How to link predefined list to Selector ?

anydude posted 15th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

When I wanted to create new field & input the Possible Value, the information button says that it can be linked to "Predefined List". Any idea how to link? And, if I input the Possible Value manually, there would be "_"sign added to the Possible Value. Is there a way to remove it?

Attachment 1: Input Possible Value

Selector, Predefined List

2) View Profile Page, there's "_" sign before the Possible Value

View Profile Page

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Use the Country field as your "go-by"
thanks for your help, it works! but I do have another problem. The newly added field just doesn't show up at the view profile page, but I can see it at join page & edit profile page. See below link. I don't see any problem with the setting ( newly added field is "Ethnicity"

hmm...I just discovered something very strange!! If I choose Multiple Selectors instead of Selectors, then I can see the field in View Profile Page. is this a bug??
It was fixed in 6.1.1 (that selectors don`t display only at profile fields)
hmm..then what should I do now? the support staff always not online. I'm totally lost now...
Sorry but I don't understand how to remove the underscore. :(
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