I was working on a user's Dolphin site earlier today and we got discussing groups.
He was stating that he would want the Groups module installed however he wanted to be notified of groups being created and needing approval so we set it to not approve groups after creation than created a test goup.
We than noticed that the only way for the Administrator to know that there are groups awaiting approval is by looking in the Groups Administration Pending Approval section within the administration panel.
With Groups being a popular feature in social networking and if you have hundreds if not more members on your site it could be more convenient to alert the administrator in a way if they were not in the administration panel and associating with users on the site end of groups needing approval.
I did 1 way of this could be done however there are more options that could be looked at as far as applying something like this...maybe having a top bar with a list of pending videos, music, groups, etc. if enabled.
I'm looking for opinions on if you think this would this be a necessary item to ask boonex to apply?
Here's a couple screenshots that may clear up what i'm talking about for those who might not grasp what i'm thinking.
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I could see how an artistry social site would make see more
The ability, functionality and tools are there, some of us need to know how to use it to it's full extent.
Dolphin 7 is still new and i believe it will grow much much more and who knows...at a later time we just might see a nice load of successfull dolphin sites.
All dolphin sites i'm sure aren't listed on Boonex so who knows how many successfull ones are out see more