Google Analytics Event Tracking capability

sammie posted 17th of December 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

Has anyone else been invited to the Limited Beta testing of the new Google Analytics Event Tracking capability?

This has new Features that are right up Dolphins street. this is the email i got today:


Greetings from Google Analytics,

We are happy to let you know that the Event Tracking feature is now available in all profiles for the following Google Analytics Account ID: *****. Please note that you are receiving this email update because you are an 'Admin' or designated contact for the account listed above.

When you log in to these profiles, you will see a new set of reports called "Event Tracking" under the Content section. As posted on our blog, this is a limited release currently available only to select profiles.

Event Tracking allows you to track interactions with Web 2.0 style content such as Flash, AJAX, Silverlight, social networking apps, etc. We recently made tracking Adobe Flash even easier with the release of a new Flash Tracking client library. It allows for much simpler tracking of Flash content with drag and drop functionality and an open source framework.

To use Event Tracking, you will need to upgrade your site to use the new ga.js javascript. Detailed instructions on how to set up Event Tracking on your site are available on our CodeSite.

To find your ga.js code snippet, edit the settings for your profile and click the "Check Status" link on the upper right corner of the page. You can now track interactions beyond just pageviews.


The Google Analytics Team


I have added this to my Dolphin site and was wondering if any others where invited to use it? i have had my Gmail account since the start of Gmail back in April 2004 and have been invited to beta test a number of things by Google this is the latest one today and as its perfect for Dolphin, i would like to hear from others to see what they think.

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Should point out that what they mean by "events" is user-object events, like mouseovers and such, not social events like dolphin group members attending a concert. This one snippet gives a hint..

"accomplished by attaching the method call to the particular UI element you want to track. When used this way, all user activity on such elements is calculated and displayed as Events in the Analytics reporting interface.
With ga.js, you would commonly apply Event Tracking to:
Any Flash-driven see more element, like a Flash website, or a Flash Movie player
Embedded AJAX page elements
Page gadgets
File downloads
Load times for data ==========

SO you could add how many times a video has been viewed and use google analytics to do whatever ppl do with GA.

That said, You sure could use this event tracking for really getting into your video presentations and see how they are being viewed by users. One example of tracking how many times a video is paused during play would be helpful for someone presenting tutorials online. Seeing how many times a user pauses a tutorial might help you pad film with pauses for user to perform tasks along with the video, or just know for sure people ARE following along and doing the tasks with the trainer. (mrpowess, this is for you!)

We can also get event more detail by giving the event a "label" which in this case would more appropriately be the movie title: myVideoPlayer._trackEvent('Pause','Titanic'); When executed this code will record 1 click of the pause button while the movie "Titanic" was being played.

I didn't just pull that all out of my hat, swear. I was just on today after looking at GA mods and I don't know a thing about using GA. Sadly their google analytics 101 webinar is 95 bucks. If you do the beta, then you can sell us classes! :D
Should point out that what they mean by "events" is user-object events, like mouseovers and such, not social events like dolphin group members attending a concert. This one snippet gives a hint..

=="accomplished by attaching the method call to the particular UI element you want to track. When used this way, all user activity on such elements is calculated and displayed as Events in the Analytics reporting interface.
With ga.js, you would commonly apply Event Tracking to:
Any see more Flash-driven element, like a Flash website, or a Flash Movie player
Embedded AJAX page elements
Page gadgets
File downloads
Load times for data ==========

SO you could add how many times a video has been viewed and use google analytics to do whatever ppl do with GA.

That said, You sure could use this event tracking for really getting into your video presentations and see how they are being viewed by users. One example of tracking how many times a video is paused during play would be helpful for someone presenting tutorials online. Seeing how many times a user pauses a tutorial might help you pad film with pauses for user to perform tasks along with the video, or just know for sure people ARE following along and doing the tasks with the trainer. (mrpowess, this is for you!)

=="We can also get event more detail by giving the event a "label" which in this case would more appropriately be the movie title: myVideoPlayer._trackEvent('Pause','Titanic'); When executed this code will record 1 click of the pause button while the movie "Titanic" was being played."==

I didn't just pull that all out of my hat, swear. I was just on today after looking at GA mods and I don't know a thing about using GA. Sadly their google analytics 101 webinar is 95 bucks. If you do the beta, then you can sell us classes! :D

(edited to offset quotes from my own comments)
Thanks for the info, I just read 1st time about Google Analytics Event Tracking capability on a Canberra official govt website.

I want to learn more and also like to install on my Dolphin sites.

Please tell me on which site you install this feature?

Warm Regards.
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