Few bug in 6.1.1 and little wish list

totallyfreak posted 4th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Hi, here is the few bug i found.. maybe is already post by other user... but i take a guess....


1. Error with the counter of the new user register today... mine still show 6 new user when its been 3 days without any new register


2. no mail sent when a user use the forget password feature


3. Forum dont work show correctly on the index page... the preview of the forum is showing with all  [Text] all title is with the [   ] symbol and the auto creating forum with new group creation is now working... after you create a group, when you try to access to the forum of this group you got an error message like the page doesnt exist...


4. Cant desactivate  the payment option gateway... i try to set active only ccbill and it dont work... everytime i try to edit that and click on save... all the other payment gateway still be checked....


5. when i add an admin poll... it take a few time to be active... even if i set it active... 


6. when i use the my presence window, if i set my statut to Invisible... im still showing in the whos online user list


7. i create some new field in the profil page member... and if the user is not answering to those other profil question... like do you go clubbing, what sport do you like... i set a choice box.... but when user dont select one.. it should not appear on his profil page... but actually i got this error message appearing: 

Sports: _FieldValues_

The music I like: _FieldValues_

Book Reading: _FieldValues_


8. With opera browser, the intro image rotator dont rezise the pics


And here are some suggestion wish list...


1. Possibility to measure the bandwidth used per each user... and create some membership plan with that....  like restrict to x meg bandwitdh per day or month...   because the video sharing stuff is using a lot of bandwidth...


2. Category for video and audio....  and possibility to search into that database....  


3. Possibility to see whos online in the same city or same state....


4. Add the upload main profil picture on the join page and make it mandatory!


5. possibility to see [Most Commented] and [Most Viewed] in the blog, article, profile...etc in the same tab of top, most recent ,random


6. Possibility to member to see in his main account page how many new user is register since his last login... and possibility to see these member...


7. Possibility to record a profil voice message


8. Possibility to use more than one membership ID with the ccbill gateway

personnaly, i need to setup 6 different price of membership... and please make it support recurring billing...


9. Possibility to reconvert the mp3 files when they are uploaded on the site... so if an mp3 of 320k and i only want 98k the ray should reencode the file with less quality... same for video...set the quality you prefer to reencode all uploaded files


10. Add in the stats of the index page how many GUEST are online too..


So i just cant wait the release of the new dolphin with all the bug repair and the other new feature ;)


by the way the builder for page and field.... is AWSOME! very simple for now to custumize the website as you wish...

good job 

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Good recommendations...i wonder wat's up at boonex...they haven't told yet when is 6.1.2 coming...and neither do they have told about their plans about 6.2
hopefully 6.1.1 will be worked on until its functional 100% and not release anything.

**** _FieldValues_ in Profiles - Solution found ***

Enter a new Key in the LocalizationKeys table of your dolphin MySQL database. First see, what's the highest ID in this table by sorting and the append the next ID... For the Field IDCategory set the value 32 and for Key the value _FieldValues_

Save this new entry and open your LocalizationStrings table. Add a new entry with the IDKey you selected in the LocalizationKeys table as ID. Enter the IDLanguage of your selected language and for String see more set the value your want to be displayed on your site (for example no answer). Save this new entry and the change to your dolphin admin panel.

Go to Settings -> Language Settings and compile the language(s) you added the new String for.

Sorry for my english. I hope my How-To helps... ;-)

Greetings from Germany

chris from perfect-single.de
**** _FieldValues_ in Profiles - Solution found ***

Enter a new Key in the LocalizationKeys table of your dolphin MySQL database. First see, what's the highest ID in this table by sorting and the append the next ID... For the Field IDCategory set the value 32 and for Key the value _FieldValues_

Save this new entry and open your LocalizationStrings table. Add a new entry with the IDKey you selected in the LocalizationKeys table as ID. Enter the IDLanguage of your selected language and for String see more set the value your want to be displayed on your site (for example no answer). Save this new entry and the change to your dolphin admin panel.

Go to Settings -> Language Settings and compile the language(s) you added the new String for.

Sorry for my english. I hope my How-To helps... ;-)

Greetings from Germany

chris from http://perfect-single.de
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.