How can I remove link "music"

sezer posted 5th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.
1. How can I remove link "Music" in block "Site Stats" on Homepage?
2. How can I change link "Posts" in block "Site Stats" on Homepage to my link?
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You need to open inc/ in your favorite text editor. Search for getSiteStat and scroll down till you see:

'pmu' => array('capt'=>_t("_Music"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMusicFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'",'link'=>'browseMusic.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""),

and just put // in front of that line. Save and you're done.
oops sorry I didnt read (2). You need in the same file to find:

'pts' => array('capt'=>_t("_Posts"), 'query'=>"SELECT IF( NOT ISNULL( SUM(`forum_posts`)), SUM(`forum_posts`), 0) AS `Num` FROM `pre_forum` ",'link'=>'orca','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""),

and edit the 'link'=>'orca' part to whatever you need it to link to.

'link'=>'forumz.php' for example.
I realize this post is over a year old.
These elements are not in this file anymore.
They seem to have been moved to

This file appears to be rebuilt periodicly by the Dolphin system.

What is the correct way to remove them now?
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