Flogging a Dead Horse

Mike posted 30th of March 2010 in . 7 comments.

I have gone on about hosting issues and the need for selecting agents here, but I guess it finally "sank in" that most everyone here has done all that already and offered some good input and insight along the way as well. So, I'd be preaching to an already converted audience and won't bother with flogging that poor horse any more.

While reading through some of the entries in blogs (an exercise I admit I don't often get to do), I had to chuckle at some of the tales of "customers from hell." I like a good laugh now and then, and friends here sharing some of these made me look back and realize that no one is immune from this when working with the "public." No reason to believe I was the only one so inflicted - I just never thought about it much, and it made me appreciate those "tales" and all of you a bit more. Yep - they're everywhere and in all walks of life.

It doesn't matter how hard you try - sometimes there is not enough you can do to satisfy some people. I have had to accept that and move on, but you just have to wonder sometimes how some people can be so "head up and locked" and still blithely carry on expecting the world to move out of the way while never taking any real responsibility for themselves or the sensibilities of others. It is particularly galling when you worked your buns off for someone, only to get that offhand response that leaves you wanting to ask "What, sure - no problem, but before you go, please tell me what your last two slaves died of, and is there anything else I can do for you."

You just have to marvel, maybe attempt to find some humor in all of it and simply keep moving forward. I think I am in very good company here, and just say thanks for lessening the load a little and brightening my day. Truly!

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We all get some interesting folks from time to time Mike and it can be nuts trying to make them happy. Sometimes we just give them there money back, sometimes we give a little extra and sometimes we just gotta tell 'em to go pound some salf. Most of us know that without the customers we have no business but we also know that we can't devote our entire lives to one customer as we will very soon have no business also.
Hi mike, i know where your comming from, but for me you have gone out of your way and i appreciate it , so thanks mate.
"No marriage without a tear, no funeral without a laugh" we say here...
Maybe laughing sometimes about these customers is the only thing that helps us go on with the whole ceremonial support!

...but remember,"customer is always right" can be hell!
Amen to all of that - thanks, guys!
I need someone to help revise my website, can you help or recommend someone PLEASE! thx, cindy@cindymiami.com
I need someone to help revise my website, can you help or recommend someone PLEASE! thx, cindy@cindymiami.com
I need someone to help revise my website, can you help or recommend someone PLEASE! thx, cindy@cindymiami.com
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