First Blog Jeez!

jordan posted 1st of December 2009 in Community Voice. 5 comments.

I cant believe after 200 some odd days Iv never writen a blog this will be my first blog, telling my experiences with Boonex Community Software! I'v started a community Fansite site for a virtual world Iv played for about 4 years, When I first started I knew nothing about FTP, Cpanels or anything, Crazy huh? Starting from a free site, to a pretty great site with wonderful members, Iv searched high and low for a software to use and I'v tried a few but nothing beats boonex! Boonex offers one of the best community scripts if you ask me, Iv enjoyed dolphin alot and the members that surround its community Iv had encounters with some wonder members who support and love the software also, These members have helped me along the way and I can say with a smile that I'v enjoyed you guys. I'm really glad I came across Dolphin and shall use it for years to come, P.S cant wait to see what the future holds for boonex, if you ask me the skys the limit!



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Hi Jordan are you a fellow Thereian?
lol you know i replied before looking at your profile, the sky is the limit...wearing a jet pack ;)
Woo Hoo.. Another step towards the Unity family :)
Thanks for expressing your feelings.

I can feel your Joy.
Thank you guys, Grey the joys in the air!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.