::::::::::: Future of D8,Trident ::::::::::::
My Wishlist for Trident
1.Flexible PageBlocks
2.A Unique Portal CMS with community features unlike Community Software
3.Mods served through API integration
4.Separate Developer/Support/Agent team from Boonex for Trident
5.No External Freelance Developers
-> Post requirement to boonex
-> Boonex Hires Unity Freelancers
-> Test/release to Mods Market
-> Any admin can buy from there
6.Priority on Mobile Based Communication system than Web based social network [I use facebbok every minuite in my mobile than login to facebook.com]
request you all to post your expectations...
lets ee how it ends...
1. depends on module - everything is independent in Trident.
2. a bit too broad :)
3. That's the whole idea of a "framework"
4. Huh?
5. You will see combinations of everything - it's an open community after all.
6. Mobile is nice and dandy, but it's just type of terminal, which assumes a certain form of representation. see more
I thought of getting away from Dolphin and plunge into Trident just for a better feelings and a fresh start, fresh support etc...
Seriously, its a very bad idea to use the same developers/support/market etc even though it has same operative standards.
Its like Windows Vista and Windows 7
Both admins maybe same but a different experience
Pl dont encourage this. We will suffer later.
2.why dont you provide us the list of features before you stripdown?
3.any alpha release planned?