Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding()

midiwhale posted 10th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 16 comments.
Hi gang
I'm very excited about dolphin/ray.

I tried the demo on 2 hosts and it failed.
SO I signed up on boonex recommendation to hostforweb and guess what?
Yep it does NOT work!

A TAD dissapoining :-(

I get
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding() in

AFAIK this is because of the uninstalled, non standard need for mbstring.
Naturally I have asked webforhost for a solution, which I believe may be uploading modified copies of php.ini to all the required sub folders.
Unfortunately I can't find or create a php.ini file for webforhost, which is partly what I've had to ask them for.

But this was one host where I expected dolphin to work out of the box!

Is MBSTRING really necessary?
Can;t you write a function that is used if it absent for the part yo need?

Can't you get webforhost to have it ON by default.

If any one has a solution that would be great!

This will be an ON GOING repeat problem for every new user!

It's a real shame when a great product falls at the first hurdle, especially on the recommended host!

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you can't enable mbstring only in php.ini. mbstring has to be enabled whe compiling php from the source like #./configure --enable-mbstring ....

Thanks very much Klang.
Isn't that going to make any shared hosting awkward then?
It doesn't seem to be a very popular extension. 2/3 hosts for me any way.
Hi there,

You might want to consider a VPS solution. I do think that somewhere in the documentation the BoonEx folks do indicate that you need a VPS to properly run this software.

VPS is virtual private server, and those entry level packages aren't much more expensive than a quality shared hosting package.

I use the word 'quality' in the sense of 'you get what you pay for'. My reseller hosting package costs me 25 a month. I know many that have shared hosting for 3 to 5 dollars a month, see more but what can you expect for that?
Hello guys.

It seems to me that no one tends to read technical requirements when getting software or even buying it.

What is the reason for that? Laziness? Inattention? Whatever it is, you need to consider it in the first place before making assumptions like you did, Midiwhale.

Sorry for such rude approach, but I had to express myself :)

Here are the requirements:

The same problem troubleshooter can be found on this page:

Regards, see more Igor.
Technical Requirements ¶

Dolphin requires the following pre-requisites for your server:

* Linux/Unix (Red Hat, Debian, FreeBSD, Mandrake, etc.) or Windows OS, Apache Web Server

* Ability to run executable files (necessary for ffmpeg.exe)

* root SSH access (necessary for RMS installation)

* PHP 4.3.6 and higher (safe_mode must be Off, exec() must be allowed and allow_url_fopen also must be On) with mbstring, domxml and xsl extensions (they are required to run Orca see more forum and support UTF-8)

* MySQL 4.1.2 and higher

* GD library compiled with TrueType fonts (for photo processing) or ImageMagick as an alternative

* Sendmail or Postfix

* shell or another interface for setting Cron Jobs

* 20MB of disk space and 1MB of MySQL DB space for installation

* 8MB of disk space and 50KB of MySQL DB space for an average user

Otherwise you will not be able to install and operate Dolphin properly.

they never say u can't use shared host and only works on VPS -_-"
Sure IgorL, I appreciate I am an idiot ;-)

The problem is, non geeks, who are largely WHO this platform is aimed at, expect it to work, with NORMAL requirements, in legal terms "as is reasonable to expect".

If I was a real geek I would go make my own platform. And to be honest, that is what I am going off to do. Unbelievable I know.

On my fourth attempt, I found a host who DID meet Boonex's minimum requirements and "settings" out of the box, whether i knew that was why see more or not ;-)

BTW there's a bug in admin polls.
Things are too hard to change to make them different to every other boonex user :-(

And so we just end up with everyone trying to be MySpace instead of everyone having a blog. Oh dear :-(

I do genuinely appreciate your input and your need to speak.

But don't let Booonex turn in to MU, where the admins are so in to themselves, they won't answer basic and legitimate questions, even from real geeks, because they think they should KNOW already.

If we knew already, we would probably not want to use MU!

Boonex is a USER platform, not a geek sdk only for geeks.

If the minimum requirement is not the "norm", then boonex need to do something about that!
Either offer it working, or EXPLAIN WTF to do about it.

Just my need to speak too ;-)

Boonex is for users.
I am a user.
I had a hell of a job making it work.
I did get it to work but it cost me way too much time.
That is not a good USER experience.

That is something that boonex need to address unless they only want to appeal to geeks.

But if you don't want to help, why comment?
Keep the noise down.
RTFM does not help any one.
The other 2 comments were helpful and had a direct action solution.

And to answer your question, laziness, stupidity, but mainly TIME.

I expected boonex to save me time, by WFT working out of the box. How stupid am I ;-)

But I eventually got it to work without anyones help and I just don't like it after all that.

But don't destroy your community by being too precious about being a geek.

It's a USER platform. So support your f* users!

If newbies wind you up, just ignore them.
But we were all newbies once.
We are all trying to achieve something and reaching out for help.
If you don't want to help, that is fine. But why make noise?

I'm actually more dismayed by the eventual tech support response I had, than by your RTFM comment.

Bottom line is as a user, rather than a geek, I was prepared to shell out almost 1000 bucks to boonex for this to work.

Not to mention all the 3rd party devs I would have need to pay for add-ons and themes because I am short of time.

But between the fact it didn't work out of the box, them and you, that is a non starter now. Also I don't want to be yet another me too myspace, built on a platform that doesn't support its users

No offence intended.
Just my USER experience.
igor..you didnt read that he used hostforweb lol
pot calling the kettle black
heh yea...true2

currently facing the same problem ->
This will be an ON GOING repeat problem for every new user!
^ i agree
not being able to use shared hosting is a CRITICAL piece of info and should have been front and center in that requirements page someone so kindly offered us....

I too think that this will be an ON GOING repeat problem for every new user
i am currently testing dolphin 6.1.1 on my Windows server 2008/IIS 7 install. i have compiled php, set php-cgi, and guess what, yes i get this error. why? cause no matter what i set the value to mb_internal_encoding to, it still rejects it.
I installed mine on a shared host... works perfectly.

Actually, I have installed on 3 different shared hosts, 2 Linux, and 1 Windows... still works perfectly.

The only thing I've contracted remotely, is RMS... which for the year, costs me about as much as a burger, biggie fries and a large coke. And since I'm trying to stay fit, I'm better off without the burger and such anyways ;-)

bkey... you say "this error", without saying what it actually is... sometimes the obvious can be see more the biggest mystery of all. Pop into the forums and post the details (if you haven't already). I've seen some complain about not getting any help... maybe it's bad karma or something, because I must say, honestly, I've found there to be a fantastic group of people in the forums, always willing to lend a hand... best of luck, I'm sure things will get sorted.


P.S. I can't stop thinking about french fries now... arrrg lol
I am on a private dedicated server , i am a noobie at this installation onto server- i am a designer developer ... I need to know what this means.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /home/swaggcom/public_html/community/install/index.php on line 541
Hi everybody,
I just found Dolphin and Boonex literally yesterday and was eager to get started. I ran into the exact same issue as above. Fortunately, I had already encountered similar scripting issues with another piece of software and was advised by the software owner to get a VPS. So I am starting with a VPS in this.

However, after loading the script up onto my server, the familiar error appeared ==>Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding() I Googled this exact message and see more came upon this forum. No, actually, I came upon another which I'm not sure of at the moment that mentioned php4 vs php5. Sure enough, my VPS was not configured with php5. So I contacted my hosting company support, and had them recompile the server with php5.

I tried to view the install.index.php in browser again and still the same error.

Then I Googled again and found this forum where I read Klangschlaufe's post. So I emailed my host company support again and had them recompile with mbstring. Well, it worked. At least so far as viewing the index install page. We'll see what else Dolphin has in store from here.

Thanks Klangschlaufe for the tip.

see morei just turned 18 yesterday, im a bit of a computer nerd, i work for my school as a tech assist. and i am trying to make a community site for photographers in my area. i extracted the dolphin file to my site i have hosted with godaddy.


and i get this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding() in /home/content/b/m/o/bmollica/html/photographers/install/index.php on line 541

what do i need to do? please help
You don't need to do anything.

SOMEBODY FROM THE BOONEX TEAM has to add the mb_internal_encoding function wherever it should be, because right now it's called from install/index.php BUT IT'S NOT DEFINED ANYWHERE!
You don't need to do anything.

SOMEBODY FROM THE BOONEX TEAM has to add the mb_internal_encoding where it should be, because right now it's called from install/index.php BUT IT'S NOT DEFINED ANYWHERE!

Just comment the 54 line until then.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.