How to omit html script on header and footer of Orca

pharyono posted 12th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.
I saw a lot of post concerning this Orca problem and I'd like to share with you (any comment is most welcome)

1. Copy paste your php.ini with your script editor. Name this file with php.ini
2. Create a fcgi script (in my case) with the following command : (consult with your host)

    PHPRC=p /dnshome/
    export PHPRC
    exec /usr/local/bin/php-cgi

named this file with php5.fcgi.

3. Add a few lines in your ORCA htaccess with this :

    AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
    Action orca /orca/php5.fcgi
    AddHandler orca php

Upload back your htaccess along with the new file "php.ini" and "php5.fcgi"

That's it.  Hope it will help.

Thanks to Robert at Esosoft, I host my webstore, and community, at Esosoft a hosting company in the US. He help me to solve my problem with Orca. I think he did all the time to solve my problem.
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