I need some advise in building a new page

yossi posted 20th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

I need to add to the top menu a new Block ITEM that will have two sub items:
The first sub-item should have a url that will be viewed and edit by the MEMBER WHO LOGED IN ONLY!

1. The page should look like the edit profile page allowing to update some extra profile fields that I've added.
if a record is already there, then an INSERT SHOULD BE USE and not update. I need to trach the value over time!
2. Since I have several new Fields Capture to add and few items in each of them...then it must be splitted to few pages or
can be used as TABS..prefered option. then each tab can hold a spesific Category
3. This page should looks like the pedit.php page where you can have an option to add tabs if there is a long list
4. Since this new fields are privet and personal it must be viewed ONLY BY THE MEMBER ITSELF and can be edit only after the user login
5. This new page will be a url in one of the sub-item I've mention at the begining.


Home | My New Item | Video ....etc
\> Sub-item 1   Sub-Item 2
> URL link newpage.php?ID={memberID} (similar to the pedit.php in my setting)

Any Help Will Be Appreciated since I don't have the code documentation for the join and pedit php programs and they are just perfect for reuse!!


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