Filemaker Pro

RobertRun posted 16th of January 2009 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

I am thinking that I will likely use Filemaker Pro to organize all the info from my database.

Any other suggestions for simpler, less expesive ones thast do the same thing, or close to it?

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What kind of weirdo would give a post a negative vote and not leave their opinion about the subject?

Have a nice life enjoying your misery, whoever you are.

Most would probably say use MySQL, its free, it expands, and its FREE.

FileMaker Pro, depending on what you are wanting to do and how you want to manage it, is going to depend on the product you choose.

Not knowing what "info from your database" you are referring too, makes it hard to give an opinion.


If I am going to be preparing the data for analysis I am going to need a way to present it well. Filemaker Pro, from what I am learning is compatible with MySQL and other database formats.

The point is to be able to reformat the date into CSV and XL so it can be organized by clients.. etc..
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