Font Color in Orca Forum

CampethoMedia posted 19th of August 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

 I purchased a theme and the font is invisible in the Orca forum. When the cursor moves over it it highlights to red.

 I want a vissible black font.

 I changed it to 'transparent' in the main.css file, as explained - no change. After that I also changed the white color to 'transparent' - no change. It looks like a simple task to change. Anyone who has the solution?

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When you say you changed it in main.css I assume your mean in /orca/layout/base/css/main.css

If so be sure you are editing the right location in main.css

Then you should go to your main dolphin admin panel then to plugins orca forum/administration area. Then you have to recompile the en language file.

Click the little "en" in the upper right corner. For changes to take effect. You should do this after each change.

And depending on your browser a simple refresh you may or may see more not see the changes.

Some browsers you will have to close all windows and tabs completely.

Then start up a completely new browser session and go back to your forum to see if the changes worked.

If you have a uniquely named template that you installed you may have to edit the corresponding folder for it and recompile language file. Not 100% sure about a totally unique template if it's not using uni extension. But any changes to the default this is how you have to do it to get the changes to update.

I changed the ( /orca/layout/base/css/main.css. ) background:#FFFFFF; to
background:transparent; as recomended i forums. - Still the same.
Whatever they told you there they have told you wrong since that section is only about editing the background colour not the font colour.

The best thing to do when editing themes in Dolphin and Orca (and any CSS based site really) is to use a free tool called XRay.
You'll need Firefox to use it or IE 6 (doesn't work with IE7 or IE8)
But you go to your webpage that you want to edit, click on the XRay button you get from that website above then click on the font/area see more you want to change. It'll tell you the CSS class name that controls that section. Then search for the name in your main.css file and edit it there.
Job done.
Changing a font with css can be a task, especially with dolphin/orca. There are so many css files, and then through in dolphin has a base template css directory and a tmpl_name css directory. Then through in orca's css on top of that not to mention there are some in groups related to orca.

At any rate, make sure you are editing the right area of the css for what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes you have to try a number of areas and see if you got it right.

Orca is a little confusing see more to begin with. And it depends on what font area in particular you are trying to change. If messing with the background if you have a picture/img background it might be over-ridding the color change. The main dolphin general.css could be doing the same.

I just spent about an hour changing font colors, sizes, styles, etc in orca. Part of the time was due to recompile "en" after each to check the changes. It worked out, but it was a little time consuming.
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