First Blog

jaguarxt posted 11th of July 2009 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I am amazed of the amount of scammers sending messages to my Unity account. First off, this site is about the server site applications that Boonex makes and supports. This is not a dating site or a place to scam people with. As you see in my pics, I am married with a wonderful wife and have an awesome son.

I am testing Dolphin site application for a pagan community website. I like Dolphin for its a place for a community to put their thoughts up on, let others now events, show pics, show videos, forum, chat, who is who, etc...So I am trying to get Dolphin up and going for my pagan community. That is why I am here.

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It's a problem that is currently being addressed. Unity is going to go to the Dolphin 7 format soon and the powers that be have said that efforts are being made to send the spammers packing.

It's very annoying isn't it?

By the way, I have some Christmas Baskets for sale.

(Just kidding) ; )
Just mark them as spam and block them?? I know what you mean. I was getting it all the time and I am not on here as much or post very often. When I do it seem to start stuff sometimes.. LOL..
Guess you don't have a public myspace, facebook, twitter, or other social networking related site? Even hotmail or yahoo email maybe? Because these baby's get loaded up with junk all day long everyday. Don't matter who you are. They look to see the recent logins on the member page and hit them all. I don't get flooded but get some. So I guess it's part of the game, unless there are some kind of privacy settings but these become pretty tricky.
Actually I did twitter for a little while. But was too busy with the family and my community to keep up with twitter. I never got the scammers there.

I have yahoo plus email with and got no scammers. I also have email. I got no scammers either.

Spam and scammers usually do hit the webmaster emails and social websites. I used work at as one of the people that busts scammers and try to stop scammers on friendfinder websites. I always surprised when I see someone falls see more for these scammers. Why would anyone believe in such stuff? I never understood.

But this is just my little pet peeve rant
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.