Saks posted 3rd of March 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.

Hello everyone,

Im sorry to say all this but I have been brought to this verge of furstration. I think Ive been all out with Boonex eversince I came to this platform BUT TODAY IM SAD !!!!

It is with an angry heart, to be honest that i say this but your support is pathetic ! 5 days Andrey and I dont get a response from Boonex. Ive tried Unity, Ive tried Expertzzz. Ive contacted Boonex as well as Rayz, Ive seen him online 2 times these 5 days, but he HAS NOT replied to my email. Neither has Boonex nor Anton.

I mean what the hell is this ? I dont know what to write, but I want to get your attention. I tired it by posting my problems 2 times on this blog. Remember, when this unity blog was launched you promised youll be more active ... more supportive. I know youve had this criticisim before, but you need it again. Look at a last post by a Boonex person ? You need to make your company more organized. Ive had problems with Ray for 5 days have not as yet got a response to it. THIS IS CRAZY.

THIS IS THE ORGINIAL POST: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Ray_Not_Opening

I thank SImion and cyberxing for the work they did. Thanks mates .... but we need something from Boonex. Plus, in your requirements seciton, nowehere does it mention that in order to run ffmeg.exe your host must allow you to. THIS MEANS IVE WASTED THE MONEY I SPENT ON THAT HOST ? ANY ALTERNATIVE ? My host does not allow me to run exe files, now what do I do. Ive launched my site on that server and onyl ray is giving me trouble. I dont have money either to buy another host. You NEED TO COME WITH ALTERNATIVES, every 90% users using ray comes with one error or another. SO what do I do now, i ask you this question hoping you can cool me down, by giving a better solution and not TO BUY ANOTHER HOSTING PLAN OR SERVER ?


ONE MORE THING - CODYT is back again he is using .... dolfiles and onlineofferstore on expertzzz. Delete him as soon as posisble.



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We have replied with the solution in your post. Please have a look and let us know if this solves your problem.


Of course, take my sincere apology for any inconveniences.

We get tons of E-mails and requests everyday as well my PM is always full for the last week or more. And simply your post just got lost under the tons of new ones posted.

Firstly, I would advise you to send me personal message via Unity brining up my attention see more to an unsorted problem. The reason I ask you to do so is that our blog system is new and of course, the are some shortcomings in tracking of all information to be addresses.

Secondly, my advice for you is to make some research for the instructions or experience from others who probably has applied such kind of changes. And perhaps ask on how to do that before you are going make these changes and take down parts of your site.

Also, you requests to BoonEx Support Team at Expertzzz.com site (BoonEx account) and official Email address (support@boonex.com) were received on 1st, 2nd and 3d of March where the first 2 days were weekend and we were out.

Today your requests are replied and addressed.

Please let me know if your problem is resolved.

CodyT problem is at the highest attention of our team. But you should understand tat we can not just ban half of the Internet. So, we are resolving it as it coming.

Hi There,

Thanks Victor, I know your busy. And ill pm you from now on. Dint know many other ppl did that too.

Ok, your help is appreciated ofcourse, and the fact that ive posted this at so many places shows how urgently i wanted this !

Anyways, your solution has certainly solved the problem of Ray Admin Link. Its opening now !

BUT the music widget and the video widget arnt working. Whenver I go to upload in both the cases for both the widgets it tells me LOADING ... But then it says all see more of a sudden - undefined !

The pmusic widget also KEEPS ON LOADING AND LOADING !! but it does not give an error !

I think these 3 widgets arnt wokring bcs of ffmpeg.I noticed something and went through the forums during your absence and i found out that ffmeg must be executable. My host does not allow that !! AND IT IS A MUST !

Now, I need to know if IT IS POSSIBLE to put the ffmpeg on a different server and KEEP ALL THE OTHER FILES ON ANOTHER SERVER !!! ALL OTHER FILES ARE ALL FILES EXCEPT FOR FFMPEG.

In short: would it be possible to separate the ffmpeg and put it on another server and link it up through inc.header.inc ?

Pls help
maybe the fact that the do state that they recommend only one shared hosting company, and recommend you have at least a VPS or Dedicated server if you dont use that recommended shared hosting company, is a huge hint.

Boonex recommend what they know works, they do not test every hosting company on the planet. if you look at some of the fools on here, one is bitching about boonex being crap when his free host does not allow .htaccess use.

you think boonex can check all hosts out?
Free host - that's funny..

Why the hell waste the time with Dolphin then.. LOL
I never asked Boonex to check all hosts out !! Sammie ive been like you defending Boonex and I STILL DO AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO !! But not today ! Today is an exception.

Look Ill explain. YOu need Dedicated or VPS for RMS. You need dedicated for streaming, desktop such stuff. YOU DO NOT NEED RMS for video or music widgets do you ?

The reason they mention Dedicated or VPS is for root access ? ROOT ACCESS FOR WHAT ?? TO INSTALL RMS !!! RMS has nothing to do with music and video widgets. These see more widgets need ffmpeg.exe and ffmpeg does not need RMS.

Im only pissed off bcs Boonex did not mention that anywhere !! I hope you understand my point.

And I am still a Boonex supporter .. mind u ? But sometimes, you need to adopt a differnet way to get a job done, i had 4 days before my site launched.

Anyways, thanks for making me realize that - i was certainly going a bit far ... but understand ! =D

Our Support Team has requested access information to your server. So, they could go and check the problem with Music player.

Please reply back them ASAP.
In my personal opinion and I have not been responded to also many times in the past there is only one way to resolve these kinds of support issues. I know everyone has heard me say these things before. We cannot assume that everyone has the same technical expertise. That is simply not fair to do so. I mean what is a business professional supposed to do when they have 50K plus members and something is not working correctly on the site and they need help. Wait weeks and maybe never have a response see more and worst yet not even know if and when that response is coming.

#1 Boonex has an area for documentation but probably needs to be kept up to date a little better. I know that there has been talk on reorganizing Expertzzz and that in itself will probably help a lot. I personally think much of the countless emails you receive is brought on by yourself do to lack of and correctly organizing documentation.

#2 there needs to be a support ticket system put into place at Boonex. VictorT while I here you are flooded with tons of support emails the question becomes how do you decide what emails get answered and what emails do not? Having a ticket system helps identify priority, route questions to the proper resource as well as make sure that support questions don’t get lost in the shuffle. Accountability is key ..! and that equals responsibility.

While I realize that Dolphin is a free script but it seems less likely for anyone to want to purchase link removals and other upgrades if the support is not there.

Please understand I still think what you guys are doing with Dolphin is great or I would not be here wasting my time. But I also think that there is a ton of work to be done on QC as it related to documentation and support.

There are plenty of easy to use support ticketing systems out there that can very quickly and easily implemented. Once again..! Accountability.

A'right !!! Ive followed up the email ... and I have asked how much would you charge me for putting ffmpeg.exe to another server. I do not wish to buy a new host, as I do not have enough money as yet !
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