Formal Discrimination Complaint Against Boonex!!

mydatery posted 27th of September 2009 in Community Voice. 14 comments.

Boonex, I would like to take this moment to lodge a formal complaint concerning the discrimination that is taking place on this site.  It is a site supposedly built on Unity, but it apparently is not.  You see, I am being ignored of attention that other members are receiving and this needs to stop immediately.  Either they stop getting the attention or I start getting some of this attention to!  I am SERIOUS about this!  Discrimination has no place on Unity and you Boonex, should be doing everything you can to prevent it.


Specifically, I am talking about how everyone else on this site gets lovely e-mails about how they are soulmates and ready to marry them, make many children and live happily ever after. 


Well Boonex, as a member of Unity I want this love too or I want it to cease of being sent to others.  Whose to say that these individuals receiving the e-mails are more deserving than others?  How is the decision made?


Okay, time to get serious.  The spam on this site is getting ridiculous and it needs to be resolved once and for all.  The members of Unity long ago developed filtering tools that will pretty much eliminate the spam and rid this site of it's offenders once and for all.  It's time that Boonex deploy these tools here on Unity to get rid of these idiots once and for all.  While nothing can stop all spammers/scammers and so on, we know these programs will work to reduce them.


So how about it Boonex?  I'm sure others around here will agree that this discrimination is unfair and it must cease!

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I deffinitely agree im actually surprised at how bad spam is on here. You would think they would be able to stop this by maybe adding some sort of captcha code or something, not sure if they are uusing programs or what they are doing it with.
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Something as simple as email confirmation before account activation would probably get rid of most of the spam accounts being registered. It's way too easy for a bot to register on this site.
im agree too... i just fed up about all the spam email i receive from unity... i already post a blog on this problem but it was DELETED!!! I FED UP!!! boonex take your responsability.... i know you have a lot of work to make the dolphin 7 ready soon but take a moment to think about how make unity more safe to KEEP OUT spammer! when you find a solution... you can integrate it into dolphin 7... because of course it will be a problem of our future community website... SPAMMER! think about a way to see more get rid of them!
Andrew Boon
Got a meeting today and will discuss adding anti-spam tools to Unity. Update is coming soon.
Well Andrew, that would be welcome conversation that I'm sure many of us here would even be glad to help out with. Let me throw some suggestions in with Houston & MisterTuneChat.

1. Captcha's. As long as they work, these would be a great item to have, wouldn't recommend it for every e-mail but maybe have them appear randomly would work wonders. Harder for the bots to be something that keeps adjusting.

2. Anton's Program: Scam Net. Let it filter for the common algorythms that the see more spammers use, then the spam comes to you guys and you can deal with the spammers and not annoy members with it.

3. Anton's Access Manager. That little toy does wonders for helping to rid a site of spammers. Get caught spamming, your IP gets shut down. This doesn't stop them dead, but at least it forces them to go get a new IP before they can come back.

4. Deny proxy IP's at the server level if possible. I'm not a server guy, but it sounds like a great little item if you can do it.

5. Make cookies IP sensitive for those who do come in on Proxy IP's that when the IP changes it drops the cookie and they go back to start.

6. Topher's old word filtering program. Still works awesome on 6.1.6 as long as your not running Ray. Need a copy? It's in the Boonex Marketing e-mail account for you guys. I got it for free so you guys can have it for free. Just set it up and let it replace all the spam words with gobbledygook... Say love becomes volvo and soulmate becomes goodyear tires... Oh, you can have so much fun with that one. I know I have a lot of fun with it, especially changing the responses around all the time.
I have created a mod that will show profiles from same IP. This type of mods may help.
Md, you do have a way with words, i was almost about to send you some of my Totty (female hot stuff) from my inbox :-)

I do hope that the spam filters sort this out though, as i do tend to get at least two a day now.
Hey Uno..... How about adding anti spam tools to Dolphin 7??

Right now, if I want to delete a chatbox message, there's no easy way to do it.

Add some inline moderation tools please.... No one wants to enter admin just to delete inappropriate material. There's no word filters, there's no list of unacceptable user names, etc.

Recording the members registration IP address in a profile field, and making it available to the site admin when viewing profiles is a must. Dolphin 7 has no built see more in tools for site admins to fight spam.
I offered to volunteer my time to help control spam around here, but one of the members here has some strange paranoia about me doing that.
Well it seems as long as people realize it is a issue it seems uno will work on some sort of fix, and i agree with your ideas houston. Those would not be too hard to implement either i wouldnt think.
S'ok MyDatery... I've been trying to forward the ones I get to
any one help me spam mail register how can we block this people i keep edelete every day 50 user why dolphin not fix this problem peopel are pay get lice3nc what is for ?? i am not happy this dolphin always problem come out and no one help dolphin they just want make money all about not far u sell in licence u must help people
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.