First Impressions Last

DeeEmm posted 3rd of May 2010 in Community Voice. 21 comments.

After commenting on DosDawgs blog (Path to Dolphin 7.0.1 --> Modules Fail on Install Just wondering WHY?) and not wanting to drag it off topic, I've decided to post a bit more of my thought's on the latest release and it's public perception.

I did start to write a post similar to this shortly after 7.0.1 was released, but when I proof read it - it seemed a bit harsh, so I decided against publishing it. However, as I am now a little frustrated that I cannot efficiently access the forums, which is wasting lots of my time, and not wanting to shun visiting Unity completely, the only other option I can think of is to make some noise about the issue and hopefully provoke some kind of resolution or response.

I am a pretty busy person, and as such my time is very limited. I like to help out the web community (not just Boonex), and so the online time I can spare is shared between whatever online endeavors I'm currently involved in. Recently, every time that I visit the Unity forums, the spy cannot connect, this means that I have to waste time trawling through each forum - this is simply time that I do not have, and whilst I've made a decision to try and help others out, it's simply becoming impossible. But all of this aside, it is just one of the many issues that I believe is harming Boonex's reputation.

I will not criticise the software itself, we all know that it does still have issues, and there will always be conjecture about features, but it is working towards a goal, and that given there are probably limited resources, it's a pretty big job. I see that the real issue here is simply one of management.

It is the same issue that politicians face every day - there's 300 issues to address, but only enough cash to fix 20 of them, so which 20 issues do they fix? Easy - the 20 that will affect the opinion polls - the 20 that effect their majority following - They limit the damage by applying it to the minority. There will always be some collateral damage, as they cannot please everybody all of the time. This is known as damage limitation.

To apply this to what is happening here ate Boonex - it seems that all of the resources are pointed at the next release - this was certainly true of  7.0.1, and seems to be true at present. I believe that there are some issues that are more important than the software itself, After all what good is an excellent bit of software if no one wants to use it due to bad press / public opinion.

So this brings me back to my issue with the forum spy. I'm not the first to comment on it, and if I am having such a massive issue with it, you can bet that others are too. This is not a very good impression to someone visiting the site for the first time, after all, if the authors website code does not work, why on earth would you want to trust them to provide code with which to run your own website.

Epic Fail + Bad impression #1 - Authors website does not work

But this is not the only issue other than the code that leaves a bad impression. The latest release itself has issues with the installer, it does not work. It falls over on Step 1 as you cannot access the installer file. So given that there is an issue, what should be the course of action?? Pretty simple - fix the problem, update the installer, and re-release it with a different release number - 7.0.2. That's what release numbers are for - so that people can differentiate between packages - it does not matter that the core code is the same - the release number does not really apply to the code itself, but the package. (to preempt those that will disagree with this - you are probably getting confused with the build number).

The 6.1.6 release was a prime example of what NOT to do - the package was changed, but the release was not up-rev'd, this meant that there were a bunch of people (like me) who downloaded the earlier faulty package that were unaware that it contained an issue.

So what was Boonex's solution to the broken update script?? To publish some convoluted instructions and advise people via the release blog that they need to remove certain files, and do things in a different order, and stand on one foot and make sure that the wind is blowing in a certain direction... well perhaps not - but they might as well have done. Poor show guys. This is amateurism at it's best.

Epic Fail + Bad impression #2 - Installer does not work and software maintainer expects you to fix it yourself

So put off by a site that does not work, that charges you for the pleasure of using it and software you need to fix yourselves, you go digging a little deeper to find out if it's worth pursuing - and here's what you find. This a first impression that can easily be addressed

Epic Fail + Bad impression #3 - The last major release was a year late

Epic Fail + Bad impression #4 - When it was released, despite the fact that it took a year - it was released with over 300 bugs

Epic Fail + Bad impression #5 - It took 4 months to fix these bugs

Both issues #3 and #5 are related to the release cycle. There has already been a comment made that a monthly release cycle will be adopted - a good idea in my opinion,but Boonex is still missing something - the release date for the next release. As I commented in DosDawgs post - talking about it is one thing - doing it another. I say give us a date and then on that day release whatever you have fixed up - one bug or 20 - it doesn't matter - you just need to publish a schedule and stick to it.

The 300 or so bugs that were shipped with version 7.0.0 is something that should never have happened, and with shorter release cycles it should be more manageable to bugfix and beta test, but one thing that I disagree with is using the community to do this with. For those who do not understand product release cycles, they simply perceive it as unnecessary, and for those who simply look on without being involved, all they really see are lots of bugs and heated conversation about what features / bugs etc should / shouldn't be in / out of the next release.

As I touched on in DosDawgs blog post - this should really be carried out behind closed doors - in a private forum, away from public eyes. The correct way to do it is with a beta test team - volunteers from the community. There is enough of a cross-section of skills with the regulars here, most of which would jump at the opportunity to be involved - Not only to help out, but because there is also a certain status attained in being a part of something like that. This way you can carry out beta testing behind closed doors without everything hanging out for all to see. The only time you present a release to the public at large is when you have a release candidate. If this had been the case with 7.0.1 no one would even be aware that it took over 300 bug fixes to achieve. As the proverb goes - hindsight is wonderful thing - but only if used correctly

Epic Fail + Bad impression #6 - Despite improvements, there is still a serious lack of official support in the forums

This is still a big gripe, and whilst things have improved, there are still many posts that remain unanswered with a definitive official answer. I know that some of the regulars will take offense to this - and I am aware that they answer a majority of the posts, but sometimes the only answer is an official one. Unfortunately, the impression that you get is that there is no input from Boonex at all.

Whilst it's easy to criticise, it's also easy to fix. Give staff a 'Staff' tags instead of 'premium' or whatever status they are - this helps raise exposure - also - you need to relook at your mods scheme, even mods opinions have a little more acceptance from the general public, The only issue is that there is not really any benefit to being one - especially when everyone has the expectation that a mod can deal with certain issues, and in reality they can't as they have no power to do so - a lot of extra responsibility for no extra benefit. It seems to me that you have tried to address this issue in the past with pundits and mods and it's failed both times. The main reason that I can see is with both mods and pundits, you are trying to maintain a degree of separation between Boonex and the 'hired' help.

The easy fix is to make more people staff members - if you are a moderator - you are staff - paid or not - you already have the responsibility of being trusted with up-keeping Boonex's reputation, why not  give them a different badge and help get rid of the impression in the forums that Boonex does not care. And for those willing to be more than a moderator - to take on the role of an official forum support agent - why not offer memberships as payment.

Ie - you are a trusted regular in the forums - your opinion is already respected, and you answer most of the enquiries

This is of course simply spin - and every good politician and manager knows how to use it to their advantage. This brings me right back the importance of the role of the manager - and whilst some have already commented on my want to 'play at being a manager' here, I would just like to say that I have no intention of spending any more time here than I already do. Without sounding full of myself, I already run a successful software company, and I am simply trying to impart some of my knowledge and experience in the hope that it helps.

I think you should strongly consider putting in some additional procedures - especially surrounding releases and the way they are handled. I'm not saying that my solutions / suggestions are the only way of dealing with these issues, simply that there are issues that need addressing.

In summary - my advice is simply keep an eye on the bigger picture - do not forsake everything for the sake of the development.  Without the site / forums / support / reputation, the software is nothing.


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I know I want to say something but I will think about it first.

Good post with what I've read so far.
Ahh c'mon - the off of the cuff responses are usually the best ones.
i agree to an extent and i think we all do but i think they are trying hard to make it right and i have faith in them! :)
Andrew Boon
Thank you. Yes, indeed we have had different problems surrounding Dolphin releases. We keep trying different ways of organising releases. With the next one we plan to shorten the release cycle to one month to make sure it's not such a painful procedure. With fewer changes we would also have less logistics problems.
The old pundits system, was at one time supposed to be the beta test team. A beta test team was suggested a year ago :) It never really materialized into anything with an identifiable structure. The pundit selection process was nothing short of bizarre. The group was expanded to about 50 members. Half of them had no business in the group. Of those remaining. many seemed uninterested in participating.

So what does Boonex do? They allow everybody and his brother to enter bug reports. see more I've always maintained that bug report entering should be restricted to people that are familiar enough with the script, to know the difference between a bug, and their own ignorance. The way it is now, an absolute beginner can download Dolphin,having never used it before, and have very little experience with installing scripts on servers..... Then, the very first post on this website, is a bug report. It's asinine. I used to enter bug reports, but it's become such a free-for-all, I'm just discouraged from doing it anymore. A lot of the bug reports are really complaints about how a feature works..... just because you don't like how something works, doesn't mean it's a bug.... poor design maybe, but not a bug. Anyway, I agree,,,,, QC needs to be restricted to a smaller group, to reduce background noise.

You are also right about epic fail # 1. I've grown tired of complaining about it. I suggested they use a real forum on this site instead of Orca... that took off like a lead balloon. If they can't get the spy to work, it should just be removed. It's better to not have it at all, than leave visitors with the impression that the authors web site doesn't work.

Overall, this site, and working with D7, has a way of wearing a person down.
BTW.... it just took me three attempts to get this to post. It's a pity that I always copy a post to notepad, in anticipation of such things.
I too find the bug reporting bizarre - it's very unusual to open it up to the public. I personally do not like adding items directly to TRAC - especially as I do not really have the time to check if it is a duplicate, and my wasting the devs time by posting a duplicate is not very efficient.

I am undecided with Orca, it would not take too much to make it more usable. I don't think that I will ever be a serious competitor in the world of stand-alone forums, but it has some potential as an integrated see more product.

But, talking of forums - to add another epic fail - the search function here sucks!!

The default choice is to only search topic titles - so most people who search return an empty result - hence the common response of 'I searched for this but could not find and answer'. Why not make the default to search titles AND message body, with the option of de-selecting each item with check boxes, this will return the maximum amount of results - the user can then determine if THEY need to limit the results or try a different search term.

Then there is a further issue - the results are limited to one page of X results. You have a pagination module in Dolphin - why not use it!! It's no good limiting the number of results returned, often the answer does not appear in the displayed results as they mostly consist of posts asking the same question - this pushes the actual answer off of the results page.

So Sorry, but

Epic Fail and Bad Impression #7 is crappy search function.
Epic fail and Bad Impression # 8 - Getting a 'not authorised - you need to log in' message when trying to reply to a forum post - a message that disappears after visiting the accounts page and returning to the post.
Mnnn I guess the list is not going to be complete without mentioning the marketplace. So...

#9 - the marketplace.
for me there is only one real problem - when bugs are fixed -- that create new bugs - elsewhere

Take this example : (but there are other new bug on D7.0.1)

D7.0.0 - no bugs
Search >> People Search and click on extended - no bug
not connected - Search >> People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 - no bug
and connected - Search >> People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 - no bug

D7.0.1 - bugs
Search see more >> People Search and click on extended - bug
not connected - Search >> People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 - bug - Profile not available for view
and connected - Search >> People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 - bug - your profile

for - People Search and click on extended -
D7 - css.general


D7.O.1 - css.general



height:90px; - has been added - this makes the bug

for - People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 -

D 7.0.0 - no bug - BxBaseProfileView.php
$sRequestString = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . substr( $sRequestString, 1 );

D 7.0.1- bug - BxBaseProfileView.php
$sRequestString = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'profile.php?' . substr( $sRequestString, 1 );

I guess it was modified to correct bugs - but as you can see - that create new bug to another location

when bonnex have solved this problem - everything will be fine
Well i for one lost heart in this project some time back, which is a pity cos the potential is there, just no direction. At the moment im keeping an eye on the ning forum for my partner who has a site with them, and what with the changes they are making some kind member has done a spreadsheet of all the different free solutions for all those that cant pay for this ning premium, and yes, dolphin is there, and right at the very top in this spreadsheet its talking about support, and for dolphin, well, see more the comment say it all really. " Totally worthless is boonex support" and this spreadsheet is being seen by thousands of people. This is the damage though that is being created by the carry on here. Like HL says, there is just something about all of this that can just wear a person out, and people are starting to reflect that, when D7 or boonex gets mentioned elsewhere...
It's a bit epic alright, but I believe that's a long-established tradition here. There's something remarkable in being consistently epic, and it should be respected.
Tyke, this is the main reason for my post. i like Dolphin, and it does have the potential to be a good piece of software, but there are issues that need addressing other than trying to pack more features into it. i sometimes think that this is the main focus - to the detriment of all of the the other aspects that go towards providing and maintaining a package and community like this, and that includes support, stability, and providing all of the other general expectations that the public have. I see more know that some will argue that you cannot compare Dolphin to other products like Joomla, phpBB etc, but regardless of how similar / dissimilar they are - the expectations are the same. These other products set the bar that Boonex have to follow.

I know that it is not possible to fix all of these issues at once, but I truly think that the focus is in the wrong place. Having spent the past 20 years in the software industry, Dolphin is so very obviously a project being run by software engineers, none of which have any idea about project management. Dolphin is a typical example of what happens when you let softies take the wheel. From what I have seen over the past two or so years - this Fish is simply chasing it's tail. When it gets to where it set off to reach, the goal has been moved and so it has to set off again, and instead of having a community of dedicated followers, there are a small core of people surrounded by a high turnover of peripheral users, most of whom do not leave with a good impression.

Not that I am trying to be detrimental towards softies - After all, this is my own background. There are obviously some talented dev's working on this project and from what I understand, this is not paid work - or it does not pay well, but even so it needs someone with some formal management skills to give the project some direction or it will simply never be finished.
Not finished = no product stability = no product maturity = Boonex looks like a perpetual startup company, with a permanent beta product.

There is even talk of Dolphin 8 - and 7 isn't even anywhere near being finished. This is simply lining 7 up to be a carbon copy repeat of 6 - unfinished, no longer supported, obsolete software with a community of users that have $$$$'s invested in a white elephant and are rightfully annoyed. There is no point in having a parallel development of 8 happening if see more 7 gets dropped the moment that 8 is half workable.

So how to fix it??? What needs to happen???

I will actually put my money where my mouth is here, and give out some free advice.
1 - Draft up a Gannt of the project, you can use Microsoft project, or Open project, but make sure you use a proper project management tool. Also, put everything into it - not just the software and trac items but everything - including all future plans, such as Dolphin 8. Include your resources and their availability too. Make sure that you map the dependencies correctly as well. You will easily be able to see what you can achieve, and where you are kidding yourself. Make sure that you put in realistic see more estimates for time, or the whole thing is worthless - if you ask a softie to give you an estimate - double it - and I'm not joking on this point. Assign the tasks to the resources, making sure that you take into account their strengths, weaknesses and availability. Also make sure you map out some realistic milestones these are what you should be pushing for. Forget putting an end date at this stage - just map everything out and see where the end date ends up - also realise that to bring this date forwards requires applying additional resources. I think that you will be very surprised at how long it will take to get to where you want to be when it is all formally laid out. And don;t forget to allow a little for contingency too.

2 - Maintain a 'shit list' - a list of issues - these are usually things that prevent you from achieving the tasks on the Gannt - the two work hand in hand - the shit list helps you to proritise what needs to happen. Each issue has a priority, a percentage finished, a due date and an assignee, This determines the day to day activities - once an item is finished it comes off of the list. If a new item get added with a higher priority - it gets precedence. Issue this to everyone so that everyone is aware of the current issues and what they are supposed to be working on. The shit list ideally applies to current tasks but may also have long term impact issues on there as well.
These two tools alone are the basic tools for controlling all projects - the third critical item - is a formal scope or Functional Design Specification. This outlines what dolphin is, and how it should work.

So now everyone knows - what they are supposed to be doing / when they are supposed to be doing it and how it is supposed to be done.

3 - Full time cover for unity forums - this needs to happen, however it is achieved - you are operating across multiple time zones - if posts get left see more for more than a few hours they simply disappear - fix this one and you will win the most brownie points. This is your public face - this is what people see of your operations - if it was run better, you would not have people like me complaining about it.
4 - Fix up the issues with Unity and the marketplace. Whilst the software is the singular most important thing for most, you need to get your house in order first. There are only a few issues here, but they make a big big impact.

5 - Commit to a release schedule, fix a date and then stick to it. If something is 90% done - sorry but it does not postpone the release date. Don't let the softies give you the date - choose a date and tell them about it - remember - you are the manager - not them. You see more need to maintain control.

6 - Prioritise what gets fixed first - if some things are simply so broken that you will not get around to fixing them up for 3 months - pull them from release, it hurts reputation more to have a half baked attempt released than it does not have it not released at all, if you are under resourced, you need to accept that no matter how you dress the issue, you cannot achieve everything. It's simple and quick to remove modules or comment out features in code. You need to be bold here. This is where the Gannt and shit list comes into it's own as it will help highlight high risk items.
7 - The same applies to new features. The software is modular - so ideally new features should be released as new modules - not updates to the core. If the new features cannot be released in this manner then you need to go rethink the way that the module system works. The other benefit that releasing features as modules has, is that if one is broken, the issue is perceived as being with the module - not the core software. All a simple case of perception. The first priority should be to get the core see more working correctly first, and then essential modules followed by new features. I would put a hold on features until the bugs are addressed first - regardless of the noise from the forums.

8 - Draft up some procedures for how releases are handled, packaged and released - including what to do if there is an issue. Also look at procedures and methods for development and testing - including a better beta test program, and how bug reporting is handled. Once you have decided on these methods - stick to them. What you are doing here is creating a company procedures manual - or at least the start of one - everyone gets a copy and everyone follows it - everyone knows what they should be doing and everyone pulls in the right direction. You can also expand on this to include lots of other stuff - like how mods operate in the forums, how you answer the phone - whatever it is that needs to go in there. This is an essential part of ISO9001, start getting this together now and you can eventually go for accreditation.
9 - If any this stuff is beyond your capabilities - invest in a course or employ someone who can do it - the money you pay will be repaid over and again in having a more efficient business, that is more profitable. Realise your limitations, and pass the reins if need be.

Most of this is about minimising your exposure - getting to a position where things are working and then building from there - small steps - small release cycles - these help minimise risk - if you screw up a release - retract see more it. You cannot do this when there are 4 months between releases. But most of all - develop a plan and try your best to stick to it.

i see you at least got a response from the staff here. my post was ignored by those who could fix the issue. wonder why that is?

Not sure, maybe I touched a nerve?


Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.