How to add blocks/fields in Fields - Quick Search

shaneed posted 9th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Many of you had already asked how to add some fields in Fields Builder -> Search Profiles-> Quick. Until now was not possible, because of some uknown reasons. After 1 day of research I discovered it and i'm willing to share it with you.

I suggest you to make a backup first of your field just in case you didn't get it, even if its easy.

Open your Dolphin database, Open the ProfileFields table, and edit the General Info block. Scroll down and by the SearchQuickBlock field, replace "0" with "1" and under that you will see SearchQuickOrder - float being "checked". Uncheck that and click Go. Now you can find in Fields -> Search Profiles -> Quick, a new block called General Info. You can now add your own blocks and after that REMOVE but NOT DELETE the "General Info" block by dragging it down to inactive blocks. Cheers...

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I change setting of database than also i can't see the changes in home page quick search ......

Can u please tell me how i change the fields and also add new fields in home page quick search of Dolphin home page..
hmmm there is no general info block. And if there was, in what way would you edit it?

I also saw nothing checked for "SearchQuickOrder".

Can anybody shed a little more light on this?
for quick search form you must change it on Template codes . i do it and have no problem .
What I would like to know is how to remove:

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