Is your site making you any money?

bigal0228 posted 8th of March 2010 in Community Voice. 8 comments.

Something that's been missing here I think is the question of are you using Dolphin as a profit-generating mechanism or are you just playing around with it for your own amusement?  My feeling is that most people attempting to use Dolphin are trying to generate some income from it.  If that is the case, is it successful for you in doing this?  Obviously, there are a lot of people here and elsewhere that are creating some income for themselves SUPPORTING Dolphin, selling mods, and from other revenue streams (I'm one of them myself) but what's happening with actual user sites these days?

I can only tell you about my experiences thus far, and it's been a rollercoaster ride for me over the past 3 years or so.  I created a site a little outside of the dating site concept, as mine is more of a video-chat/social community site with the emphasis on the chat.  Initially, it took some time to begin generating any revenue, but once it did, it took off for me.  Then along came the "Great Recession" and income started falling off pretty dramatically as it has just about everywhere online.  I tried all sorts of promotions, give-aways and anything else I could think of to keep things going, but even with those, we saw a continued drop in income.  This is not to say we were not getting more and more members, our signups increased pretty dramatically, especially with the demise of a few of our competitors.  We just saw fewer and fewer actually paying for the premium memberships.

All of this recently changed when we decided it was time to try something a bit more drastic.  No more free memberships.  We removed our "free trial period", changed all but two small teaser blocks to "members Only" so that the main site page just displays those and the "Join" & "Members" links.  The two blocks basically state that this is a Members Only chat site, and you can try out Trial Memberships starting at $1.99 and up for 7 days.  I completely re-tooled the signup process with an agreement page showing the necessary steps to follow, a minimalistic join page with just the very basic info needed to create an account, and the Paypal payment page to complete the process.

I was initially concerned that my new member signups would fall off a cliff, but that has turned out to be completely false.  We ARE getting fewer registrations, but the ones we are now getting are paying memberships and the quality of signups has obviously increased.

While I'm not getting rich by any stretch of the imagination, I'm beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.  We've been plowing all of our income back into the site for the past 3 years, but at this point, we've got a good, stable, well-running site that our members are pretty enthusiastic about and support.

What's been YOUR experience?

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Good post. It is extremely difficult to get people to pay for just the privilege of being able to contact other members - people just don't do that anymore, and thy have too many other ways to contact people. There has to be something else of value, and you are right - it has to be something they can't see, or can only see part of.
good idea bigal0228 - shame you did not give figures - How many members on your site - how to subscribe..........
I have approximately 1000 current members (5000 total in the database who have signed up, but we recently upgraded the site and are moving members over to the new one individually as they re-sign up). As for income, between membership purchases and donations, I have taken the following figures directly from my finance manger in the admin panel:

Calculations for the query

Membership subscriptions $8557.51
Donations $6069.02
Contact sales $0.00
Events tickets $0.00
see more Total $14636.53

As you can see, we've received almost as much in donations as we have in memberships, and this is due primarily to the dedication of our members. We've spent a LOT of time and effort on establishing a good relationship with and between our membership, and it has paid off nicely in the support we receive from them.

Subscribing is just a modified version of the normal process. The only difference is that the member pays for their membership up front now.
You've won a lot of money with your payment system --
I'd like to win like you

in France it is forbidden to receive the gift - for the business enterprise - only permitted for charities - and the political party
for my
I am a real novice computer user - I got my first computer there is a little over two years
I discovered bonnex dolphin D5.6 - and started my first site with version D6

as I am a little libertine - I create a site for adults - for meetings libertine - 100% Free

I was working half time I spend more than six hours a day - every day - to develop my site - sometimes whole nights on weekends
with lots of coffee and sometimes - McDonald's Big Mac - At 4 o'clock in the morning

I tried see more several types of affiliate banners
but this relates almost nothing - not even enough to pay the dedicated server

so I deleted almost all the banners - and I am dedicated to SEO Site - and the establishment of a database - for mailling
I would make the site - with paid subscription - later when there will be more members

Today - men, women and couples - about 8000 people - 60% couple and women - 20,000 miles e-mails collected - I keep it warm for D7
20 to 40 new members per day - Most google search - the site often on the front page of google
8-keyword - the site is second - and - 1 keyword on the site is in first position

is not a big site - it's still a baby - compared to competing sites with more than 150 000 members - and more

but I always win no money - I made templates free for D6 (on expertzzz) - just for my small contribution to the community Boonex
it's me who pays my pocket to have the site online (dedicated server - modules - intervention coder )
I am a humanitarian organization of sex :)

in addition there are members who are never satisfied - just like here on bonnex :)
why I can not see the videos - why people do not answer me - and also congratulations for the serious management of the site

it's all very nice - it is fun - but I have not made the site just for fun

I told myself - when I made the upgrade to D7 - finished the free site - I made paid subscription - and mailling
but I am always with D6 - why I always use D6

There are many features on D7, but it lacks basic functions - and the ease of use (for members of our site) (D6 and D7)
I speak for my personal case with dating site for adults - but I think it is should be good for everybody
D7 is a wonderful software - for me is the best - and I think there are good people in the team bonnex
but I do not know if they use dolphin as a simple member
surely difficult for the BoonEx team put themselves in the see more shoes of an average user

for functions
system for a couple is not very good about dolphins
excellent site (competitor) - using the torque profiles - should take their example how to integrate couples

We can - dependent fields. Ajax - for sites with several countries and regions or states (3 levels)
It would be nice to have in: join - People Search - Quick - Events - Groups
City-> The school and the city> Univercity.

and - we need a simple system of payment by phone - to make subscriptions of three or four days
and - two or three other payment systems - mutilangue easy - Real

I want a solution for the couple and for the payment system and then I upgrade to D7
sorry for my English but I use the translator google
Very nice post daniel. You have discovered like about 99% of those like us that running a site can be either a very expensive hobby or it can take a lot of time to get established and begin making money. While the amounts I've received seem like a lot, spread out over 3 years, and considering I spend more on just the hosting alone than I've brought in thus far, and the hours I have to put in to keep things running smoothly, I've lost a ton of money. My situation is probably different from most see more as the video chat HAS to be top-notch and able to handle a large number of users with 100% uptime or I hear about it. For that reason, I use two separate servers for my hosting, one for the site and one dedicated to just the chat, on a very fast connection. If not for that, I could have made a nice little profit by now, but then again, I'm going up against some of the big players in this market and I cannot afford to have a solution that isn't top-notch.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.