Hello Please Help

renier posted 18th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Hello can somebody please help me and tell me where the


Where is it location the news_view.php I have look in all the folders and i cannot find it.

So please give me the location thanks.

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There is a yoursite.com/news.php but there are others such as yoursite.com/inc/news.inc.php etc. You will also find a few references in your database itself to news. And there are template files for css. So if you are trying to accomplish something in particular it really could be a number of things. But maybe this will get you pointed in the right direction.
renier i would advice you to use forums for support questions. Use blog only if you have something to share or notify.
okay thanks i will try the forum.
No such file in dolphin package, we use news.php
THis is possible some modification file
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