to end, by separating modules in v7.

We will definitely provide upgrade scripts, difference files and migration packs, but lots of mods would have see more to be upgraded. One thing we can do is to openly encourage all Experts to prepare free version upgrades and instructions.

Dolphin 7 is really, really, really MUCH better than 6.1, so please don't be skeptical.
hey can we expect the ability to add jpegs to the whiteboard (drag n drop would be great) also replace countries with places or at least make it editable fom the admin menu....Dolphin 7 sounds so good
Andrew Boon
Some good ideas, but don't we're already try to avoid adding and significant extras. We'll se what we can do, though.
Only You must decide - upgrade or not. But I like our current result much more than 6.1.4 :-)
Here realized many new features .. so possible you will not need to purchase some paid mods at expertzzz site. Just because many was realized in current version.
About upgrades. After final release will published (as always) upgrade script.
Usually - what is upgrade? - Just transferring existed information into new structure. I sure it will possible.
I think you're avoiding the issue ...

My concern is : do we have to pay for this new script ?.

And do we get if for free if we support the 'green' proposal ?
Andrew Boon
@ annabel:

we won't be downgrading any licenses. Upgrading only, so supporters should not worry.

"Green/licenses" is yet to be decided.
Alongside with Bonnex main vision, I think the focus here should be how to make Dolphin "the ideal software choice" for non-profit organizations who want to create professional cohesive communities with minimum budget. Communities that will have great positive impacts in addressing Enviromental issues in the likes of Climate Change / Global Warming.

Saving Non-profits orgs. from troubles like software /development costs, Saving them cost of hiring skillied labour / office space, as communities see more can easily be managed by voluteers at home.

The Green page in my oppinion should be dedicated to showcasing online communities that are using Dolphin as their choice to make lasting positive impacts on the Environment.

Possibly Dolphin can provide a free full software licence for registered Charities working on Environmental issues, just as some others sites like are doing even though Dolphin's features superceeds it.
Apart from the OpenID / Open Social feature available in top social networking softwares I was also wondering if the Multi-site functionality will be part of Dolphin 7 such that a Community site that has several sub - community sites or regional sites will be able to share or use a single database/central resources even though the sub-sites are installed seperately on other sub-domains and have their local content. This will make it easier for users of that community to have only a single login see more id while navigating to meet users in other regions of that Community's site.
Andrew Boon
OpenSocial is added (with some quirks, so far), OpenID - we're still hesitating to be honest - maybe yes, maybe not.

Multi-site Dolphin is planned, but not for v7. It shoudl arrive a little later.
ErvanErfian,, is one example that i think you may already know it. Take the advantages.. Please more explore it.
Don't understand me wrong. I'm pro environmental issues and I don't have a problem to link to greenpeace and others. But making this a condition to get a free script is in my opinion putting pressure on Boonex members.
This might just turn against Boonex.
Andrew Boon
I'm just talking about it as of one of the conditions to get it for free. Getting it for free as a supporter or just by leaving BoonEx links intact still stands.
I've been playing with 6.1.4 on a test server. I am impressed with the features and functionality. This software does everything I need it to do. But I am NOT impressed with the performance and bandwidth consumption. Even on a dedicated server, this software is a resource HOG. I have been anxiously waiting for Dolphin 7 to come out. I see the code is going to be restructured so hopfully, it is a lot more server resource friendly. I have a few people who are going to want this software as their CMS, see more but I have been putting off building their sites because there is no purpose in buying licenses for 6.1.4 (and then later upgrading) when 7 is "supposedly" right around the corner. Please at least give us a time frame or something! I am half tempted to just purchase phpFox and develop the sites on that. I'm running out of time and patience.
The site requires too many resources in a number of areas.
The number one issue I see is there are way too many joins with out indexes required and this kills the database performance!
Ideally there would be NO joins without indexes. This is just poor table layout and script design.
The second issues that comes to mind is the way everything is broken down.
Code reuse is great but all those includes add overhead for the web server.
The number of javascript and css files (27) see more that must be downloaded is also an issues for the server and the clients.
A default install of Dolphin 6.1.4 gives a 'Yahoo Performance Grade: F(39)' you can run this test on your own sites by downloading the YSlow plugin for FireFox...
Its just sad that a 2 x 3.06Ghz server with 4GB of RAM and 6x 10K RPM SCSI drives with optimized mysql and php using eAccelerator I can only serve about 20 pages per second when testing the home page.
The same server can server over 1200 'hello world' test pages per second!
Anyway... Rant over.
The site requires too many resources in a number of areas. The number one issue I see is there are way too many joins with out indexes required and this kills the database performance! Ideally there would be NO joins without indexes. This is just poor table layout and script design. The second issues that comes to mind is the way everything is broken down. Code reuse is great but all those includes add overhead for the web server. The number of javascript and css files (27) that must be downloaded see more is also an issues for the server and the clients. A default install of Dolphin 6.1.4 gives a 'Yahoo Performance Grade: F(39)' you can run this test on your own sites by downloading the YSlow plugin for FireFox... Its just sad that a 2 x 3.06Ghz server with 4GB of RAM and 6x 10K RPM SCSI drives with optimized mysql and php using eAccelerator I can only serve about 20 pages per second when testing the home page. The same server can server over 1200 'hello world' test pages per second! Anyway... Rant over.
Good points. I am in the exact same predicament. I was ready to buy licenses, but now I am unsure. I'm looking at other options.

Let's look at the business impacts to Boonex that has been created by their annoucements and follow through.

Let's assume 5 customers per week were ready to buy a minimum of 4 licenses, but because of the announcement of Release 7 being close or just around the corner, they wish to wait.

5 customers x 5 licenses x $39 x 10 weeks thereabouts since annoucement see more = $9750. Boonex can plug-in more realistic numbers based on their historical trends.

So anyway, if we use these assumptions, the impact of a premature annoucement is $10,000 since the end of November. Experienced product managers and project managers get reprimanded, replaced or even fired for this kind of thing because most companies cannot afford to create false expectations and bad will for their customers.

I hope the next product annoucement from Boonex will lay out a realistic plan that customers can depend on so that the users and paying customers can adjust their own business plans.
I think the whole focus must be, to bring out a script that is uniqe to others and a very good after service. The whole "green" issue, I think is not the first option. Not that I 'am against this, but thats must have a second place and then take a organisation who has the experince already in the world.
i think many have a hard time understanding the green concept will have nothing to do with the release theres is still alot of bugs and code related issuses that have to be look over prior to the release. boonex is not one person they have a whole staff working on the code and ppl workin on the go green issue. many software company are pushed by there community and rush a release and there software goes to cyber space and as for the "green" "issue" it should be in every ones see more first place and every thing else second lets not leave it to the organisations to do it cause dont seem they are doin a good job its gonna take everyone this can be an unselfish world boonex is not selfish
I think Dolphin is generally a good product but with small defects, which makes little training.
I think you should work on two products in particular, one tied to those who wish to have a platform, "Free" with some basic characteristics open source product and another addressed only to those who wish to make your business whit products.
I believe you wanted to develop this with Orca but unfortunately still have no information on ...
I want a product that I guarantee its functionality see more with millions of unique users per day, millions of sailing contemporary possibility of subscriptions vary depending on the type of customer, direct and immediate access to the account and the percentage of subscriptions inscrições daily, monthly and Annual for clients, etc ... all options that do not serve those who wish to open a website Free.
Furthermore, I would like you did a division of products according to the requirements of the site, you see better, you should make a product that has the characteristics that already has with Dolphin plus the possibility of interchangeability between the various parties in the sense that if I want to enter a site where only music and films I could do with a record-independent primary site.
Or if you want to do a site Classfield do the same thing with a self-registration and a method of self-payment, so too for a site for events. maybe it's just my need and not the other members of the community Boonex but for me it would be exceptional ...
What do you think?
Will the new version still have age and sex integrated through the system? Right now, it is almost impossible to remove and requires about a half dozen mods. I'm hoping the new version will be more "general purpose" that could be of use for both non-profits and business.
Thats a very very good news AndreyP, dolphin must containt most of the addon availaible on expertzzz because its a waste of money to buy addon from there.... i buy a lot since the first version of dophin and each time boonex upgrade the dolphin script... i have to make a choice... stay with the older version and keep the mod i buy on expertzzz.... or upgrade my dolphin and loose all the money i invest in the mod because most of them arent compatible with the new version... so i think that the best see more mod availaible on expertzzz should be buyed by boonex... and this way integrated in the dolphin script... or propose it as an official mod that boonex will upgrade the mod each time they upgrade dolphin.... this way... webmaster like me will stop loosing money by buying and buying mod or template...
and i forgot to talk about the language.... same thing... each time a new dolphin version is release... you have to buy again and again the language file... why dont make like MOST of the script you found in the web and included at least the french and spanish language...

and about the green thing... thats a good point for sure... but like some other user already said... you should work to finish the upcomming version of dolphin before start a new green project... and i dont think to plant ONE see more tree for each license sold will make the difference...(do you think sell a million license??)
but adopt a dolphin... yes maybe.... more significative...
but to encourage non profit organisation by using the dolphin script for free its a good idea too...
in regard of my project to use the dolphin script... as an gay dating website... i project to gave at least 50% of the revenu to a aids foundation.... its not green.... but human...
I respect the environment very much but the point of the software people want to know about, please Unboonex we want an estimated time as in when the heck will it be available. You say soon and it's coming. But since November people have been waiting.....
I in particular might have to worry about my expiration date from my web host. I sent you a private message and no response. Do you care about your customers?

Again when will it be a week, month, 2 months, 1 years, tomorrow ? When is soon ?
If see more you don't respond to your customers it's like saying screw you we make software and that's it.
Don't give that impression on people like I'm getting right now. Thank you and would like a response.
Peut être il serait bien que chaque webmaster réalise un site sur un thème écologiste.
Que tous les sites puissent être reliés entre eux pour former une communauté mondiale.
Afin d’élaborer des projets commun avec tout les membres de tout les sites.
Par exemple : nettoyage de plage ou d’espace vert.
Que tous les membres intéresser par ce projet le réalise le même jour.
Il serait aussi possible de collecté des fonds commun pour réalisé des actions plus importante.

Maybe see more it would be that every webmaster has a site on an environmental theme.
That all sites can be linked together to form a global community.
To develop joint projects with any members of all the sites.
For example: cleaning beach or park..
All members interested in this project realizes the same day.
It would also be possible to collect fund for carrying out more important.
about that "green" page..
a web page will NEVER save the world..
just make a 1-2% donation of the sold licenses and profits to some -really- poor people.. THAT will actually make a difference.. NOT some "dandy" page and caption..

anyways i just want to thank the dolphin developers for letting us folks aim for the sky with the free licenses! that is really inspiring..
did you miss the part when he said "we plan to "plant a tree" or even "adopt a dolphin" with every license sold." NO a web page wont make a difference the the web page can inspire and wake ppl up just as free licenses inspired you haha. every company should learn from boonex
@ Andrew

If you choose to add a french language file to your next version, I will help ;-)
Dolphin as default always will have only English, I haven`t right to add here anything no standard :)
So about purchasing again and again languages, but for what?
Usually, and I too, after releasing any new version - I just update my Russian language on stock to latests dolphin. So all my customers can just download this product again, no need to waste money.
cool michelswiss.... hope boonex will...
And (as common)
I think that even Boonex, nobody, haven`t right just steal ideas of another guys. I mean that steal code of another guys or ideas will bad to our reputation.
So we can`t just get all good ideas at expertzzz site and realize this in our dolphin. It will like crime.
So I sure that only our boss - Andrey will choose way of dolphin evolution. Dolphin will have only own, new way of new modules - that will of course unique
Smansakra and me are giving to Boonex the mod Members Pages Customizer ( ) if you can use it, fully or partially, with Dolphin 7 ;-)
No need :)
As always fields section and builders was very changed, so any apply of existed mod will problematically.
i dont said steel the idea.... i said buy...

by the way... another question out of the discussion... what is the script that use boonex for this blog??? i really like the feature that put the member avatar beside each reply... i try to find a blog script like that over the web... and i cant :( thats for one of my other website.... thx
If you mean unity blogs - this is our own tool.
so about comments, little member icon will display in all comments in dol7.
any screenshots with the new dolphin? pleaaase? :)
oh and.. will dophin 7 be a more shared hosting friendly?
i had a lot of problems installing it and make it work as it should be..
Andrew Boon
OK, I've tried to answer some of the comments, but have very limited time now - will try to answer others shortly.

In general, just a few points:

- Green thing will not and should not push any conditions or requisites for getting or keeping a license. We're trying to ease and simplify licensing, instead.

- We're adding lots of new features and some mods will become obsolete, but we're not copying and are not going to copy or buy others' works. Dolphin is going to grow naturally, according see more to feature suggestions and market trends.

- We'll be providing everything possible to minimize upgrading troubles.

- Time frames are NOT defined now. It can happen anytime from 2 weeks to 2 months. Every time I get the next build - I have to order yet another round of changes - too many things to fix and re-write. Moreover, we're trying to change the approach - instead of rushing out a raw version - we want you to start testing an already stable product. I hope for and rely on your patience and support. It's a huge update, the biggest we ever had, yet we're trying our best and we will show a early alpha very soon, and then we'll talk :)
Hello Andrew :-)

In my humble opinion (IMHO), here are the main points you should reconsider:

- ergonomics (users often are lost while browing a Dolpin site - missing links in several pages which could allow the user to return to the profile he/she is browing, dead end )

- templates system (code that affect template is dispersed in too many files outside the templates folder)

- members pages customization could be easily improved (see my mod

- see more languages files (more than a single english language file is needed - spanish, portuguese, french, chinese, russian...)

IMHO these are basic features Dolphin/Orca/Ray has to come with...

As for me I agree with you about not to focus on any time frame but about the stability of the script ;-)
agree with the decision of no time frame. this will ensure bug free dolphin
Boonex can best make a difference by swallowing its pride and not trying to reinvent the idea of starting a green community. Use your product - community software - to support pre-existing Green Communities and Green Businesses exactly how Zaadz is used by Whole Foods and Gaiam to power I've checked, and the following sites look like they would benefit from your software and are not so established that they could not make a change:,, see more, and is built around their forums, but if you offered to help them migrate, they might bite. I don't know how involved you'd like to become in politics, but if the software works then it would be a great platform to build grassroots communities around, like Greenpeace and Green Parties.
Some problems with dolphin 6 :
Using linux server, config iptalbes protected Ping of Death and protected Scan Port, SYN flood .... all translation will be remain, footer do not be hided,can't upload media ...
Hope dolphin 7 will fix
Thank you, Unoboonex you put a huge smile on my face. I'm sure that you and your staff are working hard and know that you will make the best available software.

God Bless.
Thanks Unoboonex,
This is fair. Now we know something :)
I hope you get it all together and ofcource how more stable the beta how better.

Thanks and success to the team.
I will setup a dutch support site at this time.
Hello Andrew :-)

In my humble opinion (IMHO), here are the main points you should reconsider:

- ergonomics (users often are lost while browing a Dolpin site - missing links in several pages which could allow the user to return to the profile he/she is browing, dead end)

- templates system (code that affect template is dispersed in too many files outside the templates folder)

- members pages customization could be easily improved (see my mod

- see more languages files (more than a single english language file is needed - spanish, portuguese, french, chinese, russian...)

- a text at the top or bottom of most of the blocks/pages to give some explanation/incitation to the user will be welcome

IMHO these are basic features Dolphin/Orca/Ray has to come with...

As for me I agree with you about not to focus on any time frame but about the stability of the script ;-)
Thanks Andrew for being straight to the point. This makes it more clear to all of us. As for the deadline : I agree with most of us that a stable version is prior to a rushed out beta. I'm very curious for what is going to come. And I'm sure it's going to be very good :-)
Please, tell us something about migration from 6.1.4 to 7

can you add some more money making features such as classifieds - make some thing similar to or
I agree about being able to add the Oodle API. I have been trying to figure this out for the past couple of days and coming up blank.
I sent you an email with an address to check out.. i am not ready to launch it yet but it will be a great thing to help with the green efforts. Otherwise I would just post it here.
This sound good but some questions, Will this require a complete install over current sites or a complete reload. While you are tweeking it how about miking it so that banner advertising and link advertising that require HTMl script be added more easily than the current HTML blocks. The affiliate system is limited I pay for licences so to pay a bit more for a user freindly site wouldnt worry me.
Some question for Dolphin 7:
1. Are there template system ?
2. Easy editor profile field ? ( Really social network platform not dating script )
3. Build-in CMS function ?
Best Regard
Some options I would like to see (back) in the new version :

- ability to make private photos
- possibility to arrange searched profiles descending or ascending
- separate page for 'feedback' with possibility to select posted feedback by age and sex
- possibity to translate EVERYTHING, Ray still contains strings that are not in the language file
i'm back with a bit serious thought..

If Boonex is planning for something easy and effective, here is an idea.

What about building a module which will show content related to environment and stuff. On installing this module, the content will be visible on the dolphin powred sites. The content can be managed by Boonex, or if Boonex wishes, even people might be allowed to add blogs n stuf in it. Then it gets synchronises with every site so that its centralised.

To make it moreuseful, do see more not link the content to boonex site, as many ppl don't want their members to know which platform their site works upon. So the complete content can be displayed there without any links...

i know i've written it in a quite confusing manner....hopefully Andrew wud understand...
I really love that idea.. I love those widgety things, and a green widget that can be embedded into other sites is a great idea.
Actually this is not a good idea. Most businesses like to have thier own individuality and control things on thier own. If Boonex was to do something like this then we should be able to turn this feature or module on or off. Customers or members do not want to see the same thing posted on many websites over and over again. It will make all our sites look repetitive. I believe I saw that Boonex was hinting at doing a newsletter in regards to the "Grren" thing. This would be better and if see more we choose to post on our websites then that would be our choice. Keep up the good work Boonex.
The chances that you will encounter, and be members with 2 different sites running dolphin in he world are slim to none. I have never encountered such a site, nor 2 at the same time.

Updated content I do not have to worry about: priceless.
You guys are ALWAYS working on something, always pre-releasing things, always delaying pre-releases, always having problems between different configurations, and ALWAYS, and I do mean ALWAYS trying to come up with something new.... why???

Boonex has gotten way out of hand, even if 100000's of people use the software... it just isnt worth the headache, and hassle, and expenses that you guys put into all the work. I've messed with Dolphin for a long time, scripting, writing addons, helping see more people, and I must say it is time that I leave this place for good. I am just sick of all the constant patches, fixes, bugs, errors, problems and anytime I try to patch something myself, you guys release something that breaks it and has to take more time for me to fix. I could just code my own community site and do it right the first time without having to go on and on and on trying to make improvements that you guys think will keep people coming back for more.

Just isn't worth it anymore.
Andrew Boon
That's how things are in web development. We could easily say that everything is fine and claim that every problem is a "user error". Instead, we try to improve the product.

Look, Dolphin is a unique script - it's both multifunctional AND user-friendly. These two little things come at a price. Look at, say, Wordpress - its' only a blog with probably 10 times less features; or, say, Joomla - it's powerful, but learning curve is way too steep. Anyway, Dolphin 7 WILL be a huge improvement see more over what we have now, and Dolphin 8 (Poseidon-based) will blow away both Wordpress and Joomla.

You're free to go, but I hope you'd have time to check us back once in a while.
I'm in web development, I've been writing HTML, CSS, PHP, and working with SQL for a LONG time. I'm not exactly new to it all, and I'm far from being new to Dolphin. I understand you work hard but you are already looking at what Dolphin 8 will be like... That's way too far looking into the future.

Take time to sit back and work on what is available and then release something and support that product instead of working on another release at the same time. It's confusing, it's hard on people, see more and the support that you offer isn't really that great for people who really are stuck, or lost.

I have left Boonex software for good, and really do wish you guys best of luck.
So what is the ETA for the Poseiden, deal 2047?
-There are servers that run on 100% wind and solar power.. perhaps Boonex partnering with one of these servers would be a good idea.

- I like that idea of including green content into the package, and including green links into the links section might also be a good idea.
As Boonex is a community software expert so their way to green can be with a community software but a special one. I think it would be worth to create a green life portal (similar to second life). Residents of this land would be able to to interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities which encourages living in a better greener and sustainable world.
This would inculcate the the thoughts in users see more towards environmental protection and conservation.
Here in Hawaii, the green push is a perfect fit for our environment. You should see the wind farms and new electric car development. The people here are on the forefront of green technology.

However, Hawaii is a very expensive place and the first agencies to get the axe from funding are usually those without a voice such marine agencies and sanctuaries. The dolphin community (real dolphins at places like Sea Life Park) could use your support. These marine groups do so much but they're hanging see more on by a thread.

I look forward to 7 for my own interests, you don't need my advice, I know it will be a success. But I also welcome the opportunity to work with you on adopting dolphins and supporting the marine community here, if this interests you.
Thanks Unoboonex, for every thing you guys are doing for this project, including the green issue!
The time frame is now from "two weeks to two months"? - the estimate was "a couple of weeks" in November. How do we know that six weeks from now you won't be saying the same thing? If "everytime you get to the next build" you have to "order another round of changes", then this has all the attributes of what is called a "runaway project" - i.e. a project that is out of control - like what happened with Microsoft Vista and many other software projects. see more

I have been seeing potential competitors using social application service providers making alarming progress with FAR less effort then what I have had to do to make Dolphin work as a non-dating site. As ErvanErfian pointed out, services like ning, yuku, communityx, etc aren't standing still either. Dolphin is going to need to be better and more flexible, and it needs to happen fairly quickly.

I know this was supposed to be a "feel good" blog post but I'm afraid that with me it has had the opposite effect.

Hello boonex staff.
What I am asking for the next version is an exclusive area where you can set up your privacy, privacy is very strong in social networks and we have to invest in this, cases of users who have not returned to the site more why they had almost no privacy, and to the creators of mods, it's time to think when you make a mod also thinking on privacy for this mod.

I say that it tested a curiosity for other software for social networks, and to install a mod as a test at the time realized see more that a new privacy option for this was included in the area of privacy to the user.

Excuse me something Google Translate.
Firstly, thank you Boonex for the great news. We are looking forward to the new version. There is a web site using Delphin and has a community of over 1,000 members that have committed themselves to change the world and commit to create awareness and protection of the environment. Boonex could start by sponsoring this community with delivery and support ! See

Heya Unoboonex.. Well, I was going to wait from 6.1.4 to get 7.. but then i figured, might as well get it going anyways.. i'm sure you wouldn't have anything but a wizard driven upgrade for it.

As far as my environment goes, i'm using enom shared linux hosting ( and the site is holding up just great. All I ask is that you don't deliver a steaming pile. If it all works out, VBs on me :D
What I need is an exceedingly precise answer about licensing. To wit: Will there still be a free version of Dolphin -- or will it be tied to this "Green" agenda?
Please, Please, pretty please with sugar on top.... put some work into the orca forums, or better yet.....

Provide integrations for vBulletin and Invision.... preferrably invision. Once either of those forum scripts are inregrated, there's a ton of addons available that would enhance thing tremendously. Here's a few outstanding scripts that are easily integrated into Invision: ... An outstanding, freee arcade games script. see more (The best php photo forum script available) ( An excellent classified ads script)

There's lots more. It would be great if Invision Board could be integrated as an option to the orca forums.
I'm all for saving dolphins and planting trees 'n all..... but I really don't want it tied to licensing, or forced on me in any way.
What I want, along with everyone else, is a good script with attentive support, free of irritating advertisements, at a resonable price.
I don't think anyone is talking about forcing anything tied to any sort of green "agenda". I think the more opportunities people have to be responsible at their own volition the better.
Just like a software program, any problem has it's roots in the source. Finding faults in the source and correcting them can be an exciting and time consuming experience. The outcome is a better end result and was worth the chalange. Just like the Dolphin team continues to chalange the source of the software we like, we as humans must learn to understand the faults in the source of the environmental problems we have all played a part in developing. Our Planet has always been open source and things see more have gone wrong. Take a look at for a deeper understanding of the source program that has caused many environmental bugs. Boonex is at least taking some kind of step even if nobody knows the best direction to take.
I came to the Dolphin world in the midst of September last year and thought of making a site based on 6.1.4. Paid couple of hundred bucks(~500 USD) to buy some mods and it took me 3-4 months to make up the site and then I thought I should purchase the Dolphin licenses and go live....

Then came the post from Boonex about Dolphin 7 release in a couple of weeks. I thought whether it would be worth the hassle to launch a 6.1.4 based site and then upgrade it to 7 or just wait a couple of weeks. But see more instead of weeks, months are passing by and my site is in suspended mode. I am still confused and wondering whether the existing mods I bought would work with Dolphin 7 or not. When I read something like this from boonex - "complete layout change ... blah blah blah" makes me feel both excited and nervous.

I have couple of other sites based on VBulletin and Joomla and so I am not new to this opensource thing but I would have to say the initial impression I got off Dolphin in last september has started to fade away and the only thing that still keeps me floating here is the amount of money I have invested in this and my strong belief that my Dolphin. based site would be a real good one.

I keep my fingers crossed and would keep waiting indefinately ( as boonex said the wait could be couple of weeks or months).

Just please, please make it easy to import the users profiles and info if possible.
So what is the ETA for the Poseiden, deal 2047?
I hate to bust anyone's bubble, but it is not the job of a software developer to ensure that future versions are compatible with third party addons or hacks. Plain and simply, if you paid for third party mods for Dolphin 6.x.x, it is not the responsibility of Boonex to ensure that those mods will still work with a major revision. Sorry... that's life in the big city.
However, the party that you received the paid mod from, should for a nominal upgrade charge, provide an upgrade mod for the see more newer release of Dolphin. That's how it works everywhere else in the software world and there's no reason to expect things to work any differently here.
If I recall, the Poseiden ended up at the bottom of the ocean.
I hat to bust anyone's bubble, but it is not the job of a software developer to ensure that major releasee are ompatible with any third party addons or hacks. The providers of those addons or hacks, should be able to provide an upgraded addon for a minimal charge or even free. That's the way it works everywhere else in the software world and there's no reason to expect things to work any differently here. Sorry.... that's life in the big city.

Besides.... if Boonex would give Dolphin 7 the see more features that the rest of the social networking world already have, you wouldn't need to worry about mods just to get things the way you want.

The rest of the social networking world already has:
Photo albums, Privacy controls, and Decent forums... just to name a few. I certainly hope the back end of Dolphin 7 will show a big improvement. Currently, the admin backend of Dolphin, in a word, sucks. I should not have to go rummaging around in the MySQL database to change things. Orca forums are a joke.... no subcategories.... no choice of how threads are displayed.... I can go on and on. I know there's a phpBB integration, but phpBB is a joke also.... there's new exploits discovered almost daily. Why not just provide an integration to vBulletin or Invision and not try to reinvent the wheel. Once you have an integration to Invision or vBulletin, it opens the door to a lot of addons for those products... many of them FREE or very reasonably priced. For either Vbulletin or Invision, there is an excellent FREE arcade game script, a FREE youtube integration, and much more.... all of which could be part of a Dolphin based website with forum software such as Invision Board integrated. The we coul talk about commercial addons for Invision or vBulletin such as Photopost, PP Classifieds, or reviewpost.... all excellent scripts.

I like Dolphin because of the video chat, video IM, Whiteboard, and blogs all bundled together, The photos, classifieds, and forums however, have a long way to go.

If Dolphin 7 doesn't bring the aforementioned improvements, then I will have to consider other alternatives. In any case, if Dophin 7 provided a good core system to which scripts such as Invision, Photopost, PP Classifieds, and others could be easily integrated, I would buy it in a split second. There's an Invision integration out there, but it'sot complete. It does work though. If anyone wants to see it running within Dolphin, along with a really good arcade game script, let me know.

Then again, maybe Dolphin 7 will bring everything I'm looking for, in one neat tidy package. As long as when I get it, I'm not too old to remember why I wanted it.
Don't forget SMF - Simple, fast and free.. with lots of plugins.
I hate to bust anyone's bubble, but it is not the job of a software developer to ensure that major releasee are ompatible with any third party addons or hacks. The providers of those addons or hacks, should be able to provide an upgraded addon for a minimal charge or even free. That's the way it works everywhere else in the software world and there's no reason to expect things to work any differently here. Sorry.... that's life in the big city.

Besides.... if Boonex would give Dolphin 7 the see more features that the rest of the social networking world already have, you wouldn't need to worry about mods just to get things the way you want.

The rest of the social networking world already has:
Photo albums, Privacy controls, and Decent forums... just to name a few. I certainly hope the back end of Dolphin 7 will show a big improvement. Currently, the admin backend of Dolphin, in a word, sucks. I should not have to go rummaging around in the MySQL database to change things. Orca forums are a joke.... no subcategories.... no choice of how threads are displayed.... I can go on and on. I know there's a phpBB integration, but phpBB is a joke also.... there's new exploits discovered almost daily. Why not just provide an integration to vBulletin or Invision and not try to reinvent the wheel. Once you have an integration to Invision or vBulletin, it opens the door to a lot of addons for those products... many of them FREE or very reasonably priced. For either Vbulletin or Invision, there is an excellent FREE arcade game script, a FREE youtube integration, and much more.... all of which could be part of a Dolphin based website with forum software such as Invision Board integrated. The we coul talk about commercial addons for Invision or vBulletin such as Photopost, PP Classifieds, or reviewpost.... all excellent scripts.

I like Dolphin because of the video chat, video IM, Whiteboard, and blogs all bundled together, The photos, classifieds, and forums however, have a long way to go.

If Dolphin 7 doesn't bring the aforementioned improvements, then I will have to consider other alternatives. In any case, if Dophin 7 provided a good core system to which scripts such as Invision, Photopost, PP Classifieds, and others could be easily integrated, I would buy it in a split second. There's an Invision integration out there, but it'sot complete. It does work though. If anyone wants to see it running within Dolphin, along with a really good arcade game script, let me know.

Then again, maybe Dolphin 7 will bring everything I'm looking for, in one neat tidy package. As long as when I get it, I'm not too old to remember why I wanted it.
Wow.... when you edit a post, the post appears twice???? WTF?? Then the post I started earlier that disappeared before my eyes, suddenly reappears...... This blog mus be part of Orca.... it certainly has all the moves of a whale.
"... there's one bigger thing we need to discuss. The "green” thing… "

Ya know...... when I first read that..... I thought he was going to talk about money.... licensing fees, contributing, and that sort of stuff.
Exactly what I thought as well :-)
I put a lot of effort in modifying and translating for the 6.1.4 version. There were lots of bugs that were going to be fixed in next releases.
Now Boonex is jumping to version 7 without fixing existing bugs in version 6.
What if I don't want to upgrade to 7 ? My site is stable now and running. Should I take the risk to upgrade and find out that everything's changed ? Not even mentioning the new bugs we will find ...
In a way I agree with Interex but on the other hand, the script is exactly what see more I need ... when existing bugs would be fixed.
I do not pay one euro until I'm sure I get what I need and want and I think lots of people start thinking like that.
So for the moment I'll stick to 6.1.4. and will see what happens in the next couple of weeks ... months ? Meanwhile I'm finishing a course to become a PHP developer and that might also help me to manipulate the script in my favor.

I think I am going to have to take some php because I want to be able to communicate better with developers and have a better handle on things. That is obvious, I know.
my dolphin website keeps getting hacked, i think because of scripts exploitable by RFI exploits or injections.... any soloutions?????????????
Great to hear about progress and as a programmer I too have experienced hitting bug(s) that just won't die and that can delay production.

I'm certainly going to wait for Dolphin 7 and look forward to its release.

For now, I am working on Dolphin version 6.1.4 with my current gig and so far it's been pretty good. I have a number of updates and fixes and will most likely continue with that version until my clients (or me) needs the new stuff.
Hey Andrew

Happy new year to all Boonex team .

We will keep patient untill your dolphin ver 7 launch

Regarding GREEN project I will suggest somethink Tangible such as :

Every user of Boonex 7 wheather FREE or PAID must
make commitment to PLANT the tree at their own community 5,10.....or 50 trees.

And after all there is Green community for sharing the ideas and so on.
I am not sure if Unity and Dolphin are related .. but I would love to purchase the license of "Answers" section if that can be available as well with Dolphin 7.

"Answers" can prove to be a strong section for any social-networking website and can bring in potentially lot's of traffic.
Please install the system of payment by phone allopass

If anybody know how to install allopass leave a comment or contact me

thank you
People wants almost more and more, let's make first al the things we have really work and more bug free :)
Yes, it true, often offer some strange work. Like different integrations. :)
It would be nice to first get Dolphin 7 up and ready. As we all know, there are alway problems with New Programs. The typical bugs will need another space of time to iron out this and that after we can purchase the script, no?

In any event, Dolphin Now and Link Back Later to any and all Green Charities and other idealistic promotions. Check out squidoo, they do it pretty cool.

I really think you guys have great ideas, but your customers want the product accessible ASAP, obviously. For see more me, I've had to hang on too long.

Let's go guys and finish Beta. Thanks for listening : - )
give out free add-free license's to people that post videos of them selfs doing 5 things for the enviroment, like carpooling, picking up trash, planting trees, changing their light bulbs to energy saver light bulbs ect..

just an idea.....
Speaking of free license.. Remember the 080808 posting with 888 comments for the release of Shark? It stated all comments posted on what you were doing then would get a free license. What happened to that issue? Will we get a Poseidon license?
Actually, it was for the NBT announcement
pfft. The only Green your customers need you to be focusing on is the green we give for your product.

Let the people who BUY or USE Boonex products do the community development, your job is the software development. All we need is stable software that does as it's expected. Then our communities can serve the interests of society and all that.

If you're thinking Green-marketing press will help Dolphin, you're wrong. The only thing that will elevate Dolphin and Boonex products is several see more happy webmaster with successful fully functional sites praising the Boonex platform. Focus there and all your other goals will be met.
Second point... Every mintue spent working on how to alter BoonexUS to a green forum is one more minute a customer with a licence lock-out or some support issue isn't getting answers for their site.

and number one:

"Resource hog" and "Green" don't go together in the software reviews blogs that are gaining readership every day. Maybe companies that sell software designed to allow streaming broadband data 24/7 to _X_ number of users shouldn't be even discussing the human see more footprint. This isn't a green industry, will never be, and pandering to pretend it will be is just silly.

I have burned up more planet resources in 3 months hunting Dolphin set-up and tweak info than can be replaced by planting a few trees or supporting a wildlife preserve. Good thing I like Dolphin so much!
I like that because it is pragmatic. I am a user of the products, I am creating a system using Boonex. Even though I am creating a green project, I stopped trying to understand everything about all the new tech and energy efficiency products out there. My focus has to be on providing the best tools for my users, and I want my developers to be good at what they do as well.

All that being said, I still want to work with developers who have a passion for new tech., efficiency and the environment. see more It may ensure that my site works the best it can if they have a passion along those lines.
I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone is trying to change Boonex to a green forum, I think they just want to hear some ideas about how they can be more green, or add some info in the form of a blog.
i want to say something would ray chat be updated or is it staying the same any other chat systems can work on dolphin 7 like userplane etc
I have read through all of the comments here several times.

One thing that puzzles me are those of you who ask, "Should I continue to work with 6.1.4 or should I wait for Dolphin 7 ?"

If you know Ford is putting out a new truck mid spring do you decide Ok! I will stop driving my older vehicle and wait for the new Ford or do you just keep driving and then check out the new one and decide AFTER it comes out?

Why would any one just stop what they are doing now to wait for something see more they may or may not like better?

My thought is to continue full steam ahead with what you are doing with 6.1.4 and weigh the new software when it's through the beta stages and in full final release version.

When Dolphin7 is ready you can then decide whether to start a new project or update your present one. Same with Poseidon.

Just because Unoboonex tries to give you some insight into what is coming, does that mean we should all just hold our breath and wait impatiently?

Full steam ahead for me ......... I will continue to work with 6.1.4 NOW, work with 7 Beta WHEN IT COMES OUT and worry about Posiedon WHEN I SEE IT.

Just more of my own opinions.

I'll tell you why I'm not concerned about the new Ford model. Because my current Ford works.

If I have a problem with it, I can get it fixed immediately. Many of us recently purchased Dolphin, spent hours, days, or weeks just trying to get it to work. Now a new one is supposed to be out - like a new Ford with working brakes, winshield wipers, and headlights.

Yes, we want the new one and hoping we don't have to sit on the side of the road broken down...again.
I think the script is great as far as what else is out there with respect to its overall look and feel and classiness.

Personally, I'm not as excited about how much "fancier" a newer version might be or what modules it might have or anything at all EXCEPT that it work. Despite its pluses, the bugs and security issues with the current script and seemingly lack of support thereof, or I shall say minimalistic support thereof, are just frustrating.

So, what all this feels like to me see more is that the current version is just being dumped problems and all and now we can look forward to a new version.

Does that mean new problems?
Does that mean old problems are not addressed and many of them are carried forward on top of new problems perhaps?

I would hope it means old problems are all fixed and we can anticipate new problems. :)

So this leads me to wonder.. and to wait and see before I get too excited or overly enthusiastically supportive..

As to whether this new schema is going to improve the actual workability of the program, the technical functionality of the program and the security of the program or is just flash and shine remains to be seen and is something I will be looking to find out with baited breath.

Leastwise, that's my opinion on the subject..
If the Admin delete the profile primary photo of a member, the database has to be updated ! (doen't work in 6.1)


Within the Admin Panel, to order members by sex, membership is a functionnality that has to ba available !
Please don't forget to add the zodiac icon, the match percentage and the online/offline status within the profile view page ! :-)
Please don't forget notifications that have to be sent to the member when another member want to be friend or accept friendship.


Please add the possibility to send repetitive notification to the subscribers who still have to confirm their email address


Admin FAQ management is still missing in 6.1... Hope this problem will be solved in v. 7


"Your see more current membership (xxxx) doesn't allow you to xxxx" message design has to be unique (6.1 has at least 3 different looks for this message)


... to be continued... :-)
What a strange post this is!?! On the last update post it was claimed that a couple weeks was all that was needed to release a beta. At that time, I called boonex on it and claimed nothing would happen until after the new year...and here we are, still waiting.

Now, I come to see this post and another claim of '2 weeks to 2 months'...good things come to those who wait and you have to be patient is what we are told! Please, give me a break, you claimed 2 weeks and now you are saying relax it could see more take 2, I had no idea what I got myself into when I found this site. I understand that software devel takes time but to dangle a carrot in front of without even so much as a nibble before taking it away and presenting a new carrot attached to a longer stick is frustrating at best. You know how to get people excited about your product but you need a lesson in providing some kind of pay-off for all the time people spend here discussing this new product and suggesting a million and one ideas for features and updates and what not.

I don't run your software but I am hanging around hoping version 7 will have what I need...I won't be here for much longer, as others have claimed business must proceed, with a different product if need be. I just wanted to give you some feedback on this green initiative...just the fact that you took time to post this and then comment on it several times shows you are already focusing on too many things at once. Release the beta already and stop wasting time on trivial matters such as 'greening' the planet which let's be honest, is not your area of expertise. I thought Dolphin 7 was going to be the be all and end all of social software but this green thing makes you sound just a little bit ludicrous. To the point where it's become obvious you are using the 'green trend' to help market your product to environmently friendly consumers. Problem is, I have been a 'green' person for 20 plus years now and I can see throug bullshit and wannabe green projects...and i'm inclined to think this may just be that.

my .02 watts
Is there ANY sort of an ETA on this release? I know you want to make sure its "ready" but in late November we were told the 7.0 release was "days" away. its now late January - two months later.

I hate being a pest, but I'm wanting to encorporate Dolphin on my web site. I don't want to install and turn right around and update or reinstall.
"....there's one bigger thing we need to discuss. The "green” thing"

I will wait until spring, plant a tree, water it & watch it grow. When it reaches 150-200 foot tall, I will come back and see if you've discovered what customer service is really about. Is that "Green" enough?
Otherwise, I will use Jo-o-vi-li, since you can't seem to get your act together & they can.
I wonder what the the next 10 *misdirects* you throw out will consist of.
Maybe - "There's see more one BIGGER thing we need to discuss, wart removal for witches"
My money is going elsewhere. What a complete waste of time, money, and community.
Maybe with "7" you will finally allow mod approval for American's. I doubt it, but hey - give it time. Be patient....and all that happy horseshit.
Nice censorship of J-oo-vi-l-i

by the way
I don't know if the boonex guys have read through each and every comment posted outta here, but I sure have..The message that I would intrepret out from the comments posted so far would be:

1. Everybody needs an ETA or a rough deadline as to when 7 is coming out.On nov 23, it was said "couple of weeks" but today it's Jan 22 and that's like a "couple of months".

2. Most people suggested to release Dolphin 7 and then concentrate on any other issues/areas like "green" see more thing...

3. Most people expect a stable release :)

I don't wanna be a pain in the a**, just letting you know what people are expecting from you guys....
It really is hard to find reliable and skilled help with the software. Even the people who spam our mailboxes with ads telling us how great they are don't respond to our requests.

One guy who contacted me talked this big game about how he was an original boonex guy and has essentially disabled my site because nothing he installed works, or is complete.. Will I ever see that money back?

The only thing he did that works is the install, but what good is that when all his mods destabilize the see more site and make it unusable?

I can't believe I spent money on that junkhead.

Some kind of credible system for getting help needs to be devised.

I really think dolphin has what I need, but I think I may have to move on because there is just no support available. Expertzzz, Unity, etc.. so far it is all a bust.
think about it... if this software was any good, why would it even need to be modded... especially with thousands of mods?
yes... i think... even if the dolphin 7 will be release this summer on in 2 years... just give us some update... every week... like you did in the past for the first update version of dolphin... just to make us to know what happening... its not hard to write a few sentence on the blog just to say.. ok now we have 80% complete... yes we can check the trac page.. but this track
is see more frozen from a month now.. nothing change.. so please give us some news frequently on the blog... just to know where we are going.... its just a matter of RESPECT for all the webmaster who follow boonex from the begining..

On a very simple yet URGENT note...

I really enjoy using Dolphin and find the work that has been done AMAZING, but I am at a turning point in my project where I require a stable and efficient V2. I have been putting off my partners since mid-november and there is still no sign of Dolphin 7.0... What's the deal?

I would hate to have to go to the competition, but companies like broadband mechanics etc... seem to be a little more straight forward in terms of updates etc.

Again, see more I really apreciate your products but the cost of being loyal is getting out of hand, especially with ZERO visibility.

So can you PLEASE shed some light on the "near" future of Dolphin?


I'd like to see the replies to my previous comment, but I get sql errors (go figure).

Anyway, my patience has finally reached zero. If anybody is interested in writing a script to convert the dolphin database to phpFox, please PM me. I am willing to front some money to get my projects moving forward (as dolphin is currently at a stand still).
No problem, I can do and have done many
Dear Fellow Community Members,

I bought into this program in December 2007, I paid $1000 for the SmartPro package, I have invested $2400 repeatedly upgrading Mods, I have been robbed for $1200 by criminals passing themselves off as programmers at Expertzz, and my site is STILL not functioning well, BUT, ........I'm still here!

Eight months ago I was one of the worst critics of Boonex, and I complained and demanded many things from Andrew and his crew, the same way many of you new members are see more doing right now. I think they went home at night thanking God that old Juker didn't blast them again.

I'm going to give you my advice and you can take it or leave it. I am qualified to comment because I am on the board of directors of seven major corporations and I have been the C.E.O. of three of these. All of my businesses are successful and in the black.

At the heart of the problem is the fact that NONE of the Boonex leaders are Professional Businessmen...THEY ARE PROGRAMMERS! The way they are managing the business side of their enterprise is a disaster. They are excellent programmers and given the opportunity to do what they do best I can assure you that they are capable of producing the finest community software package ever. I think we all sense that and that's what keeps us hanging on.

But when it comes to public relations, customer support, product support, billing, and all of the other Front Office procedures they are like the blind leading the blind. I have come to love Andrew and his dear family, and I deeply respect the other members of his team but I wouldn't hire any of them to manage one of my businesses.

My advice to all of you folks is .... BE PATIENT! - I know a good thing when I see it even if it is a rough cut diamond. I think the day will come when Andrew will be able to hire a C.E.O. to stabalize his business dealings and I think we can all look forward to some fantastic software.

Regarding the obvious weaknesses in the current software: - We are temporarily linking to third party hosted Forums, Calendars, Photo Gallery, and other services until Boonex incorporates the features we need into their software. It's a bit expensive but we aren't continuously trying to "FIX" Dolphin.

For what it's worth I hope some of you are helped by my comments.

17 days of silence since this item has been posted. It's nearly becoming insulting towards members how Boonex team remains stiff-lipped.
There are lots of good programmers who do add ons. Please contact us regarding setting up a new community site software, which will have excellent customer service, unlike boonex
i'm interested keep me informed as I've removed boonex software and urgently looking for other software.:)
There are lots of good programmers who do add ons. Please contact us regarding setting up a new community site software, which will have excellent customer service, unlike boonex
Well i have left boonex for good i can't take this wait any longer and not new to boonex. Please ladies and gents if you know of other free software contact me as, i'm in urgent need of something to make my site. Forget the wait i'm not waiting if i find something that catches my eye i'm there. send me a message in my inbox.I've come to the point of saying to myself is this worth it when a programmer could careless of their costumers? especially when they lie to us and say a couple of weeks? i have see more to agree with others here it's like giving a banana to a monkey and taking it away as the monkey gets mad and wants his banana but won't get it back. Or when you tell someone that something is coming and have them waiting.My advice to unoboonex next time you make an update don't tell us until it's completed.
Geez Boonex - While reading these posts, you are loosing customers based on your announcements. If I were you, I would get someone there to monitor these threads, and start updating some answers. Communication is the key with customers.. I would hate for you guys to loose them.
hi all,
I've read all the posts, i'm wandering of boonex slow responce. Isn't this a community? if so, where is the answers?
Here is an idea if you would like to get involved... maybe abit late this year as we are due to leave in March.... but it has all the community values... take a look its Niall Mellon Township Trust Fund.

visit let me know...
I guess there might be 2 reasons for the silence : unoboonex attends the Australian Open or eveything melted down because of the extreme heath-wave :-)))))
Hello again,

No doubt one of the reasons they are slow to respond is because Microsoft has thrown a monkey wrench into the works with the release of of IE 8 Beta 1 & Beta 2 and now IE8 RC1 all within six months. The final version of IE8 is undetermined and this latest release of it's browser is creating massive compatibility issues across the web. Microsoft is losing marketshare rapidly trying to play catch up with Firefox.

In a wierd way I'm actually encouraged that Boonex has decided see more to quit making promises they can't keep and get to work. They are truly GREEN businessmen.

Regardless of what they release we are only interested in the Core Navigation structure and not the widgets and features. We have purchased a large block of I.P addresses and we are setting up sub-domains for virtually every feature of Dolphin and Orca using third party Forums, Profile and Member Pages, Photo and Video Galleries, Classifieds, Search Features, Event Calendar, Mini Calendars, Video Chat, etc. The only Dolphin features we are keeping are the Navigation Builders, the Blog and the Whiteboard and the rest of it we are doing away with.

The Dolphin Navigation Structure is excellent and there are tons of fantastic Plugins available without getting involved with the Hacks and Crooks at Expertzz. You don't have to be a super geek to build an excellent community if you just do the research.

Jenuary is going by...There have been no comments since the 8th, shall we expect dolphin 7 for February?

Aren t you into too many things at the same time?
Need any help?

Regards and good luke!
Tick Tock...Tick Tock..

I'm a software developer too.. I know how hard it is to run a business AND keep the customers happy... it's not easy, and when i get behind schedule, i too have a couple hundred people breathing down my neck.

I have invested a small amount of time trying to learn the nuances of Boonex, and over all, i'm pretty satisified. I'm not satisified tho, with the layout of orca, the fact that the admin account doesn't really translate to anwhere else in the system (Can't change see more groups as admin, etc.. or walk into chat) I'm not at all thrilled with the RMS server.. which is actually a stock system from someone else...with a bridge app built into it.. I mean, the way i see boonex 6.x is like a frankenstein monster kinda rolled into 1. well, 1.3. there's 30% of stuff in here that is rather blech.

I am hoping tho, that the 7.0 has everything integrated.. Thats what is keeping me around and to wait it out. In the mean time, i'm going to do 3 or 4 more implementations of the 6.14 and hope that the upgrade path is spot on, and doesn't bug out. I don't know how the last upgrades went, but if they went wrong, or needed to be specially handled, you can bet they're prolly fixing that in this build. Angry customers are not fun.. especially as a programmer with no salesmen buffer between you and them.

In the mean time, Keep at it guys, I'll be hanging out. I only hope that you find better ways to do alot of this stuff.. My only other recommendation, which i'll prolly end up implementing myself, is ditching tiny MCE and going with a much better html editor..

Cheers! and if i ever make it down there, as always, VBs on me.
I want so much to be part of the Dolphin community and as such I have two suggestions on both fronts. One from the software side and one on the "greener" side of life. I just installed Dolphin and seriously considering it for a new site I intend to launch on feb 9, 2009. So here goes.

1) I believe there seriously needs to be a way to integrate our sites with Facebook to take advantage of their 150 million users. It is a must for me and my marketing efforts. I hope that has been considered see more in the new release and would be very interested in talking to anyone who has implemented such an animal or would be willing to.

2) I am a volunteer for the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network out of Galveston Texas. see We were all hit very hard by Hurricane Ike last September and notwithstanding this organization. The building where we rehab stranded dolphins was devastated. Everything inside the facility was destroyed and tye roof was torn off. 50 of us had a roof raising party last Saturday and manually put on a temporary tarp. You would laugh at the engineering effort, string, wooden blocks and some heave ho. We have one dolphin, "Tobey" , who is in rehabilitation for release now in a borrowed tank and there is no telling when we might have to vacate. We not only need funds to feed him but to rebuild the facility. If there is any interest in helping out this non-profit, please let me know and I'll put you in touch with the director.

My story on why I am involved is a different tale, but let's just say I was healed by a dolphin and want to give back!

For media, I would like to see something like this:

Check it out. It is my own song by the way. I hope it makes some people happy.

Waiting for D7.
Lets hope dolphin 7 will be more resource friendly as currently its a major issue and also the admin license checks (as it happened few days back if license server is down that may slow down user admin sections and much more..)
Well, there are only two more days left to Janurary and we haven't heard anything in the last three weeks?! This is nonsense. I've come to the conclusion that this software is junk. I regret using it as the backbone for any of my projects. It is a resource and bandwidth HOG.... even on a completely dedicated server, one site that I have (with 2.4K members) has slowed to a crawl. What kind of crackpot company completely ignores its customers like this? Absolute BS. At least post some damn updates see more or something so we at least know you are alive! As of yesterday, I've hired an outside programmer to create a migration script to move my database to PHPFox. This software is poorly written and an absolute piece of crap. Goodbye boonex, no money for you.
You continue to lose customers and yet your silence is deafening .....
i havent been on this for awile,

got tired of allllll the dramma and bullcrap on this site

took down my BOONEX WEBSITE cause none of my keys worked in the end :(

sent BOONEX loads of emails * no responces *

but i know that its 2009

nothing has changed

Ive noticced the programers are charging way much more now for there MODS and Economy has gotten worse and OUR HOURLY WAGES Havent gone up much in the last few years ...........

Comon if your smart you dont tell BOONEX what MODS see more you want on the forum * send it to them by email *

cause if write in the forums what MODS you want then to do someone else will take the idea before BOONEX does and they will make the MOD before Boonex does and the person will put it in the MOD section and charge all of you for something BOONEX could of made for free just by emailing them ....

Think Smart dont pay for MODS ... then the programmers loose buissness and then we can all gain from it by BOONEX creating the mods we wanted for free or added in the software
Technoman I disagree.

I have sent Boonex several e-mails and I have yet to get a reply back. I am sure others have experienced the same thing.

Contrary to your suggestion, BoonEx has openly asked the community for suggestions and ideas and to post it publicly.

You look like you are for BoonEx but what you are suggesting to this community is ironically against what BoonEx has requested.
hey stop erasing my post who ever is

i am not alowed to voice my oppions for the rest of viewers ?
melia ---> i will explain

the forum is the users and BOONEX is ANDREY
ANDRE has asked us to request ideas but he did not mention requesting MODS over the years since ive known him

these MODS that are added to this site are cause people request them openly to all users threwout this site

the programmers who know how to make mods that we all would love to have TAKE ADVANTAGE of US and sell them at prices that im sure 90% of us cant afford and in 1 month from now they wont even work cause see more BOONEX is constantly upgrading there code to make it faster to protect us and to build upon what is already there for BOONEX

so if we are careful what to mention and what not to mention BOONEX and us will grow and our pockets will be less empty from all the expences that occur over the years to come .........




JUST WAIT ........

oh to mention im not referring the SHARK is someone

no iTS A CHAT SITE and its called SHARK


Dont get me wrong there are sharks on here to but its not the same referance to what i was saying :)
Here on everybody can see how it goes on with 7 - and as long as they work and fix that much every day, they wouldn't be able to say when it comes out for beta. So unless you can see here that the work/fixing going down/being less, all those special people here can stop screening and shouting - and I am sure in that moment boonex comes out itself with answers. So pushing or pressing them makes no sence because they changing so much every day until now. see more If unoboonex/adrew has an finally overview he will let us now. He is coordinating everything right now from Florida/USA and before from his Homeland as you can see on his personal blog at

V7 is really not a game - it is a massive big thing! So like it or not, the boonex people wouldn't tell you how you have to do your business because they think you know that better - and so give them the freedom to do it the way they need it to do .... it looks like. Regards, Helmut
Hey Folks Technoman Is Back!

Many great people have left this community and Technoman is one of the biggest losses. You newbies do well to listen to him about the corruption within Expertzzz. His advice is DON'T BUY ANY MODS! And you do well to heed his (my) warning. 90% of those hacks are stealing from programmers on the web who offer their plugins for FREE and disquise them as UNIQUE Dolphin or Orca Mods which they are glad to sell to you for 50 times what they're worth. They justify the stolen see more mods by adapting them to be integrated into the Dolphin code which is something anyone can do with a basic knowledge of PHP, CSS, and XHTML.

Technoman is not bashing Andrew or Boonex because those of us who have come to know them well understand that they are good people and in spite of the incredibly awkward hit and miss marketing approach they have incorporated we all wish them well.

Your best bet is to research the Mods you like at Expertzzz and then go find the original authors on the web. Wikipedia is a good place to start, and community software plugins are in abundance. Get yourself a book called "HTML, XHTML, and CSS For Dummies" and in no time you can do it yourself.

Nice to hear from Technoman and I hope all is well with you Bro!

After watching this software and its developers for at least 3 years now...This is my only suggestion quit blowing smoke up everyones butt and do what you say you are going to do WHEN you say you are going to do it!

I've seen nothing but excuses from the developers and above and beyond everything else the well documented complete lack of support to both free and paid users is inexcusable.

Now you want to raise some new lets all "go green" aspect to the software?

Are you serious? see more quit trying to save the world and just save your software!


Does anyone in your company have the ability to FOCUS?

I read this announcement with incredulity..I said to myself.."WTF? not again! can these people just complete one task at a time or do one thing they say they are going to do?"

I have never seen software with such promise developed/run by such incapable business people..its true what they say about people skills and it shows in the most glaring way possible here.

My comments will not be heard, just as all in the past that have tried to give these people a wake up call and tried our best to be patient with their shortcomings but its become so ridiculous you can't believe a word they say..they have no credibility, you cannot take them at their word.
People have lost all confidence in them and did that all by themselves.

We'll all be sitting here a year from now reading more excuses about why V7/Shark/Octopus/Nemo/insert whatever fancy name they rebrand it with for the umpteenth time name still isn't ready yet, and how they want it to be oh so "pie in the sky" perfect before they release it to the world.

Amen, brother. You said it.
Are we going to be able to upgrade our current projects into the new software? Or are we going to have to start from scratch?
Looking at the Roadmap:

the developers are currently fixing bugs destined for 6.3 release. To go all the way to version 7.0, they need to close or defer about 100 more active tickets(bugs/defects/improvements) etc. I guess, the Dolphin guys announced too early about Dolphin 7 release and there's still some time for it to go live.

I don't think that can be done sometime soon and so I think atleast that should take around a month or so...

Anyways see more looking at the closed tickets of 6.2, 6.3 etc the progress so far looks really impressive and i am ready to wait...
Same question as RobertRun (and may others in this discussion)

Will we be able to upgrade existing communities from 6.x to 7?
Talk about heart sinking, reading above comments has really given me less faith in Boonex. I just hope now I haven't been taken of all my hard earned money I spent for these products. I really dislike making any type of negative post, in all the years I've been building websites, I've never had to make a open statement like this.

I'm new here and I don't feel good about the bad reports I hear consistently about Boonex. I bought 8 licenses at the end of oct and beginning of Nov, was told at the see more time we'll be upgrading to 6.2, next thing I know it's now 7.0 After I specifically asked about this. I figured I would go on and build my community and get some use out of what I spent my hard earned money on.

The only thing I wanted Boonex for is charging to upload profile videos because this was going to be a cheap form of commercial advertising for me for another site. I soon found out there was a bug with this one option and reported it to Boonex. A while later I was told that the bug has been verified and they would not fix it due to it would take away from work time on 7.0 O.o I just bought 8 licenses and can't use the software for the one reason I needed it for and here I sit... I'm sorry, but building a green website over taking the time to help me is just unconscionable and has caused me to worry greatly..

I've already lost almost 3 months worth of license, should I just write this off now :( I'm worried since you wont fix this and from what a lot of others are saying if there was a future issue would you fix it? Where would I get support?

What am I as a new Member supposed to think? What am I supposed to do? There isn't even a forum for me to turn to with fellow members to get answers. Sometimes emails go un-returned? I'm really confused and feel like I've been taken advantage of.

I tried to keep this out of the blog, but when someone mentions they're building a website over helping me, I must say something and try to figure out just what's going on so I know what I need to be doing in the future.

Thank You
Hemi has a valid point and I wonder about the motivation of whoever gave them a thumbs down. Boonex needs to bring on board personnel or outsource tasks to people who are expertzzz in PR, customer relations, and customer service before they alienate their customers.

It's February 3rd and there are 106 tickets left to reach D7 according to the roadmap @ .

Maybe they should just post to this thread the number of tickets they've gone through, every few see more days. It would really help deal with the constant (and justified) calls for a release date.
I think that I will look at the number of tickets they are going through each day and post it to their Dolphin 7 thread at .
Dear HEMI and Zonedate,

The Boonex FORUMS are a truly BRIGHT SPOT offered to the community. No other online community has a more active forum and if you post your Video Fix Request there I assure you someone will come to your rescue. The one clear source for information and solutions are the Forums.

Don't pay any attention to the thumbs up and down crap. With 20,000 members on board you will never get a clear indication about how the community is motivated.

Take your time - I rather wait another 2-3 months and finally see a "clean" project structure and HTML-free PHP code then having a half-professional version today.....
Juker -- > whats up bro

yah been on this for around 3 maybe even 4 years myself

it started off great until Boonex got mixxed up with the wrong people

i have always defended Bonnex threw out the years that I been here

but there has always been trouble makers that always wanted there voice heard they come and go on here like flies

Ive made friends on here and also have enemies but i wasnt on here to make anything .. but i was happy to make a few good friends out of this over the see more years

I cant stand the the ones who BASH BOONEX and then turn out to apologize and then act like nothing ever happend from the start!
( i have seen this over and over through out the years from users )

First and formost I dont trust many on this except a few and it took time cause trust doesnt happen over night ... it takes years

<quote> 2 to 3 months you rather them take <quote>
i been waitting over a year now for SHARK so maybe expect longer waits ... I think ANDREY is enjoying his SUMMER VACTION :)
Save the world with the 'green' thing while we all die of old age waiting for new and functional software... Before releasing a working dolphin script, how about doing a world poverty and save animals from extinction program as well... By the time you get the script out, you will have forgotten what your software is all about to start with. How many years have you been attempting to release a community software program the really functions? Remember, we're all lucky if we can live to be 75... and see more before you know it we'll be 75 looking back and wondering... "how much longer till boonex software is finally fixed?"
Its a shame no one knows when/if this will ever be released we have been hanging on and on waiting to launch 32 new sites using version 7 as we found 6.1.4 very good but times have changed and our clients can wait no more as we carnt even update them to say soon ( could be 2 weeks could be 2 months doesn't cut it for clients ) and we your paying customers i think are getting bored in waiting all i can say is it better be amazing way beyond anyones expectations for the wait to be worth it or i see see more boonex falling faster than woolworths
any projected date? eagerly waiting patiently!
It's close, but... NOT CLOSE

I will use another script because BoonEx so slow!
help my lang russian download lang_ru.php
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.