How To Trash Your Company In 1 Simple Move!

mydatery posted 16th of September 2009 in Community Voice. 52 comments.

Let's Do It!

Trash The Sites You Built!

Destroy Your Credibility!

Make Your Word Worthless!


What?  You think you can't do it in 1 simple, easy move?  Many of you are threatening to do it over a change here on the Boonex/Unity site.  I've seen the following:

I'll Never give My Full Name

I'll Find A New Software

I'll Walk From Boonex

I'll Turn Boonex Over To The Press

Boonex Will Face Lawsuits Over Privacy

How many more stupid idiotic statement are going to be made?


In the end, Boonex has recognized a problem exists on the site in regards to individuals stealing mods, posting fake mods, malicious code inside of mods and so many other acts that it has gotten out of control.  Heck, some individuals have  even gone the route of deleting a mod when it gets a bad rating and reposting it to keep their record clean.  It would take way to many hours of coding to clean up/update the site into something that can be reputable and the reputation overall is so tarnished it would be a waste of funds and man hours.  Therefore Boonex is preparing us for the only solution to it that is viable.  Shut down the site and move things to Unity, where more moderation controls already exist and the reputation has not been tarnished.

As part of this move Boonex is requesting of the members of Unity, that we pull back our curtains and reveal to the world who we are.  In return, we will be rewarded with free access to all parts of the Unity Site and all the items it has to offer.  Every single thing on Unity will suddently be available for you to use (You will have to pay for extensions you want and licenses of course).  For those who choose to not provide there names, Boonex will limit your actions to those parts of the site. 

In addition, Boonex has stated, that you may choose to provide your real name, while keeping it hidden from the public view.  Now, they did not state that if you provide your real name and hide it from public view that you will be denied access to all parts of the site, only that if you refuse you will be denied.  Seems pretty fair to me, but Andrew Boonex can feel free to chime in here on this item.


Now, Boonex in my opinion has been incredibly giving so far, let's look at how giving they are.


1.  Providing a Social Networking Script to you for free and only asking that you run their ads which advertise the script or you pay for a very reasonably priced license.  If you wanted to write a script on your own, it will take you thousands of hours to pull off what boonex provides in Dolphin for Free.


2.  Boonex has for years now, paid $700.00 (That's United States Dollars) per month to run a free RMS for those who can't afford to buy licenses.  That's $8,400.00 (Again, United States Dollars) per year.  The monthly cost is more than someone who owns a Free site has paid in total including server bills more than likely.  Yeah, the world knows what servers the free sites get thrown on, and if you have a VPS-1 at HFW, then you spend approximately $431.46 (Still United States Dollars) per year on that which is still not what Boonex spends in a month on the RMS they have been providing. 


When did Boonex ask any of you to pay for the RMS?  In fact, they are offering all of you the opportunity to get anything you have stored on it off before they close up the shop.  Wow, those are some really mean guys aren't they?  We should call the cops and have them arrested for how hardened they are.  Get real.


3.  Boonex provides support to anyone who needs it, regardless of whether you have a free or paid account, contributor or non-contributor to help out with sites.  I have personally seen Boonex workers under the direction of Boonex upper management go into servers that had problems and repair Dolphin sites free of charge when the error was a unique one or just one that was beyond the site owners ability to fix.  I've seen them do this for free, I've seen them go even further and help train the site owners to deal with the problem in the future should it arise.  Will Joomla do that?  Will phpBB3 do that?  Will AEDating do that?  I don't think so.  Heck, most hosts will not even consider doing that without getting paid by the hour for it first.


Now, people seem to be in an uproar over a request that Andrew Boonex, the founder of Boonex (and the man who gave each and everyone of us the software to start our businesses for free), to provide our real names in order to prevent issues from happening on Unity that happened on Expertzzz.  Instead of reading his post and comprehending, the majority of you are instead proving you definitely have no addiction problems, because you can't even get hooked on phonics and basic sentence comprehension, let alone anything else. 

Personally, I take pride in my name.  It was given to me by my parents, who took the time to consider many names and pick the one they felt would serve me best in life.  My name is representative of many years of hard work, endurance, committment, compassion, passion, blood, sweat, tears and love.  It is part of my heritage going back for many centuries to Ireland and Mexico, it is the proof that man can overcome anything that comes in his way, of how to families immigrated from different parts of the world and found a common denominator that united them and in the end created my brother, my sisters, myself, my children and someday my grand children, great grandchildren and many generations long after. 

My name is the one thing that can never be taken from me, it is I and only I that can truly tarnish it.  It is the very name that when you hear it tells you that I will persevere, I will do what I have promised, I will stand behind all things I do with it, I will stand beside all whom I use it to commit to.  My name is a symbol of my pride.  It is a symbol that will be here long after I am gone and one thing that will be around centuries after I leave the world.

For me to hide behind a screenname is to say I am embarrassed by my name.  To use excuses and fear as justification for my hiding behind a screen name and refusing to let others know who I am is a sing of cowardice.  To hide behind a screenname so I can do less than honorable actions is intolerable. 

I have for days now been reading the whines, cries, outrage, excuses, threats, cowardice, fear and flat out temper tantrums of the members of Unity.  These people are the same people I see right now in the Forums talking about how to get D7 to work?  Am I missing something here? 

Yes, the very people who are swearing they will never provide their names, who are screaming bloody kidney stones that they will leave Unity and dump Dolphin software are the same people who are testing out the D7 software that Boonex has provided to them for free of charge and without asking for anything in return.  To me this screams that you are two faced and untrustworthy. 

My real picture has been posted on Unity since day one.  I have never hidden behind a fake picture or a fake name.  My sites all have my name available for research on the and they will never move under a corporate name or a proxy name.  I am proud of who I am, I am proud of the work I do, I am proud of the software I operate and I am proud of the sites I maintain.  It is with great pride that I stand here and help (even if it is rudely) on the Unity Forums and Blogs, it is with pride that I will be here for a long time to come.

For those who are running your sites with the software that Boonex has provided for free and are whining, each of you should be deeply ashamed of yourselves.  To throw such a childish temper tantrum over a request to do something that you can opt out of or provide a fake name with while you sit there and make money from the very software that was given to you is disgusting.

Today I am proud to be a part of Unity, more proud than I have ever been as I see the direction it goes in.  Unfortunately, I am also disgusted that I have been associated with such self-serving, immature, childish, asinine, insensitive, greedy individuals who run around falsely act as if they are mature business owners.


This is Andrew Boonex's site, this is Andrew Boonex's software and these are the rules as they are set forth by Andrew Boonex.  If you don't like the rules, then go build your own software package and set your own rules.  Until then, deal with it!



And Yes, I am Pissed!!!

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You know we all have a right to our opinion, but you don't need to yell with such huge letters. Has there ever been a time when you have posted less then a few lines?
I like the big words, they're better than the shiny lists and you know how I love my shiny lists.

We can post less than this? I thought the blogs had a minimum posting requirement... LOL
btw when we talking about trashing community you can do this with your small communities: 4 Members 95 Members 11 Members
firstly do something with yours world smaller communities and next post something what is not stupid like this (probably all your) post
That is extremely rude techtex - and is damaging to this community. He may have his reasons for not promoting those sites. I know I have some sites now with less than a few hundred users, where I really don't want more to join. Your criticism should be limited to what he posted here - why don't you post your real name and your websites so we can all critique what you have done. When people are attacked for what they are doing with Dolphin, now one will ever post their sites for us to see how see more they are using the technology.
He's just fumes Caltrade, 0 days on Unity so far (means it's a fake profile) and he obviously has a lot to hide by playing this way.

Perhaps if he knew what I was really up to he might start singing a different song, but he won't because I won't tell.
Blimey, how much are you getting paid for that rant then... If it means so much to you then by all means display all your details to the world but to force it on others is wrong.
This is meant to be a community, a unity, and rightly or wrongly people see this as a breach in their security, the majority of the community (who have spoken) really are uncomfortable with this and that should matter.
This isn't a follow the rules deal, this is way bigger than that and people are now concerned about see more their privacy and some their safety.

Not an issue you can shout down, or force on people, some community that is to disregard so many peoples concerns.


It's Optional! optional optional optional should I keep repeating that over and over again and maybe it will eventually sink in! Optional! Look up the definition of optional.

1. left to one's choice; not required or mandatory: Formal dress is optional.
2. leaving something to choice.

Optional, NOT required!
Stop acting fake, start thinking for real, if you don't want to tell your name, boonex will not force you. If you register to ebay they need your name right? Why? Answer that question and you'll know why Boonex asks now (finally) for your real identity.. (which will not be published for all to see - just to prevent scams selling garbage - you could be a victim too, what if you spent $1000 and you get no working script/support?)..
1. The large print is done as headline type items for attention grabbing. I like to use the different parts of the editors to have fine. Larger print is not always yelling, of course that is also a means of making sure there is no misunderstanding in what I am talking about.

2. I don't own Gathering of Watchers, that is a site (if you took the time to read) that I built for someone else in one week. It's simply a demo that dolphin can be made to work in a quick manner.

3. Everyone knows see more that my other sites are simply demo sites for functionality tests and so on.

4. I don't work for boonex and I don't get paid by them.

5. Noone is forcing anything on you. Your being invited to share your information, not required. This has been said a million times and you still don't get it.

6. People concerns have been addressed. If someone wants to find you, they need more than your name. There is no safety issue here, for those claiming there is that is nothing more than the use of paranoia to justify their personal choice to be anonymous (which they can do).

7. This is not a democracy, this is a site. It is not a government, there is no voting on the decisions the Administrative branch makes. This is a business, it is up to the business owners to manage it in the format they deem best. You want a democratic site, go do it on your own servers.

8. Actually, if Boonex wanted to, they could force this issue on every person to do it or leave the site. Boonex is instead offering you the opportunity to do it.
1) your large headline says nothing important

2)If its demo or no i dont know

3) How much users have your "other" site when you scream here like founder of facebook

4) what you want tell us with this?

5)all understand this but only you write post like this... if its not required why you talking about it? everyone can make own choose

6) i agree millions of people using facebook with real names and none kill them

7)you can go too someone have other opinion like you

8)no see more comment...
1. Because I can and it's my blog.

2. Your right you don't know because your still new here.

3. What does Facebook have to do with #3? If you spent time here (Oh yeah, you do as techtex is a fake profile) then you already know that.

4. Was in response to Tykes comment concerning how much I got paid for this rant of mine. Nothing, I like to rant, it's my right.

5. Because you guys are all whining about it like it's the end of the world and I'm tired of listening to you guys see more so I decided to make you listen to my rants! See how that works. Glad we could clarify that for your young, fake brain.

6. Well, there was one girl on Myspace, but she killed herself after... Well, long story and doesn't really apply as those involved knew her in real life before Myspace even existed.

7. But you came to my blog, if you would like to be with those who have the same opinion of you then please report to the sewers where they are all waiting for the end of the world.

8. That's right, you have no comment because it's 100% true and you can't even begin to fathom a world without the Unity site can you...
1) what have "its my blog" and "nonsaid headline" together?

2)Ok maybe but 4 members? really big LOL mr. professional

3)No i want say you play here to big man but you have 3 world smaller community and scream here like facebook founder (you are not facebook founder facebook have more than 4 members)

4)yes i agree you are not paid from boonex but how i see your post you are very good lackey

5)yes im young very stupid and ugly

6)story about myspace girl is total different

7)no see more we dont waiting to end of the world we want tell you our opinion but probably your ego can not handle it

8)i never said thats its not true but if boonex was like you they are never be where they are
8) and if boonex wants to, it can lose its clients loyalty and trust, seems like a smart move considering the software doesn't really work unless your an ace coder that can fix it.... Mmmmmmm

The point is, it doesn't really matter if in reality some fears are unfounded, if your clients feel threatened by the move, then that should be good enough.
A business shouldn't be founded on alienating its clients, and this has the potential of doing just that.


And your a pundit making that statement? Really think about it Tyke, your a Pundit because allegedly you know more and your sitting here saying have to be an ace coder to get Dolphin to work.

It's been long ago established that the vast majority (I thik it's 80% please correct me on this if I'm wrong on the percentage) of site errors are directly related to the server that individuals attempt to install it on, ignoring the system requirements of the software. Imagine that, people trying to install see more Dolphin where it doesn't belong and it not working and you know that.

Perhaps you should retire your Pundit status if your going to make statements that you know are a blatant lie.

In addition, the loss of experiencing all the site has to offer is in the form of people not trusting you because your hiding behind a screenname. If I have a choice of buying a mod from "tyke" who's real name I can't see and has never been verified or I can purchase one from "James Tadeo" who is verified and I can see his real name, all other things being the same who do you think I will buy it from? It's going to be "James Tadeo" hands down because I can see who he is and if he screws it up I know exactly who to come see. If "Tyke" screws it up, "Tyke" can close his account and open a new one up under the name "Syke" and noone would be the wiser, thus enabling him to rip off more people.

Getting the point here? There is no privacy issue involved outside of the one you guys are making up in regards to this. My Gawd, this is reminding me of the Witch Hunts that were done in the US in the 1700's... Do you remember those? If you do then you know, there were no witches. Ooops, their bad, guess she wasn't a witch because she died. That was literally the logic of the time.

Let's put this a different way for you Tyke. How about this:

As shuts down and all the mods are moved over to the Unity Site to be placed in the extensions section, people will make the choice to provide names & verify or not provide names and not verify. I personally will be buying nothing from anyone who has not provided their name, made it public and been verified. This goes along with recommending/not recommending those individuals and their mods based upon the same criteria.

On another note: I must be a Master Coder because all of my Demo sites work. ROFLMAO!!! I'm off to apply for a job at google now as the CEO. Talk to you later...
How is that a lie that dolphin is full of things that dont work,course it doesnt work properly. My site is installed by Joombyte, and they know what they are doing, but still bugs rule the day, so much so that people have stopped using it.i could list them if you like, but all you have to do is go onto the forums to see the problems. (its like painting the forth bridge) if people know that saying (never ending)
Yes MD you are a very clever coder so dont be so modest, who can dig deep, and you have see more to dig deep to fix things. 80% might be user errors, and things that their server dont like, but that leaves 20% that are problems with the software and messed up updates, and its silly to try to even think about disputing that.

As far as trusting me is concerned, what is wrong with having a badge under TYKE saying verified, oh i forgot, orca probably isnt capable of doing that in the forums, and most people dont look in your profiles anyway unless they are trying to find a way to get you somehow, or send you yet another "hello big boy, wanna make jiggy jiggy with me" email spam..

Why is it so important that the user you buy from is displaying his details, if that person is verified by Boonex, isnt that saying that verification by boonex is not trust worthy enough to take on face value, this means you dont trust boonex judgements, which is not a good message to portray really.

Touchdown :-)



5) yes this is optional, but with a penalty it seems if you dont want to share. If its truly optional then take away the condition and see how many people opt to display.

The condition was put into place for a reason, people knew this wouldn't go down well with the majority, and for some good reasons.

I actually made a topic on this on one of my established sites, and the reaction i got was much the same as on here. People are really uncomfortable with this idea, and you have to respect that see more i feel.
People may use the internet on a daily basis, but they dont trust it, and never will. The anonymity makes people feel safe using it, thats just the way it is.
The condition is put there by people like me. Those of us who will vote with our wallets as we are looking at items in the Extensions/Jobs sections of the site and deciding who we will buy a mod from/hire to do work. When you hide behind a screenname and someone else is right next door with the same exact item who has been verified, who do you think people will pay?
It's not really a condition if it's optional! Since you don't have to you shouldn't have a complaint for those of us who don't mind great we can now display our real name for those who mind you don't have to hence again the word optional! Get a life the decision has been made and your not going to change it, Andrew explained himself and that's the end of it.

I can't understand why people can't understand the term optional.
bpower84, my use of the word "condition" was that I will not conduct business nor will I recommend anyone who does not provide there real name. That's not Boonex's condition as they are making real names an option, it's my condition since so many want to whine about this, that I will only conduct business with those who don't hide behind fake names.
It's their software. Their work, They have every right to make such a request. All the dedicated youtube users threatened to stop using yt if they didn't undo some of the changes. Many many many people said they would stop using youtube.

Well youtube did not listen to the users and what do you know? Most those same people use youtube today.

As long as they offer this for free. They can ask anything they want of you.

Perhaops it would be a good idea that if people pay they don't have to see more display their names?

Dunno. Just an idea.

As far as reporting it to authorities. In the end that end user agreement that people sign in order to use these sites will kill any attempt at a lawsuit.

No site is 100% secure. No such thing. Never will be. So when arrogant government officials threaten people like face book it's a joke.

Canadian government is a joke when it comes to technology, couldn't find their ass with both hands. Let alone do they know a damb thing about technology or computer security.

The Canadain government breaches privacy laws everyday. And they themselves are being dragged into court for just that. Anything the Canadian government says should just be ignored.

Only a moron would use that as a threat. Canada's government is a joke thru and thru. I know. I lived in Canada most my life.

LOL, mydatery you are really raw and straight forward.
I think mydatery needs to find a female and release some of his pent up anger. What did your mom do to you as a child to make you so angry at the world, drop you on your head?
Well it was either that or maybe a big dose of Prozac.
No drops LighWolf, she just like to hit me with hammers upside the head. Said the hammer was easier to pick up and swing than I was.
"Settle Down Francis"

All opinions and you know what they say about opinions right?
Wow, this name thing is popping up everywhere.. haha (btw, long but nice datery)

Its really simple when you look at it. You have 3 choices here:

1) you provide you real name in order to receive additional "extras" for being verified.

2) you don't give your name and nothing changes..

3) get all pissed off and just leave

It's kinda like I said before in another blog, if a "guest" visits your dolphin site, they can browse around and stuff but they will not get the see more same benefits/options/features like the registered members of your site who have filled out the required Join form.

This is the same principle, if you "fill out" (in this case OPTIONAL) information, you get to have the extra benefits/options/features of a verified member.

K I'm done :)
mydatery why do you have to repeat/yell absolute everything that Andrew says? we can read it from Andrew.. get a life man
Where did I yell anything from Andrew? Don't see it in this blog. I only headlines/bolded what what the crybabies have been saying as they throw their temper tantrums.
Humm and yet they continue to read, blogs are optional no one is forcing them to read them, they must think this site is run like a dictatorship, people just can't choose to look the other way it's hilarious.
Only one throwing a tantrum is you. We are just expressing what we think of what we were told, not what everyone else thinks that makes us sooooo mad..lmao
Okay Francis, let's look at this for a moment. In UnoBoonex's blog on this topic you have clearly stated that you will find another software to run your site on if Boonex implements this option. That is definitely voicing your opinion in a manner that in my opinion is a temper tantrum.

As far as everyone using fear to prove their case, in my opinion that is ridiculous. Plenty of people here know my real name, it's never been a secret. In fact, at one point someone even thought they were funny see more and posted it all in the forums. No big deal then and no big deal now.

I'm not throwing a tantrum, I'm tired of listening to everyones' BS concerning why they don't want Boonex to implement something that you can choose to participate in or not. Of course, not sure why you care as you said your leaving anyways.
You know, I hate (absolutely HATE) to agree with mydatery, but let's get real... you had to give your real name to your hosting company that runs the server your site is on, you had to give your real name to or PayPal, or let's face it... ANY real company that you expect to be doing business with... In some cases it is the LAW. However, as has been repeatedly stated.... "Providing real name is optional (with some penalties) Providing real name (verification) but still using a see more screen name gets you no penalties. It really seems like a no-brainer that Boonex would have some method in place to put a "verified member" icon next to a users screen name so that EVERYONE will know that at least Boonex knows who the person is.
We all needed a post like this, congratulations mydatery!
Sometimes we need someone to slap us till we wake up.. too much bliss is making us rioting for any dust particle touching our sensible nose.. Get real people, change the way you think toward Boonex, they don't owe us nothing, be polite in your requests, criticize their decisions with arguments but don't get wild with nonsense.. Wake up, this is a loud call..
P.S. Don't ever think I am on anyone's side, I am always objective.. sometimes we see more can be 100% convinced that we are right about our attitude, but if you think twice, the conclusion can be surprising..
My name is Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. lol just that easy folks keep it moving as crooked folks will move to be crooked. Now can someone make a mod that kills all silly viruses before i am infected with them, then tracks them over the net and kills them where ever they are found on other sites i may visit
Well to be honest the Internet is our choice whether we give our real name or not, im different and if i choose not to give you my real name then I have a right not to!

It is that simple, you can force it on people how ever we have the choice as humans to give it out or not!

Lets stop and think here ... everyone knows that the Internet is dangerous and we all have been fucked 1 way or another and we have our own rights to protect ourselves from the evil ones so to speak!

Lots like to comapare see more this to ebay and facebook ... this is not FACEBOOK nor is it EBAY this is a software site for people to download software not to make friends and it is not a social network site ... its a flipping software site ... have many of you forgot we came here to download software ?????????
Okay, let's take this in the area of a Software Download Site.

If you go to and want to download PhotoSchop you need to give them all of your information, including address. Hmmm... Did everyone forget that part?
dont think the concept is the same. if you are on and you are providing your personal information, you are on SSL, meaning you are in a secure environment, the root here is that adobe isnt telling you that they are going to display your private information across the internet.


Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.