How Put advertise in Dolphin 6.1

ratansingh posted 14th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 11 comments.

how put advertisement on index page on dolphin 6.1 free

can remove dolphin link from index page
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Hey Ratansingh,

To modify the homepage, you'll want to go to Builders -> Page Builder ->Drag a new "HTML Block" up to where you want it displayed, and click on it to edit the html.

For your second question, you can remove the 'powered by dolphin' link by purchasing the branding free option.
every thing is done but advertise & HTML Block not show on index page
If you post your ad code at, we'll be happy to check that out for you. It is most likely an issue with the code itself, and not Dolphin.

Did you try to put in some plain text to see if that displayed at all?
my code is here
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-0644250056133976";
/* 336x280, created 3/29/08 */
google_ad_slot = "8829941123";
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
<script type="text/javascript"
Did you try putting normal text in the box? Does it display?
yes i putting normal tex in the box but doen't show

even HTML Block box also not show on index page.

the problem is in 6.1
previously I use dolphin 6.0 is working fine
i had the same problem, you have to use firefox, will not work in explorer
hay thanks
after using firefox its working

I have exactly the same problem. like ratansingh said, the previous version of dolphin worked fine. But this one doesn't for some reason. can anyone help at all? timo44, are you saying it will not at all in internet explorer or rather the add the blocks in firefox and then try in in explorer as well?
I will really appreciate any help. initially I thought it has something to do with the installation. So I restarted the installation from scratch but still the same problem. how do we fix this?
for editing use fire fox only
Hi There,

Anyone out there figured this out yet??? I use FF and no luck in modifying it...can anyone help?!!

Thanks all!
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