How to change video aspect ratio (ffmpeg)?

3dkay posted 19th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.
Hi there,

How can I change the aspect ratio of the video files uploaded/converted by ffmpeg?
They are default 4:3, but i need them to be 16:9.

I found some settings in this file:

Convert function:

$sTempFile = $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME;
$sInput = " -y -i ";
$sSize = " -s " . VIDEO_SIZE . " ";
$sRate = "-r 25 -ar 44100 ";
$sQuality = getSettingValue($sModule, "sameQuality") == TRUE_VAL ? "-sameq " : "";

Can I change the aspect ratio in this lines, or put a other default resolution in it?
Would be nice if somebody could help me on this? Laughing

FFmpeg seems not to be responsible for this problem, because the flv's in the /movie/files are the correct resolution and aspect ratio. But in the player the videos are still viewed squeezed..
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I found a solution that had more to do with the fact that ffmpeg wasn't auto-detecting the size of my videos. I edited line 14 in ray\modules\movie\inc\

Changed this
if(!defined("VIDEO_SIZE")) define("VIDEO_SIZE", "350x250");

to this
if(!defined("VIDEO_SIZE")) define("VIDEO_SIZE", "640x480");

This,combined with the following post, got me exactly what I was looking for:

This see more probably isn't helpful in your case but I wanted to share my solution.
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